Packages that use ZNode | |
edu.umd.cs.jazz | Jazz is a general-purpose Java-based engine that supports 2D visualizations. |
edu.umd.cs.jazz.event | This package supports Jazz event handlers. |
edu.umd.cs.jazz.util | This package defines several utility classes that are likely to be useful for Jazz applications. |
Uses of ZNode in edu.umd.cs.jazz |
Subclasses of ZNode in edu.umd.cs.jazz | |
class |
ZAnchorGroup holds the information for a spatial hyperlink. |
class |
ZClipGroup applies a clip to the current ZRenderContext before rendering its children. |
class |
ZConstraintGroup is a transform group that changes its transform based on a computation defined in a specified method. |
class |
ZFadeGroup is a group node that controls transparency and fading of its sub-tree. |
class |
ZGroup is a node with children. |
class |
ZInvisibleGroup is a group node that completely hides its descendents. |
class |
ZLayerGroup is used exclusively to specify the portion of the scenegraph that a camera can see. |
class |
ZLayoutGroup is a visual group that wraps a layout manager that can position the node's children. |
class |
ZLeaf is a basic leaf node that doesn't have any children. |
class |
ZNameGroup is a group node that names a portion of the scenegraph. |
class |
ZRoot extends ZNode overiding several methods of ZNode to ensure that ZRoot is always in the root position of a Scenegraph. |
class |
ZSelectionGroup is a visual group node that provides functionality for specifying selection. |
class |
ZSpatialIndexGroup is a group node that supports R-tree indexing for a group of visual components. |
class |
ZStickyGroup is a constraint group that moves its children inversely to the camera view, so that the children stay visually on the same place on the screen, even as the camera view changes. |
class |
ZTransformGroup is a group node that specifies an arbitrary affine transform. |
class |
ZVisualGroup is a group node that has a visual components that can be rendered. |
class |
Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz that return ZNode | |
ZNode[] |
Return a copy of the array of parents of this node. |
ZNode[] |
Returns a reference to the parents of this component. |
ZNode[] |
Return a copy of the array of children of this node. |
ZNode |
ZGroup.getChild(int i)
Returns the i'th child of this node. |
ZNode[] |
Returns a reference to the actual children of this node. |
ZNode |
Determine the node that is the destination of this link. |
ZNode |
Get the camera node this surface is associated with. |
Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz with parameters of type ZNode | |
void |
ZVisualComponent.addParent(ZNode parent)
Method to add a node to be a new parent of this component. |
void |
ZVisualComponent.removeParent(ZNode parent)
Method to remove the specified parent node from this visual component. |
void |
ZNode.replaceWith(ZNode replacement)
Swaps this node out of the scenegraph tree, and replaces it with the specified replacement node. |
void |
ZNode.raiseTo(ZNode afterNode)
Raises this node within the drawing order of its siblings, so it gets rendered above (after) the specified node. |
void |
ZNode.lowerTo(ZNode beforeNode)
Lowers this node within the drawing order of its siblings, so it gets rendered below (before) the specified node. |
boolean |
ZNode.isDescendentOf(ZNode queryNode)
Method to determine if this is a descendent of queryNode. |
boolean |
ZNode.isAncestorOf(ZNode queryNode)
Method to determine if this is an ancenstor of queryNode. |
void |
ZGroup.insertAbove(ZNode child)
Insert this group node above the specified node. |
void |
ZGroup.addChild(ZNode child)
Add a node to be a new child of this group node. |
protected void |
ZGroup.addChildImpl(ZNode child,
boolean fireEvent)
The implementation of the addChild method |
protected void |
ZGroup.removeChild(ZNode child,
boolean fireEvent)
Remove the specified child node from this group node. |
void |
ZGroup.removeChild(ZNode child)
Remove the specified child node from this group node. |
int |
ZGroup.indexOf(ZNode child)
Searches for the first occurrence of the given child in the children of this node. |
void |
ZGroup.raise(ZNode child)
Raises the specified child node within the drawing order of this node's children, so it gets rendered above (after) all of its siblings. |
void |
ZGroup.raiseTo(ZNode child,
ZNode afterNode)
Raises the specified child node within the drawing order of this node's siblings, so it gets rendered above (after) the specified node. |
void |
ZGroup.lower(ZNode child)
