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Class tc.message.handler.client.MarkersMessageHandler


public class MarkersMessageHandler
extends MessageHandler
MarkersMessageHandler handles MarkersMessages sent from the server to the client.

0.30, 1998/04/01
FRED development team, Antti Viljamaa, Jukka Viljamaa
See Also:
MessageHandler, MarkersMessage

Variable Index

 o timeGrid
The time grid to which the markers from the message are assigned.

Constructor Index

 o MarkersMessageHandler(ConnectionManager, TimeGrid, MessageHandler)
Initializes the MarkersMessageHandler with the given arguments.

Method Index

 o getTimeGrid()
Gets the time grid to which the markers from the message are assigned.
 o handle(Message)
This method handles MarkersMessage objects others are redirected onwards.
 o setTimeGrid(TimeGrid)
Sets the time grid to which the markers from the message are assigned.


 o timeGrid
 private TimeGrid timeGrid
The time grid to which the markers from the message are assigned.


 o MarkersMessageHandler
 public MarkersMessageHandler(ConnectionManager cm,
                              TimeGrid tg,
                              MessageHandler successor)
Initializes the MarkersMessageHandler with the given arguments.

cm - The connection manager who received the message and passed it to this handler. Usually any response messages to the peer are sent through this same connection manager.
tg - The time grid to which values from the message are assigned.
successor - The next message handler in the handler chain (if any).


 o handle
 public boolean handle(Message m)
This method handles MarkersMessage objects others are redirected onwards.

m - The message to be handled. If it is an instance of class MarkersMessage, the markers are assigned to the time grid. Otherwise the message is redirected to the next handler.
true if the message was succesfully handled.
handle in class MessageHandler
 o getTimeGrid
 private TimeGrid getTimeGrid()
Gets the time grid to which the markers from the message are assigned.

 o setTimeGrid
 private void setTimeGrid(TimeGrid tg)
Sets the time grid to which the markers from the message are assigned.

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