All Packages  Class Hierarchy


Index of all Fields and Methods


AccountOptionsMessage(byte, String, int, int, int, int, int, int, long). Constructor for class tc.message.AccountOptionsMessage
Initializes a new AccountOptionsMessage object with the given arguments.
AccountOptionsMessage(String, int, int, int, int, int, int, long). Constructor for class tc.message.AccountOptionsMessage
Initializes a new AccountOptionsMessage object with the given arguments.
AccountOptionsMessageHandler(ConnectionManager, DatabaseManager, MessageHandler). Constructor for class tc.message.handler.server.AccountOptionsMessageHandler
Initializes the AccountOptionsMessageHandler with the given arguments.
AccountOptionsMessageHandler(ConnectionManager, TimeGrid, CalendarPanel, MessageHandler). Constructor for class tc.message.handler.client.AccountOptionsMessageHandler
Initializes the AccountOptionsMessageHandler with the given arguments.
actionAdd(). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Adds new time slice(s) to the time grid (and to the visual grid component) according to the current selections in the visual grid.
actionMarkers(). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Sets the current marker according to the selection made in the marker dialog.
actionModify(). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Modifies time slice(s) in the time grid (and int the visual grid component) according to the current selections in the visual grid and the selections made by the user in the modify dialog.
actionNextPage(). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Moves the visible part of the time grid forward (if the move will not go over grid edge).
actionPreviousPage(). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Moves the visible part of the time grid backwards (if the move will not go over grid edge).
actionProperties(). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Shows the property dialog and (if the user confirms the selections made in the dialog) sets time grid and calendar panel properties according to the selections.
actionRemove(). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Removes time slice(s) from the time grid (and from the visual grid component) according to the current selections in the visual grid and the selections made by the user in the remove dialog.
ADD_TIME_SLICES. Static variable in class tc.message.MsgConst
ADD_TIME_SLICES_RESULT. Static variable in class tc.message.MsgConst
addedTimeSlices. Variable in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
The time slices that have been added by the user.
addItem. Variable in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
A menu item.
addModelListener(MatrixModelListener). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Adds a model event listener to this model.
addPopupMenuItem(String). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Adds a new item into the popup menu of this calendar panel.
addTimeSlice(TimeSlice). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Adds the given time slice to the existing time slices.
addTimeSlices(Vector). Method in interface tc.application.Calendar
Adds the given time slices to the database.
addTimeSlices(Vector). Method in class tc.application.CalendarClient
Adds the given time slices to the database.
addTimeSlices(Vector). Method in class tc.application.LocalCalendar
Adds the given time slices to the database.
addTimeSlices(Vector). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Adds the given time slices to the existing time slices.
AddTimeSlicesQuery(Vector). Constructor for class tc.database.AddTimeSlicesQuery
Constructs a new time slice addition query for the given slices.
addWorkDoneRowToDataSet(QueryDataSet, int, long, long). Method in class tc.database.AddTimeSlicesQuery
Adds a new row to the 'WorkDone' table.
appendElements(Vector, Vector). Static method in class tc.util.VectorUtils
Appends elements from one vector to another.
askUsernameAndPassword(). Method in class tc.application.CalendarFrame
Shows password dialog.
asString(Vector). Static method in class tc.util.VectorUtils
Returns a string representation of a vector of elements.


borderColor. Variable in class tc.ui.ColorCanvas
The border color of the color canvas.
borderLayout. Variable in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Layout for the calendar panel.
BUTTON_GAP. Static variable in class tc.ui.UIConst
BUTTON_HEIGHT. Static variable in class tc.ui.UIConst
BUTTON_WIDTH. Static variable in class tc.ui.UIConst
buttonPanel. Variable in class tc.ui.MarkerDialog
Panel for buttons.
buttonPanel. Variable in class tc.ui.ModifyDialog
buttonPanel. Variable in class tc.application.PasswordDialog
buttonPanel. Variable in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
buttonPanel. Variable in class tc.ui.RemoveDialog
buttonPanel. Variable in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog


calculate(QueryDataSet). Method in class tc.database.AddTimeSlicesQuery
Finalizes the query by adding time slices to the given dataset.
calculate(QueryDataSet). Method in class tc.database.ConnectionTestQuery
Do nothing: no actual calculation is needed.
calculate(QueryDataSet). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseQuery
Finalizes the query by possible gathering information from the given datset (that is formed based on the SQL query that getSQLClause returned) or modifying the dataset.
calculate(QueryDataSet). Method in class tc.database.GetAccountOptionsQuery
Finalizes the query by creating a new AccountOptionsMessage based on the first row in the dataset and setting the message as the result property.
calculate(QueryDataSet). Method in class tc.database.GetMarkersQuery
Finalizes the query by creating a Vector of Marker objects to reflect the rows in the dataset.
calculate(QueryDataSet). Method in class tc.database.GetTimeSlicesQuery
Finalizes the query by creating a Vector of TimeSlice objects reflecting the rows in the dataset.
calculate(QueryDataSet). Method in class tc.database.RemoveTimeSlicesQuery
Finalizes the query by removing the time slices from the dataset.
calculate(QueryDataSet). Method in class tc.database.UpdateAccountOptionsQuery
Finalizes the query by changing the options values of the proper row in the dataset.
calculate(QueryDataSet). Method in class tc.database.UpdateMarkersQuery
Finalizes the query by updating the markers.
calculate(QueryDataSet). Method in class tc.database.UsernameAndPasswordQuery
Finalizes the query by checking the username/ password combination.
calculateGridColumnCount(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Determines the grid width from the grid start and end dates and the column unit.
calculateGridRowCount(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Determines the grid height from the grid column and row units.
calendar. Variable in class tc.application.CalendarFrame
The client whose frame this is.
CalendarClient(String[]). Constructor for class tc.application.CalendarClient
Initializes the client by calling the super classes constructor, creates a frame for the client, and opens the database.
CalendarFrame(Calendar). Constructor for class tc.application.CalendarFrame
Creates and initilaizes a new frame for the given calendar.
calendarPanel. Variable in class tc.message.handler.client.AccountOptionsMessageHandler
The calendar panel to which some values from the message are assigned.
calendarPanel. Variable in class tc.application.CalendarFrame
The calendar panel of this client frame.
CalendarPanel(Frame, TimeGrid). Constructor for class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Initializes the calendar panel with the given owner frame and time grid.
cancelButton. Variable in class tc.ui.MarkerDialog
A button.
cancelButton. Variable in class tc.application.PasswordDialog
cancelButton. Variable in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
cancelButton. Variable in class tc.ui.RemoveDialog
cancelButton. Variable in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
cancelButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class tc.ui.MarkerDialog
Called when the cancel button has been pushed.
cancelButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class tc.application.PasswordDialog
cancelButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
cancelButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class tc.ui.RemoveDialog
cancelButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
client. Variable in class tc.message.handler.client.ResultMessageHandler
The client whose status line is to be updated according to the received ResultMessages.
Client(String[]). Constructor for class connection.socket.Client
Constructs a new Client and processes command line arguments.
CLOSE_DATABASE. Static variable in class tc.message.MsgConst
CLOSE_DATABASE_RESULT. Static variable in class tc.message.MsgConst
closeDatabase(). Method in interface tc.application.Calendar
Closes the database.
closeDatabase(). Method in class tc.application.CalendarClient
Closes the database.
closeDatabase(). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
Closes the database.
closeDatabase(). Method in class tc.application.LocalCalendar
Closes the database.
color. Variable in class tc.ui.ColorCanvas
The inner color of the color canvas.
color. Variable in class tc.calendar.Marker
The color of the marker.
colorButton. Variable in class tc.ui.MarkerDialog
A button.
colorButton. Variable in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
colorButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class tc.ui.MarkerDialog
Called when the color button has been pushed.
colorButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
colorCanvas. Variable in class tc.ui.MarkerDialog
A canvas to show marker color.
colorCanvas. Variable in class tc.ui.ModifyDialog
colorCanvas. Variable in class tc.ui.RemoveDialog
colorCanvas. Variable in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
ColorCanvas(). Constructor for class tc.ui.ColorCanvas
ColorCellItemPainter(). Constructor for class tc.ui.ColorCellItemPainter
Creates and initializes a new ColorCellItemPainter.
colorChooser. Variable in class tc.ui.MarkerDialog
The color chooser dialog.
colorChooser. Variable in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
COLUMN_SIZE. Static variable in class tc.ui.UIConst
columnLabel. Variable in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
columns. Variable in class tc.message.AccountOptionsMessage
The columns.
columnsInWindowField. Variable in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
columnUnit. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
The column unit.
comparePasswords(byte[], byte[]). Method in class tc.database.UsernameAndPasswordQuery
Compares two passwords and returns true if they match and false if they don't match.
connect(). Method in class connection.socket.Client
Connects to the server.
connectionDescriptor. Variable in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
The connection descriptor for the database.
connectionManager. Variable in class connection.socket.Client
The connection manager.
connectionManager. Variable in class connection.MessageHandler
The connection manager that deliveres messages.
ConnectionManager(InputStream, OutputStream). Constructor for class connection.ConnectionManager
Constructs a connection manager and initilises it with a message reader attached to the given input stream and a message writer attached to the given output stream.
ConnectionManager(InputStream, OutputStream, MessageHandler). Constructor for class connection.ConnectionManager
Constructs a connection manager and initilises it with a message reader attached to the given input stream, a message writer attached to the given output stream, and a message handler.
ConnectionTestQuery(). Constructor for class tc.database.ConnectionTestQuery
copyElements(Vector, Vector). Static method in class tc.util.VectorUtils
Copies elements from one vector to another.
copyTimeSlices(Vector, Vector). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Creates copies of time slices in a vector and puts them to another vector.
createDataSet(String, boolean). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
Creates a new QueryDataSet and executes the specified query to fill it.
createMessageHandlers(ConnectionManager, MessageHandler). Method in class tc.application.CalendarClient
Creates the message handlers for the client.
createMessageHandlers(ConnectionManager, MessageHandler). Method in class connection.socket.Client
Creates the message handlers for the client.
createMessageHandlers(ConnectionManager, MessageHandler). Method in class tc.application.DatabaseServer
Implements the method defined in Server by creating the message handlers for the database server.
createMessageHandlers(ConnectionManager, MessageHandler). Method in class connection.socket.Server
Creates the message handlers for the server.
createVector(Object). Static method in class tc.util.VectorUtils
Creates a vector with given element.
createVector(Object, Object). Static method in class tc.util.VectorUtils
Creates a vector with given elements.
createVector(Object, Object, Object). Static method in class tc.util.VectorUtils
Creates a vector with given elements.
createVector(Object, Object, Object, Object). Static method in class tc.util.VectorUtils
Creates a vector with given elements.
createVector(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object). Static method in class tc.util.VectorUtils
Creates a vector with given elements.
createVector(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object). Static method in class tc.util.VectorUtils
Creates a vector with given elements.
criticalDate. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
The critical date.
currentMarker. Variable in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
The current marker that can be used for adding new time slices.


