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Class tc.application.DatabaseCalendarPanel


public class DatabaseCalendarPanel
extends CalendarPanel
DatabaseCalendarPanel is a specialized CalendarPanel that adds user interface functionality for communicating with the Calendar implementations (CalendarClient and LocalCalendar) which in turn delegate the requests to the DatabaseManager.

0.30, 1998/04/02
FRED development team, Jukka Viljamaa, Antti Viljamaa
See Also:

Constructor Index

 o DatabaseCalendarPanel(Frame, TimeGrid)
Constructs a new DatabaseCalendarPanel for visualizing the given TimeGrid in the given Frame.

Method Index

 o expandGrid(boolean)
Expands the time grid by fetching new time information from the database.
 o handlePopupMenuEvent(ActionEvent)
This method overrides CalendarPanel's method so that it handles the additional popupmenu commands related to database actions.


 o DatabaseCalendarPanel
 public DatabaseCalendarPanel(Frame f,
                              TimeGrid tg)
Constructs a new DatabaseCalendarPanel for visualizing the given TimeGrid in the given Frame.


 o handlePopupMenuEvent
 protected void handlePopupMenuEvent(ActionEvent event)
This method overrides CalendarPanel's method so that it handles the additional popupmenu commands related to database actions. This method also redefines the handling of "Next Page" and "Previous Page" so that they expand the grid if necessary time information is not yet fetched from the database.

handlePopupMenuEvent in class CalendarPanel
 o expandGrid
 protected void expandGrid(boolean forwards)
Expands the time grid by fetching new time information from the database. The amount of of grid exapansion is determined by TimeGrid's gridIncrement property.

forwards - Determines wheter to exapand forwards (in time) or backwards.
See Also:

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