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Class tc.ui.MarkerDialog


public class MarkerDialog
extends Dialog
MarkerDialog is a modal dialog for letting the user to select markers.

0.30, 1998/04/01
FRED development team, Jukka Viljamaa, Antti Viljamaa
See Also:
CalendarPanel, Marker

Variable Index

 o buttonPanel
Panel for buttons.
 o cancelButton
A button.
 o colorButton
A button.
 o colorCanvas
A canvas to show marker color.
 o colorChooser
The color chooser dialog.
 o gridBagLayout
The layout for the dialog.
 o markers
The markers to show to the user..
 o markersList
The UI widget for the markers.
 o okayButton
A button.
 o okayPushed
The flag denoting the user's confirmation.

Constructor Index

 o MarkerDialog(Frame)
Initializes the MarkerDialog and sets its owner to the given frame.

Method Index

 o cancelButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent)
Called when the cancel button has been pushed.
 o colorButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent)
Called when the color button has been pushed.
 o getColorChooser()
Gets the color chooser dialog.
 o getSelectedMarker()
Returns the marker that is currently selected in the markers list or null if nothing is selected.
 o isOkayPushed()
Returns true if the user has pushed OK.
 o jbInit()
Initializes the user interface widgets of the dialog.
 o markersList_mouseReleased(MouseEvent)
Called when the user has selected a marker.
 o okayButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent)
Called when the OK button has been pushed.
 o setMarkers(Vector)
Sets the markers to be shown in the dialog.
 o setOkayPushed(boolean)
Sets the flag denoting the user's confirmation.
 o windowClosing(WindowEvent)
Called when the user is closing the dialog.


 o buttonPanel
 private BevelPanel buttonPanel
Panel for buttons.

 o cancelButton
 private Button cancelButton
A button.

 o colorButton
 private Button colorButton
A button.

 o colorCanvas
 private ColorCanvas colorCanvas
A canvas to show marker color.

 o colorChooser
 private ColorChooser colorChooser
The color chooser dialog.

 o gridBagLayout
 private GridBagLayout gridBagLayout
The layout for the dialog.

 o markers
 private Vector markers
The markers to show to the user..

 o markersList
 private List markersList
The UI widget for the markers.

 o okayButton
 private Button okayButton
A button.

 o okayPushed
 private boolean okayPushed
The flag denoting the user's confirmation.


 o MarkerDialog
 public MarkerDialog(Frame frame)
Initializes the MarkerDialog and sets its owner to the given frame.


 o getSelectedMarker
 public Marker getSelectedMarker()
Returns the marker that is currently selected in the markers list or null if nothing is selected.

 o isOkayPushed
 public boolean isOkayPushed()
Returns true if the user has pushed OK.

 o setMarkers
 public void setMarkers(Vector m)
Sets the markers to be shown in the dialog.

 o cancelButton_actionPerformed
 void cancelButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
Called when the cancel button has been pushed. Sets the okayPushed flag to false and dismisses the dialog.

 o colorButton_actionPerformed
 void colorButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
Called when the color button has been pushed. Shows the color chooser dialog.

 o okayButton_actionPerformed
 void okayButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
Called when the OK button has been pushed. Sets the okayPushed flag to true and dismisses the dialog.

 o markersList_mouseReleased
 void markersList_mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
Called when the user has selected a marker. Sets the colorCanavas to the color of the selected marker.

 o windowClosing
 void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
Called when the user is closing the dialog. Dismisses the dialog.

 o getColorChooser
 private ColorChooser getColorChooser()
Gets the color chooser dialog.

 o jbInit
 private void jbInit() throws Exception
Initializes the user interface widgets of the dialog.

 o setOkayPushed
 private void setOkayPushed(boolean flag)
Sets the flag denoting the user's confirmation.

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