data. Variable in class tc.calendar.Marker
The data associated with the marker.
database. Variable in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
The database.
DATABASE_START_FAILED. Static variable in class tc.message.MsgConst
DatabaseAlreadyClosedException(). Constructor for class tc.database.DatabaseAlreadyClosedException
DatabaseAlreadyOpenException(). Constructor for class tc.database.DatabaseAlreadyOpenException
DatabaseCalendarPanel(Frame, TimeGrid). Constructor for class tc.application.DatabaseCalendarPanel
Constructs a new DatabaseCalendarPanel for visualizing the given TimeGrid in the given Frame.
databaseManager. Variable in class tc.message.handler.server.DatabaseMessageHandler
The database manager.
databaseManager. Variable in class tc.database.DatabaseQuery
The database manager that executes this query.
databaseManager. Variable in class tc.application.LocalCalendar
DatabaseManager handles the connection to the database.
DatabaseManager(). Constructor for class tc.database.DatabaseManager
Constructs a new DatabaseManager object and tries to start it.
DatabaseMessageHandler(ConnectionManager, DatabaseManager, MessageHandler). Constructor for class tc.message.handler.server.DatabaseMessageHandler
Creates a new database message handler.
DatabaseNotOpenException(). Constructor for class tc.database.DatabaseNotOpenException
databaseOpen. Variable in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
Determines whether the database is open.
DatabaseQuery(). Constructor for class tc.database.DatabaseQuery
DatabaseServer(String[]). Constructor for class tc.application.DatabaseServer
Constructs a new DatabaseServer.
databaseStarted. Variable in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
Determines whether the database was succesfully started.
databaseStartException. Variable in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
The possible exception that occured upon a failed database start.
dateFormat. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeSlice
Formatter for times.
dateFormat. Variable in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
dateToColumn(long). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Returns the grid column that corresponds to the given date.
dateToRow(long). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Returns the grid row that corresponds to the given date.
DATExHOUR. Static variable in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
DAY_FORMAT. Static variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Formatter string for days.
dayColumnFormat. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Formatter day columns.
dayWeekRowFormat. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Formatter for days of week in rows.
DEFAULT_PORT. Static variable in class connection.socket.Client
The default port of the server.
DEFAULT_PORT. Static variable in class connection.socket.Server
The default port of the server.
deselectAllButton. Variable in class tc.ui.RemoveDialog
deselectAllButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class tc.ui.RemoveDialog
disconnect(). Method in class connection.socket.Client
Disconnects from the server.
dismissButton. Variable in class tc.ui.ModifyDialog
dismissButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class tc.ui.ModifyDialog
doValidationCheck(). Method in class tc.database.AddTimeSlicesQuery
Checks that database manager has fetched proper markers before executing this query.
doValidationCheck(). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseQuery
DatabaseManager always calls this method before the actual calculation.
doValidationCheck(). Method in class tc.database.GetMarkersQuery
Checks that the database manager has opened the database.
doValidationCheck(). Method in class tc.database.GetTimeSlicesQuery
Checks that the database manager has fetched proper markers.
doValidationCheck(). Method in class tc.database.RemoveTimeSlicesQuery
Checks that the database manager has fetched proper markers.
doValidationCheck(). Method in class tc.database.UpdateAccountOptionsQuery
Checks that the database manager has opened the database.


end. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeSlice
End of the time slice as milliseconds from the January 1st 1970.
endField. Variable in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
endLabel. Variable in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
endTimeToString(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeSlice
Returns the start time as a formatted string.
exceptionObservers. Variable in class connection.ConnectionManager
The objetcs that are notified upon an exception during a read or a write.
exceptionOccured(Exception). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
An exception has occured during message sending or receiving.
exceptionOccured(Exception). Method in interface connection.ExceptionObserver
This callback function is invoked by ConnectionManager if an exception occurs during a socket action.
existingTimeSlices(MatrixLocation). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Returns a vector of those time slices that reside in the given matrix location (the location is given in visible window coordinates not in the time grid's internal grid coordinates).
expandGrid(boolean). Method in class tc.application.DatabaseCalendarPanel
Expands the time grid by fetching new time information from the database.


