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Class tc.message.AccountOptionsMessage


public class AccountOptionsMessage
extends Message
AccountOptionsMessage is a specialized message for handling user specific information in TC applications. This information includes the user name and user interface configuration of the user's last session (calendar granularity, the date that will be opened in the calendar, and so on), see the constructor for details.

0.30, 1998/04/01
FRED development team, Antti Viljamaa, Jukka Viljamaa
See Also:
Message, AccountOptionsMessage

Variable Index

 o columns
The columns.
 o firstRow
The first row.
 o granularity
The granularity.
 o gridSize
The grid size.
 o pageSize
The page size.
 o rows
The rows.
 o startDate
The start date.
 o userName
The user name.

Constructor Index

 o AccountOptionsMessage(byte, String, int, int, int, int, int, int, long)
Initializes a new AccountOptionsMessage object with the given arguments.
 o AccountOptionsMessage(String, int, int, int, int, int, int, long)
Initializes a new AccountOptionsMessage object with the given arguments.

Method Index

 o getColumns()
Gets the columns.
 o getFirstRow()
Gets the first row.
 o getGranularity()
Gets the granularity.
 o getGridSize()
Gets the grid size.
 o getPageSize()
Gets page size.
 o getRows()
Gets the rows.
 o getStartDate()
Gets the start date.
 o getUserName()
Gets the user name.
 o setColumns(int)
Sets the columns.
 o setFirstRow(int)
Sets the first row.
 o setGranularity(int)
Sets the granularity.
 o setGridSize(int)
Sets the grid size.
 o setPageSize(int)
Sets the page size.
 o setRows(int)
Sets the rows.
 o setStartDate(long)
Sets the start date.
 o setUserName(String)
Sets the user name.


 o columns
 private int columns
The columns.

 o firstRow
 private int firstRow
The first row.

 o granularity
 private int granularity
The granularity.

 o gridSize
 private int gridSize
The grid size.

 o pageSize
 private int pageSize
The page size.

 o rows
 private int rows
The rows.

 o startDate
 private long startDate
The start date.

 o userName
 private String userName
The user name.


 o AccountOptionsMessage
 public AccountOptionsMessage(byte id,
                              String userName,
                              int columns,
                              int rows,
                              int pageSize,
                              int gridSize,
                              int granularity,
                              int firstRow,
                              long startDate)
Initializes a new AccountOptionsMessage object with the given arguments.

id - The optional message id. The user can use this field to separate different messages that use this same class.
userName - The user's user name.
columns - The number of visible columns (the window columns) in the user's calendar.
rows - The number of visible rows (the window rows) in the user's calendar.
pageSize - The number of columns to go forwads or backwards when changing page in the calendar.
gridSize - The number of columns to fetch from the database when expanding the grid (the grid increment).
granularity - A constant denoting the granularity of the calendar (e.g., DATExHOUR), see PropertyDialog for possible values.
startDate - The date (as milliseconds from the beginning of 1970) that will be shown first in the calendar
 o AccountOptionsMessage
 public AccountOptionsMessage(String userName,
                              int columns,
                              int rows,
                              int pageSize,
                              int gridSize,
                              int granularity,
                              int firstRow,
                              long startDate)
Initializes a new AccountOptionsMessage object with the given arguments.

userName - The user's user name.
columns - The number of visible columns (the window columns) in the user's calendar.
rows - The number of visible rows (the window rows) in the user's calendar.
pageSize - The number of columns to go forwads or backwards when changing page in the calendar.
gridSize - The number of columns to fetch from the database when expanding the grid (the grid increment).
granularity - A constant denoting the granularity of the calendar (e.g., DATExHOUR), see PropertyDialog for possible values.
startDate - The date (as milliseconds from the beginning of 1970) that will be shown first in the calendar


 o getColumns
 public int getColumns()
Gets the columns.

 o getFirstRow
 public int getFirstRow()
Gets the first row.

 o getGranularity
 public int getGranularity()
Gets the granularity.

 o getGridSize
 public int getGridSize()
Gets the grid size.

 o getPageSize
 public int getPageSize()
Gets page size.

 o getRows
 public int getRows()
Gets the rows.

 o getStartDate
 public long getStartDate()
Gets the start date.

 o getUserName
 public String getUserName()
Gets the user name.

 o setColumns
 public void setColumns(int i)
Sets the columns.

 o setFirstRow
 public void setFirstRow(int i)
Sets the first row.

 o setGranularity
 public void setGranularity(int i)
Sets the granularity.

 o setGridSize
 public void setGridSize(int i)
Sets the grid size.

 o setPageSize
 public void setPageSize(int i)
Sets the page size.

 o setRows
 public void setRows(int i)
Sets the rows.

 o setStartDate
 public void setStartDate(long l)
Sets the start date.

 o setUserName
 public void setUserName(String s)
Sets the user name.

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