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Class connection.Message


public class Message
extends Object
implements Serializable
Super class for message objects that are sent through the communication channel. New message types can be created by subclassing this class.

0.30, 1998/04/01
FRED development team, Antti Viljamaa
See Also:
ConnectionManager, Client, Server

Variable Index

 o msgID
The message id.

Constructor Index

 o Message()
Constructs a new message without an id.
 o Message(byte)
Constructs a new message with an id.

Method Index

 o getClassName()
Gets the (short) class name this message.
 o getMsgID()
Gets the message id.
 o setMsgID(byte)
Sets the message id.


 o msgID
 private byte msgID
The message id.


 o Message
 public Message()
Constructs a new message without an id.

 o Message
 public Message(byte id)
Constructs a new message with an id.


 o setMsgID
 public void setMsgID(byte id)
Sets the message id.

 o getMsgID
 public byte getMsgID()
Gets the message id.

 o getClassName
 public String getClassName()
Gets the (short) class name this message.

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