fail(Exception, String). Static method in class connection.socket.Server
Exit with an error message, when an exception occurs.
FAILED. Static variable in class tc.message.ResultMessage
The status byte constant for negative response.
find(Object). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Returns the storage location of the passed data object.
firstRow. Variable in class tc.message.AccountOptionsMessage
The first row.
frame. Static variable in class tc.application.CalendarClient
The client's frame.
frame. Variable in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
The frame that owns this panel.
frame. Static variable in class tc.application.LocalCalendar
The calendar's frame.
frame. Variable in class tc.ui.ModifyDialog
frame. Variable in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog


get(int, int). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Returns data object at row and column.
GET_MARKERS. Static variable in class tc.message.MsgConst
GET_MARKERS_RESULT. Static variable in class tc.message.MsgConst
GET_TIME_SLICES. Static variable in class tc.message.MsgConst
GET_TIME_SLICES_RESULT. Static variable in class tc.message.MsgConst
GetAccountOptionsQuery(). Constructor for class tc.database.GetAccountOptionsQuery
getAddedTimeSlices(). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Gets the time slices that have been added by the user.
getBackground(ItemPaintSite, int). Method in class tc.ui.ColorCellItemPainter
Returns the color to be used when painting the background of the cell.
getBorderColor(). Method in class tc.ui.ColorCanvas
Gets the border color of the color canvas.
getCalendar(). Method in class tc.application.CalendarFrame
Returns the client whose frame this is.
getCalendarPanel(). Method in class tc.message.handler.client.AccountOptionsMessageHandler
Gets the calendar panel to which some values from the message are assigned.
getCalendarPanel(). Method in class tc.application.CalendarFrame
Returns the calendar panel.
getClassName(). Method in class connection.Message
Gets the (short) class name this message.
getClient(). Method in class tc.message.handler.client.ResultMessageHandler
Gets the client whose status line is to be updated according to the received ResultMessages.
getColor(). Method in class tc.ui.ColorCanvas
Gets the inner color of the color canvas.
getColor(). Method in class tc.calendar.Marker
Gets the color of the marker.
getColorChooser(). Method in class tc.ui.MarkerDialog
Gets the color chooser dialog.
getColorChooser(). Method in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
getColumnCount(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Returns count of columns.
getColumnHeader(int). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Returns the header of the given column.
getColumns(). Method in class tc.message.AccountOptionsMessage
Gets the columns.
getColumnsInWindow(). Method in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
getColumnUnit(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Gets the column unit.
getConnectionDescriptor(). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
Returns connection descriptor for the database.
getConnectionManager(). Method in class connection.socket.Client
Gets the connection manager.
getConnectionManager(). Method in class connection.MessageHandler
Returns the connection manager.
getCriticalDate(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Gets the critical date.
getCurrentMarker(). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Gets the current marker that can be used for adding new time slices.
getData(). Method in class tc.calendar.Marker
Gets the data associated with the marker.
getDatabase(). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
Returns the database.
getDatabaseManager(). Method in class tc.message.handler.server.DatabaseMessageHandler
Returns the database manager.
getDatabaseManager(). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseQuery
Gets the DatabaseManager of this query.
getDatabaseManager(). Method in class tc.application.LocalCalendar
Returns the DatabaseManager.
getDatabaseStartException(). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
Gets the possible exception occured during database starting.
getDate(int, int). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Returns the date that corresponds to the given window column and row.
getDateFormat(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeSlice
Gets the date and time formatter.
getDateFormat(). Method in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
getElement(Vector, String). Static method in class tc.util.VectorUtils
Returns the element with the specified name (returned by toString()) from the given vector.
getEnd(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeSlice
Returns the end of the time slice as milliseconds from the January 1st 1970.
getExceptionObservers(). Method in class connection.ConnectionManager
Returns the exception observers.
getFirstRow(). Method in class tc.message.AccountOptionsMessage
Gets the first row.
getForeground(TimeSlice, int). Method in class tc.ui.ColorCellItemPainter
Returns the color to be used when painting the foreground of the cell.
getFrame(). Method in class tc.application.CalendarClient
Returns the client's frame.
getFrame(). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Gets the frame that owns this panel.
getFrame(). Method in class tc.application.LocalCalendar
Returns the calendar's frame.
getFrame(). Method in class tc.ui.ModifyDialog
getFrame(). Method in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
getGranularity(). Method in class tc.message.AccountOptionsMessage
Gets the granularity.
getGranularity(). Method in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
Returns the granularity: DATExHOUR or WEEKxDAY.
getGranularityString(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Returns the string representing the granularity of the grid.
getGrid(). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Gets the user interface widget for showing the time grid.
getGrid(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Gets the actual two dimensional array of vectors of time slices to where the time slices are sorted to be displayed in the CalendarPanel.
getGridColumnCount(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Gets the grid column count.
getGridEndDate(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Gets the grid end date.
getGridIncrement(). Method in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
getGridIncrement(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Gets the grid column increment.
getGridRowCount(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Gets the grid row count.
getGridSize(). Method in class tc.message.AccountOptionsMessage
Gets the grid size.
getGridStartDate(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Gets the grid start date.
getHost(). Static method in class connection.socket.Client
Gets the host name of the server.
getInitialGridStartDate(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Gets initial value for the start date.
getInputStream(). Method in class connection.MessageReader
Gets the input stream.
getMarker(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeSlice
Returns the marker of the time slice.
getMarkerDialog(). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Gets the marker dialog.
getMarkerID(). Method in class tc.database.InvalidMarkerException
Gets the marker id that caused the exception.
getMarkerID(). Method in class tc.calendar.Marker
Gets the unique id of the marker.
getMarkerID(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeSlice
Gets the marker id of the time slice.
getMarkerIDs(). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
Returns the marker ids of the user.
getMarkers(). Method in interface tc.application.Calendar
Gets the markers from the database and sets them to the calendar panel.
getMarkers(). Method in class tc.application.CalendarClient
Gets the markers from the database and sets them to the calendar panel.
getMarkers(). Method in class tc.application.LocalCalendar
Gets the markers from the database and sets them to the calendar panel.
getMarkers(). Method in class tc.message.MarkersMessage
Gets the vector of Marker objects.
getMarkers(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Gets the markers.
GetMarkersQuery(). Constructor for class tc.database.GetMarkersQuery
getMessageHandler(). Method in class connection.ConnectionManager
Returns the message handler.
getMessageReader(). Method in class connection.ConnectionManager
Returns the message reader.
getMessageWriter(). Method in class connection.ConnectionManager
Returns the message writer.
getModifyDialog(). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Gets the modify dialog.
getModifyDialog(). Method in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
getMsg(). Method in class tc.message.ResultMessage
Gets the message string.
getMsgID(). Method in class connection.Message
Gets the message id.
getMsgString(byte). Static method in class tc.message.MsgConst
getNextPageSize(). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Gets the number of columns to move forwards (or backwards) when the user selects "Next Page" (or "Previous Page") in the popup menu.
getNextPageSize(). Method in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
getOutputStream(). Method in class connection.MessageWriter
Gets the output stream.
getPageSize(). Method in class tc.message.AccountOptionsMessage
Gets page size.
getParameters(). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseQuery
Gets the parameters needed to execute the query.
getPasswd(). Method in class tc.message.OpenDatabaseMessage
Gets the user's (encrypted) password as a byte array.
getPassword(). Method in class tc.application.CalendarFrame
Returns the password.
getPassword(). Method in class tc.application.PasswordDialog
getPasswordDialog(). Method in class tc.application.CalendarFrame
Returns the username and password dialog.
getPortNumber(). Method in class connection.socket.Server
Gets the port number.
getPreferredSize(Object, Graphics, int, ItemPaintSite). Method in class tc.ui.ColorCellItemPainter
Returns the preferred size of the ItemPainter.
getPropertyDialog(). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Gets the property dialog.
getRemoveDialog(). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Gets the remove dialog.
getRemovedTimeSlices(). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Gets the time slices that have been removed by the user.
getResult(). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseQuery
Returns the query result.
getRowCount(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Returns count of rows.
getRowHeader(int). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Returns the header of the given row.
getRows(). Method in class tc.message.AccountOptionsMessage
Gets the rows.
getRowsInWindow(). Method in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
getRowUnit(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Gets the row unit.
getSelectedMarker(). Method in class tc.ui.MarkerDialog
Returns the marker that is currently selected in the markers list or null if nothing is selected.
getSelectedTimeSlice(). Method in class tc.ui.ModifyDialog
getSelectedTimeSlices(). Method in class tc.ui.RemoveDialog
getSQLClause(). Method in class tc.database.AddTimeSlicesQuery
Returns the SQL query for creating the needed dataset.
getSQLClause(). Method in class tc.database.ConnectionTestQuery
Returns the SQL query for creating the needed dataset.
getSQLClause(). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseQuery
This method must return the SQL clause that is used to create a QueryDataSet for this query.
getSQLClause(). Method in class tc.database.GetAccountOptionsQuery
Returns the SQL query for creating the needed dataset.
getSQLClause(). Method in class tc.database.GetMarkersQuery
Returns the SQL query for creating the needed dataset.
getSQLClause(). Method in class tc.database.GetTimeSlicesQuery
Returns the SQL query for creating the needed dataset.
getSQLClause(). Method in class tc.database.RemoveTimeSlicesQuery
Returns the SQL query for creating the needed dataset.
getSQLClause(). Method in class tc.database.UpdateAccountOptionsQuery
Returns the SQL query for creating the needed dataset.
getSQLClause(). Method in class tc.database.UpdateMarkersQuery
Returns the SQL query for creating the needed dataset.
getSQLClause(). Method in class tc.database.UsernameAndPasswordQuery
Returns the SQL query for creating the needed dataset.
getStart(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeSlice
Returns the start of the time slice as milliseconds from the January 1st 1970.
getStartDate(). Method in class tc.message.AccountOptionsMessage
Gets the start date.
getStatus(). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Gets the status text from the status bar.
getStatus(). Method in class tc.message.ResultMessage
Gets the status byte.
getStatusBar(). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Gets the status bar.
getSuccessor(). Method in class connection.MessageHandler
Returns the successor in the message handler chain.
getTimeGrid(). Method in class tc.message.handler.client.AccountOptionsMessageHandler
Gets the time grid to which values from the message are assigned.
getTimeGrid(). Method in interface tc.application.Calendar
Returns the time grid.
getTimeGrid(). Method in class tc.application.CalendarClient
Returns the time grid.
getTimeGrid(). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Gets the calendar information (the model) this calendar panel visualizes.
getTimeGrid(). Method in class tc.application.LocalCalendar
Returns the time grid.
getTimeGrid(). Method in class tc.message.handler.client.MarkersMessageHandler
Gets the time grid to which the markers from the message are assigned.
getTimeGrid(). Method in class tc.message.handler.client.TimeSlicesMessageHandler
Gets the time grid to which the time slices from the message are added.
getTimeSlice(). Method in class tc.message.GetTimeSlicesMessage
Returns the time slice representing a period of time from which time slices are fetched.
getTimeSlice(). Method in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
getTimeSlicePropertiesDialog(). Method in class tc.ui.ModifyDialog
getTimeSlices(). Method in class tc.ui.ModifyDialog
getTimeSlices(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Returns the time slices.
getTimeSlices(). Method in class tc.message.TimeSlicesMessage
Gets the vector of TimeSlice objects.
getTimeSlices(long, long). Method in interface tc.application.Calendar
Gets time slices from the database and sets them to the calendar panel.
getTimeSlices(long, long). Method in class tc.application.CalendarClient
Gets time slices from the database and sets them to the calendar panel.
getTimeSlices(long, long). Method in class tc.application.LocalCalendar
Gets time slices from the database and sets them to the calendar panel.
GetTimeSlicesMessage(byte, TimeSlice). Constructor for class tc.message.GetTimeSlicesMessage
Initializes a new GetTimeSlicesMessage object with the given message id and start and end times.
GetTimeSlicesMessage(TimeSlice). Constructor for class tc.message.GetTimeSlicesMessage
Initializes a new GetTimeSlicesMessage object with the given start and end times.
GetTimeSlicesMessageHandler(ConnectionManager, DatabaseManager, MessageHandler). Constructor for class tc.message.handler.server.GetTimeSlicesMessageHandler
Creates a new handler.
GetTimeSlicesQuery(TimeSlice). Constructor for class tc.database.GetTimeSlicesQuery
Constructs a new query.
getUnitAsMilliseconds(int). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Returns the given time unit's value in milliseconds.
getUnitColumnFormat(int). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Returns a SimpleDateFormat object to be used when formatting column headers.
getUnitRowFormat(int). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Returns a SimpleDateFormat object to be used when formatting row headers.
getUnitString(int). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Returns a string representation of the given time unit.
getUserID(). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
Gets the user id.
getUserID(). Method in class tc.message.OpenDatabaseMessage
Sets the user id (user name) as a string.
getUserName(). Method in class tc.message.AccountOptionsMessage
Gets the user name.
getUsername(). Method in class tc.application.CalendarFrame
Returns the username.
getUserName(). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
Gets the username.
getUserName(). Method in class tc.database.InvalidLoginException
Gets the invalid user name.
getUsername(). Method in class tc.application.PasswordDialog
getWindowColumnCount(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Gets the window column count.
getWindowRowCount(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Gets the window row count.
getWindowStartColumn(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Gets the window start column.
getWindowStartRow(). Method in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
getWindowStartRow(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Gets the window start row.
granularity. Variable in class tc.message.AccountOptionsMessage
The granularity.
granularityChoice. Variable in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
granularityLabel. Variable in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
grid. Variable in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
The user interface widget for showing the time grid.
grid. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
The time grid that includes vectors of TimeSlice objects.
gridBagLayout. Variable in class tc.application.CalendarFrame
The layout object of this client frame.
gridBagLayout. Variable in class tc.ui.MarkerDialog
The layout for the dialog.
gridBagLayout. Variable in class tc.ui.ModifyDialog
gridBagLayout. Variable in class tc.application.PasswordDialog
gridBagLayout. Variable in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
gridBagLayout. Variable in class tc.ui.RemoveDialog
gridBagLayout1. Variable in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
gridBagLayout2. Variable in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
gridColumnCount. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
The grid column count.
gridEndDate. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
The grid end date.
gridIncrement. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
The grid column increment.
gridIncrementField. Variable in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
gridIncrementLabel. Variable in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
gridRowCount. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
The grid row count.
gridSize. Variable in class tc.message.AccountOptionsMessage
The grid size.
gridStartDate. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
The grid start date.
groupBox. Variable in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog


handle(Message). Method in class tc.message.handler.client.AccountOptionsMessageHandler
This method handles AccountOptionsMessage objects others are redirected onwards.
handle(Message). Method in class tc.message.handler.server.DatabaseMessageHandler
Overrides the method defined in MessageHandler.
handle(Message). Method in class tc.message.handler.client.MarkersMessageHandler
This method handles MarkersMessage objects others are redirected onwards.
handle(Message). Method in class connection.MessageHandler
This method should be overridden in subclasses to actually handle the given message.
handle(Message). Method in class tc.message.handler.client.ResultMessageHandler
This method handles ResultMessage objects others are redirected onwards.
handle(Message). Method in class tc.message.handler.client.TimeSlicesMessageHandler
This method handles TimeSlicesMessage objects others are redirected onwards.
handlePopupMenuEvent(ActionEvent). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Handles selections from the popup menu.
handlePopupMenuEvent(ActionEvent). Method in class tc.application.DatabaseCalendarPanel
This method overrides CalendarPanel's method so that it handles the additional popupmenu commands related to database actions.
host. Static variable in class connection.socket.Client
The host name of the server.
HOUR_FORMAT. Static variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Formatter string for hours.
hourColumnFormat. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Formatter for hours in columns.
hourDayRowFormat. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Formatter for hours of day in rows.


initialGridStartDate. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
The initial value for the start date.
inputStream. Variable in class connection.MessageReader
The input stream.
INSET. Static variable in class tc.ui.UIConst
InvalidLoginException(String). Constructor for class tc.database.InvalidLoginException
Constructs the exception object.
InvalidMarkerException(int). Constructor for class tc.database.InvalidMarkerException
Constructs the exception object.
isDatabaseOpen(). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
Determines if the database is opened.
isDatabaseStarted(). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
Determines whether the database is started.
isMessagePrintingEnabled(). Method in class connection.ConnectionManager
Determines if message printing is enabled.
isOkayPushed(). Method in class tc.ui.MarkerDialog
Returns true if the user has pushed OK.
isOkayPushed(). Method in class tc.application.PasswordDialog
isOkayPushed(). Method in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
isOkayPushed(). Method in class tc.ui.RemoveDialog
isOkayPushed(). Method in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
isValidMarker(int). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
Determines if the specified marker is valid.
isWriteQuery(). Method in class tc.database.AddTimeSlicesQuery
Returns true.
isWriteQuery(). Method in class tc.database.ConnectionTestQuery
Returns false.
isWriteQuery(). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseQuery
Determines if this query is a write query (intends to modify the data in the database).
isWriteQuery(). Method in class tc.database.GetAccountOptionsQuery
Returns false.
isWriteQuery(). Method in class tc.database.GetMarkersQuery
Returns false.
isWriteQuery(). Method in class tc.database.GetTimeSlicesQuery
Return false.
isWriteQuery(). Method in class tc.database.RemoveTimeSlicesQuery
Returns true.
isWriteQuery(). Method in class tc.database.UpdateAccountOptionsQuery
Returns true.
isWriteQuery(). Method in class tc.database.UpdateMarkersQuery
Returns true.
isWriteQuery(). Method in class tc.database.UsernameAndPasswordQuery
Returns false.