Lowers the specified child node within the drawing order of this node's children, so it gets rendered below (before) all of its siblings. |
void |
ZGroup.lowerTo(ZNode child,
ZNode beforeNode)
Lowers the specified child node within the drawing order of this node's siblings, so it gets rendered below (before) the specified node. |
void |
ZGroup.childAddedNotification(ZNode child,
boolean isModification)
Notifies all listeners that have registered interest for notification on ZGroupEvents that a child has been added to the group, then percolates the event up scenegraph, notifying any listeners on any higher ZGroup nodes. |
void |
ZGroup.childRemovedNotification(ZNode child,
boolean isModification)
Notifies all listeners that have registered interest for notification on ZGroupEvents that a child has been removed from the group, then percolates the event up scenegraph, notifying any listeners on any higher ZGroup nodes. |
protected void |
ZRoot.setParent(ZNode parent)
Overrides ZNode.setParent() to throw an exception if an attempt to set the parent of a ZRoot is made. |
protected void |
ZTreeLayoutManager.translateDestinationPoint(ZNode aPrimaryNode,
java.awt.geom.Point2D trans)
Translates the transform corresponding to the given node in the transformTable. |
protected java.awt.geom.Point2D |
ZTreeLayoutManager.setDestinationPoint(ZNode aPrimaryNode,
java.awt.geom.Point2D dest)
Sets the bounds location for the given node to the specified point. |
protected java.awt.geom.Area |
ZTreeLayoutManager.updateChildArea(ZNode aPrimaryNode,
java.awt.geom.Point2D trans)
Translates the child nodes area, potentially stored in the area manager, by the specified translation |
protected void |
ZTreeLayoutManager.computeNodeArea(ZNode aPrimaryNode)
Computes the given nodes area - this includes the bounds of its visual component and the stored areas for its immediate children |
protected java.awt.geom.Area |
ZTreeLayoutManager.getNodeArea(ZNode aPrimaryNode)
Gets the stored area for the given node |
protected ZBounds |
ZTreeLayoutManager.getFrontVisualComponentBounds(ZNode aVisualNode)
Convenience method to get the bounds of the front visual component of the given node |
protected static void |
ZTreeLayoutManager.updateInvalidLinks(ZNode top)
Updates all links, in depth-first order, below the supplied ZNode |
static java.util.ArrayList |
ZSelectionGroup.getSelectedNodes(ZNode node)
Deprecated. as of Jazz 1.1, replaced by ZSelectionManager.getSelectedNodes(ZNode) |
static ZSelectionGroup |
ZSelectionGroup.select(ZNode node)
Deprecated. as of Jazz 1.1, replaced by ZSelectionManager.select(ZNode) |
static void |
ZSelectionGroup.unselect(ZNode node)
Deprecated. as of Jazz 1.1, replaced by ZSelectionManager.unselect(ZNode) |
static void |
ZSelectionGroup.unselectAll(ZNode node)
Deprecated. as of Jazz 1.1, replaced by ZSelectionManager.unselectAll(ZNode) |
static boolean |
ZSelectionGroup.isSelected(ZNode node)
Deprecated. as of Jazz 1.1, replaced by ZSelectionManager.isSelected(ZNode) |
protected static void |
ZSelectionManager.fireGroupEvent(int id,
ZGroup group,
ZNode child)
Notifies all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type. |
static java.util.ArrayList |
ZSelectionManager.getSelectedNodes(ZNode node)
Return a list of the selected nodes in the subtree rooted at the specified node (including the root if it is selected). |
static ZSelectionGroup |
ZSelectionManager.select(ZNode node)
Select the specified node. |
static void |
ZSelectionManager.unselect(ZNode node)
Unselect the specified node. |
static void |
ZSelectionManager.unselectAll(ZNode node)
Unselect all currently selected nodes in the subtree rooted at the specified node (including the root if it is selected). |
static boolean |
ZSelectionManager.isSelected(ZNode node)
Determine if the specified node is selected. |
void |
ZTransformGroup.position(java.awt.geom.Point2D srcPt,
java.awt.geom.Point2D destPt,
ZNode refNode,
int millis,
ZDrawingSurface surface)
This will calculate the necessary transform in order to make this node appear at a particular position relative to the specified node. |
static void |
ZInvisibleGroup.setVisible(ZNode node,
boolean visible)
Make the sub-tree rooted at the specified node invisible or visible. |
void |
ZSpatialIndexGroup.removeChild(ZNode child)
Removes the ZGroup child from this ZSpatialIndexGroup. |
protected boolean |
ZSpatialIndexGroup.childrenFindable(ZNode node,
ZBounds bounds)
Returns true if the node intersects the bounds. |
void |
ZSpatialIndex.addNode(ZNode node)
