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Class tc.application.DatabaseServer


public class DatabaseServer
extends Server
DatabaseServer is the server side main class for remote version of example TC applications. It creates message handlers for delegating the incoming database access requests to the database manager. Each client will be served by its own server thread (and thus its own database manager and message handlers) as defined in the connection package.

0.30, 1998/04/02
FRED development team, Jukka Viljamaa, Antti Viljamaa
See Also:
CalendarClient, Server, ServerThread, Message, MessageHandler, DatabaseManager

Constructor Index

 o DatabaseServer(String[])
Constructs a new DatabaseServer.

Method Index

 o createMessageHandlers(ConnectionManager, MessageHandler)
Implements the method defined in Server by creating the message handlers for the database server.
 o main(String[])
Creates the DatabaseServer.
 o printUsage(String)
Overrides the method defined in Server so that it gives proper info.


 o DatabaseServer
 public DatabaseServer(String args[])
Constructs a new DatabaseServer. Passes the given command line arguments as a parameter for the super class.


 o createMessageHandlers
 public MessageHandler createMessageHandlers(ConnectionManager connectionManager,
                                             MessageHandler rootHandler)
Implements the method defined in Server by creating the message handlers for the database server.

createMessageHandlers in class Server
 o main
 public static void main(String args[])
Creates the DatabaseServer. Passes the command line arguments for the constructor.

 o printUsage
 protected void printUsage(String errorMsg)
Overrides the method defined in Server so that it gives proper info.

printUsage in class Server

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