jbInit(). Method in class tc.application.CalendarFrame
Initializes the user interface components.
jbInit(). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Initializes the user interface.
jbInit(). Method in class tc.ui.MarkerDialog
Initializes the user interface widgets of the dialog.
jbInit(). Method in class tc.ui.ModifyDialog
jbInit(). Method in class tc.application.PasswordDialog
jbInit(). Method in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
jbInit(). Method in class tc.ui.RemoveDialog
jbInit(). Method in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog


listenSocket. Variable in class connection.socket.Server
The server socket.
LocalCalendar(String[]). Constructor for class tc.application.LocalCalendar
Initializes the LocalCalendar.
loop(). Method in class connection.socket.Server
Loops forever, listening for and accepting connections from clients.


main(String[]). Static method in class tc.application.CalendarClient
Starts the client by processing first the command line arguments and then creating the client object.
main(String[]). Static method in class tc.application.DatabaseServer
Creates the DatabaseServer.
main(String[]). Static method in class tc.application.LocalCalendar
Starts local calendar.
marker. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeSlice
Marker of the time slice.
Marker(int, Color, Object). Constructor for class tc.calendar.Marker
Creates a new marker and initializes it with the given id, color, and data.
markerDialog. Variable in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
The marker dialog.
MarkerDialog(Frame). Constructor for class tc.ui.MarkerDialog
Initializes the MarkerDialog and sets its owner to the given frame.
markerID. Variable in class tc.database.InvalidMarkerException
The marker id that caused the exception.
markerID. Variable in class tc.calendar.Marker
The unique id of the marker.
markerID. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeSlice
Marker id of the time slice.
markerIDs. Variable in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
Vector of marker ids of the user.
markers. Variable in class tc.ui.MarkerDialog
The markers to show to the user..
markers. Variable in class tc.message.MarkersMessage
Vector of Marker objects.
markers. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
The markers.
markersItem. Variable in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
A menu item.
markersList. Variable in class tc.ui.MarkerDialog
The UI widget for the markers.
markersList_mouseReleased(MouseEvent). Method in class tc.ui.MarkerDialog
Called when the user has selected a marker.
MarkersMessage(byte, Vector). Constructor for class tc.message.MarkersMessage
Initializes a new MarkersMessage object with the given message id and marker vector.
MarkersMessage(Vector). Constructor for class tc.message.MarkersMessage
Initializes a new MarkersMessage object with the given marker vector.
MarkersMessageHandler(ConnectionManager, DatabaseManager, MessageHandler). Constructor for class tc.message.handler.server.MarkersMessageHandler
Creates a new handler.
MarkersMessageHandler(ConnectionManager, TimeGrid, MessageHandler). Constructor for class tc.message.handler.client.MarkersMessageHandler
Initializes the MarkersMessageHandler with the given arguments.
Message(). Constructor for class connection.Message
Constructs a new message without an id.
Message(byte). Constructor for class connection.Message
Constructs a new message with an id.
messageHandler. Variable in class connection.ConnectionManager
The handler for incoming messages.
MessageHandler(ConnectionManager, MessageHandler). Constructor for class connection.MessageHandler
Creates a new message handler.
messagePrintingEnabled. Variable in class connection.ConnectionManager
Determies whether to print debug info to System.out.
messageReader. Variable in class connection.ConnectionManager
The message reader.
MessageReader(InputStream). Constructor for class connection.MessageReader
Constructs a new message reader for the given stream.
messageWriter. Variable in class connection.ConnectionManager
The message writer.
MessageWriter(OutputStream). Constructor for class connection.MessageWriter
Constructs a new message writer for the given stream.
MINUTE_FORMAT. Static variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Formatter string for minutes.
minuteColumnFormat. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Formatter for minutes in columns.
modifyButton. Variable in class tc.ui.ModifyDialog
modifyButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class tc.ui.ModifyDialog
modifyDialog. Variable in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
The modify dialog.
modifyDialog. Variable in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
ModifyDialog(Frame). Constructor for class tc.ui.ModifyDialog
modifyItem. Variable in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
A menu item.
MONTH_FORMAT. Static variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Formatter string for months.
monthColumnFormat. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Formatter string for months in columns.
mousePressed(MouseEvent). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Called when the mouse is pressed.
msg. Variable in class tc.message.ResultMessage
The message string.
MsgConst(). Constructor for class tc.message.MsgConst
msgID. Variable in class connection.Message
The message id.


newTimeSlice(MatrixLocation, MatrixLocation, Marker). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Creates and returns a new time slice from the given start matrix location to the given end location for the given marker.
nextPageItem. Variable in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
A menu item.
nextPageSize. Variable in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
The number of columns to move forwards (or backwards) when the user selects "Next Page" (or "Previous Page") in the popup menu.
nextPageSizeField. Variable in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
NoMarkersCalculatedException(). Constructor for class tc.database.NoMarkersCalculatedException
notifyAllExceptionObservers(Exception). Method in class connection.ConnectionManager
Notifies all registered exception observers.


OKAY. Static variable in class tc.message.ResultMessage
The status byte constant for positive response.
okayButton. Variable in class tc.ui.MarkerDialog
A button.
okayButton. Variable in class tc.application.PasswordDialog
okayButton. Variable in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
okayButton. Variable in class tc.ui.RemoveDialog
okayButton. Variable in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
okayButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class tc.ui.MarkerDialog
Called when the OK button has been pushed.
okayButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class tc.application.PasswordDialog
okayButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
okayButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class tc.ui.RemoveDialog
okayButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
okayPushed. Variable in class tc.ui.MarkerDialog
The flag denoting the user's confirmation.
okayPushed. Variable in class tc.application.PasswordDialog
okayPushed. Variable in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
okayPushed. Variable in class tc.ui.RemoveDialog
okayPushed. Variable in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
OPEN_DATABASE. Static variable in class tc.message.MsgConst
OPEN_DATABASE_RESULT. Static variable in class tc.message.MsgConst
openDatabase(). Method in interface tc.application.Calendar
Asks user identification and opens the database.
openDatabase(). Method in class tc.application.CalendarClient
Connects to the server, asks user identification, and opens the database.
openDatabase(). Method in class tc.application.LocalCalendar
Asks user identification and opens the database.
openDatabase(String, byte[]). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
Opens the database and returns the account options associated with the given userName.
OpenDatabaseMessage(byte, String, byte[]). Constructor for class tc.message.OpenDatabaseMessage
Initializes a new OpenDatabaseMessage object with the given message id, user id, and password.
OpenDatabaseMessage(String, byte[]). Constructor for class tc.message.OpenDatabaseMessage
Initializes a new OpenDatabaseMessage object with the given user id and password.
OpenDatabaseMessageHandler(ConnectionManager, DatabaseManager, MessageHandler). Constructor for class tc.message.handler.server.OpenDatabaseMessageHandler
Creates a new handler.
outputStream. Variable in class connection.MessageWriter
The output stream.