Add a node to the rtree index. |
protected void |
ZSpatialIndex.add(ZNode obj)
internal method: Add a node to the rtree index. |
boolean |
ZSpatialIndex.removeNode(ZNode node)
Remove an object from the index. |
protected boolean |
ZSpatialIndex.remove(ZNode obj)
internal method: Remove an object from the index. |
void |
ZAnchorGroup.setDestNode(ZNode node,
ZCamera camera)
Set the node destination of this link. |
void |
ZDrawingSurface.setCamera(ZCamera cam,
ZNode camNode)
Sets the camera that this surface is rendered with. |
static ZStickyGroup |
ZStickyGroup.makeSticky(ZNode node,
ZCamera camera,
int constraintType)
Make the specified node sticky by adding a sticky node above the specified node. |
static void |
ZStickyGroup.makeUnSticky(ZNode node)
Make the specified node unsticky. |
double |
ZCamera.cameraToLocal(java.awt.geom.Point2D pt,
ZNode node)
Transform a point in the camera's coordinate system through the camera down the tree to the specified node's local coordinate system. |
double |
ZCamera.cameraToLocal(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D rect,
ZNode node)
Transform a rectangle in the camera's coordinate system through the camera down the tree to the specified node's local coordinate system. |
double |
ZCamera.localToCamera(java.awt.geom.Point2D pt,
ZNode node)
Transform a point in a node's local coordinate system up the scenegraph backwards through the camera to the camera's coordinate system. |
double |
ZCamera.localToCamera(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D rect,
ZNode node)
Transform a rectangle in a node's local coordinate system up the scenegraph backwards through the camera to the camera's coordinate system. |
protected ZLayerGroup |
ZCamera.getAncestorLayerFor(ZNode node)
Return the camera layer associated with this camera that is the ancestor of the supplied node. |
protected void |
ZLayoutGroup.doLayoutInternal(ZNode node)
Internal method to recursively search children to look for layout nodes, and apply the layout if found. |
Constructors in edu.umd.cs.jazz with parameters of type ZNode | |
ZGroup(ZNode child)
Constructs a new group node with the specified node as a child of the new group. |
ZClipGroup(ZNode child)
ZClipGroup constructor comment. |
ZVisualGroup(ZNode child)
Constructs a new visual group node with the specified node as a child of the new group. |
ZVisualGroup(ZNode child,
ZVisualComponent newFrontVisualComponent,
ZVisualComponent newBackVisualComponent)
Constructs a new ZVisualGroup with the specified visual components, and specified node as a child of the new group. |
ZSelectionGroup(ZNode child)
Constructs a new select group node with the specified node as a child of the new group. |
ZTransformGroup(ZNode child)
Constructs a new transform group node with the specified node as a child of the new group. |
ZFadeGroup(ZNode child)
Constructs a new fade group node with the specified node as a child of the new group. |
ZInvisibleGroup(ZNode child)
Constructs a new invisible group node with the specified node as a child of the new group. |
ZSpatialIndexGroup(ZNode child,
ZCamera camera)
Constructs a new ZSpatialIndex group node with the specified node as a child of the new group. |
ZConstraintGroup(ZNode child)
Constructs a new constraint group that decorates the specified child. |
ZConstraintGroup(ZCamera camera,
ZNode child)
Constructs a new constraint group with a specified camera that decorates the specified child. |
ZAnchorGroup(ZNode child)
Constructs a new link group node with the specified node as a child of the new group. |
ZLayerGroup(ZNode child)
Constructs a new layer group node with the specified node as a child of the new group. |
ZDrawingSurface(ZCamera camera,
ZNode cameraNode)
Constructs a new Surface, containing the given camera and associated camera node. |
ZDrawingSurface(ZCamera camera,
ZNode cameraNode,
javax.swing.JComponent aComponent)
Constructs a new Surface, containing the given camera and associated camera node, along with a JComponent this surface is connected to. |
ZStickyGroup(ZNode child)
Constructs a new sticky group that decorates the specified child. |
ZStickyGroup(ZCamera camera,
ZNode child)
Constructs a new sticky group with a specified camera that decorates the specified child. |
ZNameGroup(ZNode child)
Constructs a new name group node with the specified node as a child of the new group. |
ZNameGroup(ZNode child,
java.lang.String name)
Constructs a new name group node with the specified node as a child of the new group, and with the specified name. |
ZLayoutGroup(ZNode child)
