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Class tc.calendar.Marker


public class Marker
extends Object
implements Serializable
Marker represents any data that can be associated with a time slice. Each marker must have a unique identifier to differentiate it from other markers and a color that is used when painting the marked time slice.

0.30, 1998/04/01
FRED development team, Antti Viljamaa, Jukka Viljamaa
See Also:
TimeSlice, TimeGrid

Variable Index

 o color
The color of the marker.
 o data
The data associated with the marker.
 o markerID
The unique id of the marker.

Constructor Index

 o Marker(int, Color, Object)
Creates a new marker and initializes it with the given id, color, and data.

Method Index

 o getColor()
Gets the color of the marker.
 o getData()
Gets the data associated with the marker.
 o getMarkerID()
Gets the unique id of the marker.
 o setColor(Color)
Sets the color of the marker.
 o setData(Object)
Sets the data associated with the marker.
 o setMarkerID(int)
Sets the unique id of the marker.
 o toString()
Returns the marker data as a string.


 o data
 private Object data
The data associated with the marker.

 o color
 private Color color
The color of the marker.

 o markerID
 private int markerID
The unique id of the marker.


 o Marker
 public Marker(int id,
               Color color,
               Object data)
Creates a new marker and initializes it with the given id, color, and data.

id - The unique identifier for the marker.
color - The color for the marker.
data - The data associated with the marker.


 o getColor
 public Color getColor()
Gets the color of the marker.

 o getData
 public Object getData()
Gets the data associated with the marker.

 o getMarkerID
 public int getMarkerID()
Gets the unique id of the marker.

 o setColor
 public void setColor(Color c)
Sets the color of the marker.

 o setData
 public void setData(Object o)
Sets the data associated with the marker.

 o setMarkerID
 public void setMarkerID(int id)
Sets the unique id of the marker.

 o toString
 public String toString()
Returns the marker data as a string.

toString in class Object

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