pageLabel. Variable in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
pageSize. Variable in class tc.message.AccountOptionsMessage
The page size.
paint(Graphics). Method in class tc.ui.ColorCanvas
Paints the color canvas.
paint(Object, Graphics, Rectangle, int, ItemPaintSite). Method in class tc.ui.ColorCellItemPainter
Paints the data Object within the Rectangle bounds, using passed Graphics and state information.
paintHeader(String, Graphics, Rectangle, int, ItemPaintSite). Method in class tc.ui.ColorCellItemPainter
Paints a header cell.
paintRegularCell(Vector, Graphics, Rectangle, int, ItemPaintSite). Method in class tc.ui.ColorCellItemPainter
Paints a regular cell with a vector of time slices in it.
ParameterlessMessageHandler(ConnectionManager, DatabaseManager, MessageHandler). Constructor for class tc.message.handler.server.ParameterlessMessageHandler
Creates a new handler.
parameters. Variable in class tc.database.DatabaseQuery
The possible parameters needed to execute the query.
passwd. Variable in class tc.message.OpenDatabaseMessage
The user's (encrypted) password as a byte array.
password. Variable in class tc.application.CalendarFrame
The password.
password. Variable in class tc.application.PasswordDialog
passwordDialog. Variable in class tc.application.CalendarFrame
The username and password dialog.
PasswordDialog(Frame). Constructor for class tc.application.PasswordDialog
passwordLabel. Variable in class tc.application.PasswordDialog
popupMenu. Variable in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
The popup menu.
popupmenuActionAdapter. Variable in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
The action adapter for the popup menu.
popupmenuActionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Called when the user selects an item from the popup menu.
port. Static variable in class connection.socket.Client
The port of the server.
portNumber. Variable in class connection.socket.Server
The port number of the server.
prevPageItem. Variable in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
A menu item.
printUsage(String). Method in class tc.application.DatabaseServer
Overrides the method defined in Server so that it gives proper info.
printUsage(String). Method in class connection.socket.Server
Prints usage information for user upon a start failure.
processCommandLine(String[]). Method in class connection.socket.Client
Processes the command line arguments of the client.
processCommandLine(String[]). Method in class connection.socket.Server
Processes the possible commandline arguments (port number).
processWindowEvent(WindowEvent). Method in class tc.application.CalendarFrame
On window closing, update account options to database.
productField. Variable in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
productLabel. Variable in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
projectField. Variable in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
projectLabel. Variable in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
propertiesItem. Variable in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
A menu item.
propertyDialog. Variable in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
The property dialog.
PropertyDialog(Frame, TimeGrid, CalendarPanel). Constructor for class tc.ui.PropertyDialog


readMessage(). Method in class connection.MessageReader
Returns the next message from the stream.
rebuildGrid(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Allocates new grid and sortes all time slices to it by calling setLocations(...).
receiveMessage(). Method in class connection.ConnectionManager
Blocks for receiving a new message, and once it arrives, asks the handler to handle it.
refresh(). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Refreshes the calendar's grid component.
registerExceptionObserver(ExceptionObserver). Method in class connection.ConnectionManager
Registeres a new exception observer.
REMOVE_TIME_SLICES. Static variable in class tc.message.MsgConst
REMOVE_TIME_SLICES_RESULT. Static variable in class tc.message.MsgConst
removeDialog. Variable in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
The remove dialog.
RemoveDialog(Frame). Constructor for class tc.ui.RemoveDialog
removedTimeSlices. Variable in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
The time slices that have been removed by the user.
removeElements(Vector, Vector). Static method in class tc.util.VectorUtils
Removes elements of a vector from another vector.
removeItem. Variable in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
A menu item.
removeModelListener(MatrixModelListener). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Removes a model event listener from this model.
removeOneTimeSliceRowFromDataSet(QueryDataSet, int, long, long). Method in class tc.database.RemoveTimeSlicesQuery
Removes the specified row from a data set representing the contents of the 'WorkDone' table.
removeTimeSlices(Vector). Method in interface tc.application.Calendar
Removes the given time slices from the database.
removeTimeSlices(Vector). Method in class tc.application.CalendarClient
Removes the given time slices from the database.
removeTimeSlices(Vector). Method in class tc.application.LocalCalendar
Removes the given time slices from the database.
removeTimeSlices(Vector). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Removes the given time slices from the existing time slices.
RemoveTimeSlicesQuery(Vector). Constructor for class tc.database.RemoveTimeSlicesQuery
Creates a new query.
reopenDatabase(). Method in interface tc.application.Calendar
Reopens the database.
reopenDatabase(). Method in class tc.application.CalendarClient
Disconnects from the server and then calls openDatabase.
reopenDatabase(). Method in class tc.application.LocalCalendar
Closes the database and then calls openDatabase.
resetGrid(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Removes all time slices from the grid and then rebuilds it.
resetGrid(long). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Removes all time slices from the grid, sets the start date to the given date, adjusts the grid size to the grid increment value, and then rebuilds the grid.
result. Variable in class tc.database.DatabaseQuery
The query result.
ResultMessage(byte). Constructor for class tc.message.ResultMessage
Initializes a new ResultMessage object with the given status byte.
ResultMessage(byte, byte). Constructor for class tc.message.ResultMessage
Initializes a new ResultMessage object with the given message id and status byte.
ResultMessage(byte, byte, String). Constructor for class tc.message.ResultMessage
Initializes a new ResultMessage object with the given message id, status byte, and message string.
ResultMessage(byte, String). Constructor for class tc.message.ResultMessage
Initializes a new ResultMessage object with the given status byte and message string.
ResultMessageHandler(ConnectionManager, Client, MessageHandler). Constructor for class tc.message.handler.client.ResultMessageHandler
Initializes the ResultMessageHandler with the given arguments.
rowCountLabel. Variable in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
rows. Variable in class tc.message.AccountOptionsMessage
The rows.
rowsInWindowField. Variable in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
rowStartField. Variable in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
rowStartLabel. Variable in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
rowUnit. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
The row unit.
runQuery(DatabaseQuery). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
Executes the given query.


