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Class connection.MessageWriter


public class MessageWriter
extends Object
MessageWriter is a class for writing Message objects to the given output stream.

0.30, 1998/04/01
FRED development team, Antti Viljamaa
See Also:

Variable Index

 o outputStream
The output stream.

Constructor Index

 o MessageWriter(OutputStream)
Constructs a new message writer for the given stream.

Method Index

 o getOutputStream()
Gets the output stream.
 o setOutputStream(OutputStream)
Sets the output stream.
 o writeMessage(Message)
Writes the given message to the stream.


 o outputStream
 OutputStream outputStream
The output stream.


 o MessageWriter
 public MessageWriter(OutputStream outputStream)
Constructs a new message writer for the given stream.


 o writeMessage
 public void writeMessage(Message msg) throws IOException
Writes the given message to the stream.

 o setOutputStream
 protected void setOutputStream(OutputStream os)
Sets the output stream.

 o getOutputStream
 protected OutputStream getOutputStream()
Gets the output stream.

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