sameElements(Vector, Vector). Static method in class tc.util.VectorUtils
Returns true if the two given vectors have exactly the same elements.
selectAllButton. Variable in class tc.ui.RemoveDialog
selectAllButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class tc.ui.RemoveDialog
selectionsToExistingTimeSlices(MatrixSelection). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Returns a vector of time slices that reside (partially or entirely) in the locations denoted by the given matrix selection.
selectionsToNewTimeSlices(MatrixSelection). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Returns a vector of new time slices that correspond to the locations denoted by the given matrix selection.
sendConfirmationMessage(byte). Method in class tc.message.handler.server.DatabaseMessageHandler
Convenience method for subclasses: sends a confirmation.
sendErrorMessage(byte, String). Method in class tc.message.handler.server.DatabaseMessageHandler
Convenience method for subclasses: sends an error message.
sendFailedMessage(Exception). Method in class tc.message.handler.server.DatabaseMessageHandler
Convenience method for subclasses: sends a message informing about an exception.
sendMessage(Message). Method in class connection.ConnectionManager
Sends the given message.
Server(String[]). Constructor for class connection.socket.Server
Creates a server socket to listen for connection requests.
setAddedTimeSlices(Vector). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Sets the time slices that have been added by the user.
setBorderColor(Color). Method in class tc.ui.ColorCanvas
Sets the border color of the color canvas.
setCalendar(Calendar). Method in class tc.application.CalendarFrame
Sets the client whose frame this is.
setCalendarPanel(CalendarPanel). Method in class tc.message.handler.client.AccountOptionsMessageHandler
Sets the calendar panel to which some values from the message are assigned.
setCalendarPanel(CalendarPanel). Method in class tc.application.CalendarFrame
Sets the calendar panel.
setClient(Client). Method in class tc.message.handler.client.ResultMessageHandler
Sets the client whose status line is to be updated according to the received ResultMessages.
setColor(Color). Method in class tc.ui.ColorCanvas
Sets the inner color of the color canvas.
setColor(Color). Method in class tc.calendar.Marker
Sets the color of the marker.
setColumns(int). Method in class tc.message.AccountOptionsMessage
Sets the columns.
setColumnUnit(int). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Sets the column unit.
setConnectionDescriptor(ConnectionDescriptor). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
Sets connection descriptor for the database.
setConnectionManager(ConnectionManager). Method in class connection.socket.Client
Sets the connection manager.
setConnectionManager(ConnectionManager). Method in class connection.MessageHandler
Sets the connection manager.
setCriticalDate(long). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Sets the critical date.
setCurrentMarker(Marker). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Sets the current marker that can be used for adding new time slices.
setData(Object). Method in class tc.calendar.Marker
Sets the data associated with the marker.
setDatabaseManager(DatabaseManager). Method in class tc.message.handler.server.DatabaseMessageHandler
Sets the database manager.
setDatabaseManager(DatabaseManager). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseQuery
Sets a DatabaseManager for this query.
setDatabaseManager(DatabaseManager). Method in class tc.application.LocalCalendar
Sets the DatabaseManager.
setDatabaseOpen(boolean). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
Sets the flag that determines if the database is opened.
setDatabaseStarted(boolean). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
Sets the flag that determines whether the database is started.
setDatabaseStartException(Exception). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
Sets the possible exception occured during database starting.
setDateFormat(SimpleDateFormat). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeSlice
Sets the date and time formatter.
setEnd(long). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeSlice
Sets the end of the time slice as milliseconds from the January 1st 1970.
setFirstRow(int). Method in class tc.message.AccountOptionsMessage
Sets the first row.
setFrame(Frame). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Sets the frame that owns this panel.
setFrame(Frame). Method in class tc.ui.ModifyDialog
setFrame(Frame). Method in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
setGranularity(int). Method in class tc.message.AccountOptionsMessage
Sets the granularity.
setGranularity(int, int). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Sets the time grid granularity to the given column and row time unit values.
setGrid(Vector[][]). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Sets the actual two dimensional array of vectors of time slices to where the time slices are sorted to be displayed in the CalendarPanel.
setGridColumnCount(int). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Sets the grid column count.
setGridEndDate(long). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Sets the grid end date, adjusts the grid column count accordingly, and rebuilds the grid.
setGridIncrement(int). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Sets the grid column increment.
setGridLocations(TimeSlice). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Sets the given time slice to all those locations in the grid (the two dimensional array of vectors of time slices) that are covered by the given time slice.
setGridLocations(Vector). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Calls setGridLocations(TimeSlice ts) for each time slice in the given vector.
setGridRowCount(int). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Sets the grid row count.
setGridSize(int). Method in class tc.message.AccountOptionsMessage
Sets the grid size.
setGridStartDate(long). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Sets the grid start date, adjusts the grid column count accordingly, and rebuilds the grid.
setHost(String). Static method in class connection.socket.Client
Sets the host name of the server.
setInitialGridStartDate(long). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Sets initial value for the start date.
setInputStream(InputStream). Method in class connection.MessageReader
Sets the input stream.
setLocation(). Method in class tc.ui.ModifyDialog
setLocation(). Method in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
setMarker(Marker). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeSlice
Sets the marker of the time slice.
setMarkerDialog(MarkerDialog). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Sets the marker dialog.
setMarkerID(int). Method in class tc.calendar.Marker
Sets the unique id of the marker.
setMarkerID(int). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeSlice
Sets the marker id of the time slice.
setMarkerIDs(Vector). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
Sets the marker ids of the user.
setMarkers(Vector). Method in class tc.ui.MarkerDialog
Sets the markers to be shown in the dialog.
setMarkers(Vector). Method in class tc.message.MarkersMessage
Sets the vector of Marker objects.
setMarkers(Vector). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Sets the markers.
setMessageHandler(MessageHandler). Method in class connection.ConnectionManager
Sets the message handler.
setMessagePrintingEnabled(boolean). Method in class connection.ConnectionManager
Sets the flag that determines if message printing is enabled.
setMessageReader(MessageReader). Method in class connection.ConnectionManager
Sets the message reader.
setMessageWriter(MessageWriter). Method in class connection.ConnectionManager
Sets the message writer.
setModifyDialog(ModifyDialog). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Sets the modify dialog.
setModifyDialog(ModifyDialog). Method in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
setMsg(String). Method in class tc.message.ResultMessage
Sets the message string.
setMsgID(byte). Method in class connection.Message
Sets the message id.
setNextPageSize(int). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Sets the number of columns to move forwards (or backwards) when the user selects "Next Page" (or "Previous Page") in the popup menu.
setOkayPushed(boolean). Method in class tc.ui.MarkerDialog
Sets the flag denoting the user's confirmation.
setOkayPushed(boolean). Method in class tc.application.PasswordDialog
setOkayPushed(boolean). Method in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
setOkayPushed(boolean). Method in class tc.ui.RemoveDialog
setOkayPushed(boolean). Method in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
setOutputStream(OutputStream). Method in class connection.MessageWriter
Sets the output stream.
setPageSize(int). Method in class tc.message.AccountOptionsMessage
Sets the page size.
setParameters(Object). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseQuery
Sets the possible parameters needed to execute the query.
setPasswd(byte[]). Method in class tc.message.OpenDatabaseMessage
Sets the user's (encrypted) password as a byte array.
setPassword(byte[]). Method in class tc.application.CalendarFrame
Sets the password.
setPortNumber(int). Method in class connection.socket.Server
Sets the port number.
setPropertyDialog(PropertyDialog). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Sets the property dialog.
setRemoveDialog(RemoveDialog). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Sets the remove dialog.
setRemovedTimeSlices(Vector). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Sets the time slices that have been removed by the user.
setResult(Object). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseQuery
Sets the query result.
setRows(int). Method in class tc.message.AccountOptionsMessage
Sets the rows.
setRowUnit(int). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Sets the row unit.
setStart(long). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeSlice
Sets the start of the time slice as milliseconds from the January 1st 1970.
setStartDate(long). Method in class tc.message.AccountOptionsMessage
Sets the start date.
setStatus(byte). Method in class tc.message.ResultMessage
Sets the status byte.
setStatus(String). Method in interface tc.application.Calendar
Sets the status string for the client by using the status bar of the calendar panel.
setStatus(String). Method in class tc.application.CalendarClient
Sets the status string for the client by using the status bas of the calendar panel.
setStatus(String). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Sets the status text (of the status bar) to the given string.
setStatus(String). Method in class connection.socket.Client
Sets the status string of the client.
setStatus(String). Method in class tc.application.LocalCalendar
Sets the status string for the calendar by using the status bar of the calendar panel.
setSuccessor(MessageHandler). Method in class connection.MessageHandler
Sets the successor in the message handler chain.
setTimeGrid(TimeGrid). Method in class tc.message.handler.client.AccountOptionsMessageHandler
Sets the time grid to which values from the message are assigned.
setTimeGrid(TimeGrid). Method in class tc.application.CalendarClient
Sets the time grid.
setTimeGrid(TimeGrid). Method in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
Sets the calendar information (the model) this calendar panel visualizes.
setTimeGrid(TimeGrid). Method in class tc.application.LocalCalendar
Sets the time grid.
setTimeGrid(TimeGrid). Method in class tc.message.handler.client.MarkersMessageHandler
Sets the time grid to which the markers from the message are assigned.
setTimeGrid(TimeGrid). Method in class tc.message.handler.client.TimeSlicesMessageHandler
Sets the time grid to which the time slices from the message are added.
setTimeSlice(TimeSlice). Method in class tc.message.GetTimeSlicesMessage
Sets the time slice representing a period of time from which time slices are fetched.
setTimeSlice(TimeSlice). Method in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
setTimeSlicePropertiesDialog(TimeSlicePropertiesDialog). Method in class tc.ui.ModifyDialog
setTimeSlices(Vector). Method in class tc.ui.ModifyDialog
setTimeSlices(Vector). Method in class tc.ui.RemoveDialog
setTimeSlices(Vector). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Sets the time slices.
setTimeSlices(Vector). Method in class tc.message.TimeSlicesMessage
Sets the vector of TimeSlice objects.
setUserID(String). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
Sets the user id.
setUserID(String). Method in class tc.message.OpenDatabaseMessage
Sets the user id (user name) as a string.
setUserName(String). Method in class tc.message.AccountOptionsMessage
Sets the user name.
setUsername(String). Method in class tc.application.CalendarFrame
Sets the username.
setUserName(String). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
Sets the username.
setVisible(boolean). Method in class tc.ui.ModifyDialog
setVisible(boolean). Method in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
setWindow(int). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Moves the window by setting its start column to the given column.
setWindow(int, int, int, int). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Sets the window's start column and row as well as its width and height.
setWindowColumnCount(int). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Sets the window column count.
setWindowRowCount(int). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Sets the window row count.
setWindowStartColumn(int). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Sets the window start column.
setWindowStartRow(int). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Sets the window start row.
socket. Variable in class connection.socket.Client
The socket and streams connected to it.
start. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeSlice
Start of the time slice as milliseconds from the January 1st 1970.
startDatabaseManager(). Method in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
Starts the database.
startDate. Variable in class tc.message.AccountOptionsMessage
The start date.
startField. Variable in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
startLabel. Variable in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
startTimeToString(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeSlice
Returns the start time as a formatted string.
status. Variable in class tc.message.ResultMessage
The status byte.
statusBar. Variable in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
The status bar of the CalendarPanel.
subclassHandle(Message). Method in class tc.message.handler.server.AccountOptionsMessageHandler
This method handles AccountOptionsMessage objects.
subclassHandle(Message). Method in class tc.message.handler.server.DatabaseMessageHandler
This method must be overriden in subclasse to handle particular messages.
subclassHandle(Message). Method in class tc.message.handler.server.GetTimeSlicesMessageHandler
This method handles GetTimeSlicesMessage objects.
subclassHandle(Message). Method in class tc.message.handler.server.MarkersMessageHandler
This method handles MarkersMessage objects.
subclassHandle(Message). Method in class tc.message.handler.server.OpenDatabaseMessageHandler
This method handles OpenDatabaseMessage objects.
subclassHandle(Message). Method in class tc.message.handler.server.ParameterlessMessageHandler
This method handles ParameterlessMessage objects.
subclassHandle(Message). Method in class tc.message.handler.server.TimeSlicesMessageHandler
This method handles TimeSlicesMessage objects.
successor. Variable in class connection.MessageHandler
The possible successor of this message handler to which the message should be redirected if the handler does not know how to (fully) handle the message.


TIME_FORMAT. Static variable in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
timeGrid. Variable in class tc.message.handler.client.AccountOptionsMessageHandler
The time grid to which values from the message are assigned.
timeGrid. Variable in class tc.application.CalendarClient
The time grid.
timeGrid. Variable in class tc.ui.CalendarPanel
The calendar information (the model) this calendar panel visualizes.
timeGrid. Variable in class tc.application.LocalCalendar
The time grid.
timeGrid. Variable in class tc.message.handler.client.MarkersMessageHandler
The time grid to which the markers from the message are assigned.
timeGrid. Variable in class tc.message.handler.client.TimeSlicesMessageHandler
The time grid to which the time slices from the message are added.
TimeGrid(). Constructor for class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Creates and initializes a new time grid.
timeSlice. Variable in class tc.message.GetTimeSlicesMessage
The time slice representing a period of time from which time slices are fetched.
timeSlice. Variable in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
TimeSlice(long, long, int). Constructor for class tc.calendar.TimeSlice
Initializes the time slice with the given start and end times and the given marker id.
TimeSlice(long, long, Marker). Constructor for class tc.calendar.TimeSlice
Initializes the time slice with the given start and end times and the given marker.
timeSlicePropertiesDialog. Variable in class tc.ui.ModifyDialog
TimeSlicePropertiesDialog(Frame). Constructor for class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
TimeSlicePropertiesDialog(Frame, ModifyDialog). Constructor for class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
timeSlices. Variable in class tc.ui.ModifyDialog
timeSlices. Variable in class tc.ui.RemoveDialog
timeSlices. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
The time slices.
timeSlices. Variable in class tc.message.TimeSlicesMessage
A vector of TimeSlice objects.
timeSlicesList. Variable in class tc.ui.ModifyDialog
timeSlicesList. Variable in class tc.ui.RemoveDialog
timeSlicesList_mouseReleased(MouseEvent). Method in class tc.ui.ModifyDialog
timeSlicesList_mouseReleased(MouseEvent). Method in class tc.ui.RemoveDialog
TimeSlicesMessage(byte, Vector). Constructor for class tc.message.TimeSlicesMessage
Initializes a new TimeSlicesMessage object with the given message id and time slice vector.
TimeSlicesMessage(Vector). Constructor for class tc.message.TimeSlicesMessage
Initializes a new TimeSlicesMessage object with the given time slice vector.
TimeSlicesMessageHandler(ConnectionManager, DatabaseManager, MessageHandler). Constructor for class tc.message.handler.server.TimeSlicesMessageHandler
Creates a new handler.
TimeSlicesMessageHandler(ConnectionManager, TimeGrid, MessageHandler). Constructor for class tc.message.handler.client.TimeSlicesMessageHandler
Initializes the TimeSlicesMessageHandler with the given arguments.
toString(). Method in class tc.calendar.Marker
Returns the marker data as a string.
toString(). Method in class tc.calendar.TimeSlice
Returns the start and times as well as the marker as a formatted string.
trunc(long). Static method in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
Truncates last three digits from a long integer.


UIConst(). Constructor for class tc.ui.UIConst
This class is not supposed to be initialized.
UNDEFINED. Static variable in class tc.message.MsgConst
UNKNOWN_MSG_RECEIVED. Static variable in class tc.message.MsgConst
UPDATE_ACCOUNT_OPTIONS. Static variable in class tc.message.MsgConst
UPDATE_ACCOUNT_OPTIONS_RESULT. Static variable in class tc.message.MsgConst
UPDATE_MARKERS. Static variable in class tc.message.MsgConst
UPDATE_MARKERS_RESULT. Static variable in class tc.message.MsgConst
updateAccountOptions(AccountOptionsMessage). Method in interface tc.application.Calendar
Updates the account options to database.
updateAccountOptions(AccountOptionsMessage). Method in class tc.application.CalendarClient
Updates account options to database.
updateAccountOptions(AccountOptionsMessage). Method in class tc.application.LocalCalendar
Updates account options to database.
UpdateAccountOptionsQuery(AccountOptionsMessage). Constructor for class tc.database.UpdateAccountOptionsQuery
Creates a new query.
updateMarkerRowInDataSet(QueryDataSet, int, int, int, int). Method in class tc.database.UpdateMarkersQuery
Updates a row in the 'Marker' table.
updateMarkers(Vector). Method in interface tc.application.Calendar
Updates the markers to database.
updateMarkers(Vector). Method in class tc.application.CalendarClient
Updates the markers to database.
updateMarkers(Vector). Method in class tc.application.LocalCalendar
Updates the markers to database.
UpdateMarkersQuery(Vector). Constructor for class tc.database.UpdateMarkersQuery
Creates a new query.
updateSpecifiedItem(int). Method in class tc.ui.ModifyDialog
updateView(). Method in class tc.ui.ModifyDialog
usage(). Method in class tc.application.CalendarClient
Prints usage information.
usage(). Method in class connection.socket.Client
Prints usage information.
userID. Variable in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
The user id (ssn) of the user.
userID. Variable in class tc.message.OpenDatabaseMessage
The user id (user name) as a string.
userName. Variable in class tc.message.AccountOptionsMessage
The user name.
username. Variable in class tc.application.CalendarFrame
The username.
userName. Variable in class tc.database.DatabaseManager
The user name of the user.
userName. Variable in class tc.database.InvalidLoginException
username. Variable in class tc.application.PasswordDialog
UsernameAndPasswordQuery(byte[]). Constructor for class tc.database.UsernameAndPasswordQuery
Creates a new query.
usernameLabel. Variable in class tc.application.PasswordDialog


ValidationException(). Constructor for class tc.database.ValidationException
VectorUtils(). Constructor for class tc.util.VectorUtils
This class is not meant to be instantiated.


WEEK_FORMAT. Static variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Formatter string for weeks.
weekColumnFormat. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Formatter for weeks in columns.
WEEKxDAY. Static variable in class tc.ui.PropertyDialog
windowClosing(WindowEvent). Method in class tc.ui.MarkerDialog
Called when the user is closing the dialog.
windowClosing(WindowEvent). Method in class tc.ui.ModifyDialog
windowClosing(WindowEvent). Method in class tc.application.PasswordDialog
windowClosing(WindowEvent). Method in class tc.ui.RemoveDialog
windowClosing(WindowEvent). Method in class tc.ui.TimeSlicePropertiesDialog
windowColumnCount. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
The window column count.
windowRowCount. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
The window row count.
windowStartColumn. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
The window start column.
windowStartRow. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
The window start row.
writeMessage(Message). Method in class connection.MessageWriter
Writes the given message to the stream.


YEAR_FORMAT. Static variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Formatter string for years.
yearColumnFormat. Variable in class tc.calendar.TimeGrid
Formatter for years in columns.