Constructs a new layout group node with the specified node as a child of the new group. |
ZLayoutGroup(ZNode child,
ZGroup layoutChild)
Constructs a new layout group node with the specified node as a child of the new group. |
Uses of ZNode in edu.umd.cs.jazz.event |
Fields in edu.umd.cs.jazz.event declared as ZNode | |
protected ZNode |
The node to listen to for events. |
Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz.event that return ZNode | |
ZNode |
Determine the node the event originated at. |
ZNode |
Determine the node the event originated at. |
ZNode |
Get the current node that is under the cursor. |
ZNode |
ZNode |
Returns the node to which this selection manager is attached. |
ZNode |
Returns the ZNode that was affected by the event. |
protected ZNode |
ZoomToEventHandler.getNodeToZoomTo(ZSceneGraphPath aPath)
Get the node the use for the target of the zoom. |
protected ZNode |
ZLinkEventHandler.getNodeUnderMouse(ZMouseEvent e)
This method returns the current pickable node that is under the mouse cursor even in the case when the mouse is being dragged. |
ZNode |
Returns the node whose bounds has changed. |
Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz.event with parameters of type ZNode | |
static ZGroupEvent |
ZGroupEvent.createNodeAddedEvent(ZGroup source,
ZNode child,
boolean modification)
Factory method to create a ZGroupEvent with a NODE_ADDED ID. |
static ZGroupEvent |
ZGroupEvent.createNodeRemovedEvent(ZGroup source,
ZNode child,
boolean modification)
Factory method to create a ZGroupEvent with a NODE_REMOVED ID. |
void |
ZoomToEventHandler.setDefaultZoomToNode(ZNode aNode)
Set the default node to zoom to. |
protected void |
ZoomToEventHandler.zoomToScaleWith(ZCamera aCamera,
ZNode aNode)
Zoom the specified camera so that the specified target node appears at a certain scale on the screen. |
protected void |
ZoomToEventHandler.zoomToScreenWith(ZCamera aCamera,
ZNode aNode)
Zoom the specified camera so that the specified target node fills the screen minus the spacing set in makeZoomToScreen(aSpacing); |
protected void |
ZLinkEventHandler.hilite(ZNode aNode,
ZCamera aCamera)
This method will hilite the passed in node selecting it. |
protected void |
ZLinkEventHandler.unhilite(ZNode aNode,
ZCamera aCamera)
This method will unhilite the passed in node by deselecting it. |
static ZNodeEvent |
ZNodeEvent.createBoundsChangedEvent(ZNode aNode)
Factory method to create a ZNodeEvent with a BOUNDS_CHANGED ID. |
static ZNodeEvent |
ZNodeEvent.createGlobalBoundsChangedEvent(ZNode aNode)
Factory method to create a ZNodeEvent with a GLOBAL_BOUNDS_CHANGED ID. |
protected void |
ZSelectionDeleteHandler.fireGroupEvent(int id,
ZGroup parent,
ZNode child)
Notifies all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type. |
Constructors in edu.umd.cs.jazz.event with parameters of type ZNode | |
ZMouseEvent(int id,
ZNode aNode,
java.awt.event.MouseEvent e,
ZSceneGraphPath aGrabPath)
Deprecated. as of Jazz 1.1, use createMouseEvent() instead. |
ZSelectionResizeHandler(ZNode node)
Construct a new ZSelectionResizeHandler which will be active across all cameras |
ZSelectionResizeHandler(ZNode node,
ZCamera camera)
Construct a new ZSelectionResizeHandler. |
ZSelectionResizeHandler.ResizeEvent(ZNode node,
ZMouseEvent mouseEvent,
double xScale,
double yScale,
double constrainXScale,
double constrainYScale,
double noFlipXScale,
double noFlipYScale,
double constrainNoFlipXScale,
double constrainNoFlipYScale,
double x,
double y)
ZPanEventHandler(ZNode node)
Constructs a new ZPanEventHandler. |
ZPanEventHandler(ZNode node,
ZCamera camera)
Constructs a new ZPanEventHandler. |
ZSelectionModifyHandler(ZNode node,
ZCanvas canvas,
ZGroup marqueeLayer)
Construct a new ZSelectionModifyHandler. |
ZSelectionModifyHandler(ZNode node,
ZCamera camera,
ZCanvas canvas,
ZGroup marqueeLayer)
Construct a new ZSelectionModifyHandler. |
ZoomEventHandler(ZNode node)
Constructs a new ZoomEventHandler. |
ZoomEventHandler(ZNode node,
ZCamera camera)
Constructs a new ZoomEventHandler. |
ZSwingEventHandler(ZCanvas canvas,
ZNode node)
Constructs a new ZSwingEventHandler for the given canvas, and a node that will recieve the mouse events. |
ZNavEventHandlerKeyBoard(ZNode node,
ZCanvas canvas)
Constructs a new ZNavEventHandlerKeyBoard. |
ZGroupEvent(ZGroup source,
int id,
ZNode child,
boolean modification)
Deprecated. as of Jazz 1.1, use createNodeAddedEvent() or createNodeRemovedEvent() instead. |
ZGroupEvent(ZGroup source,
int id,
ZNode child,
boolean modification,
java.lang.Object dummy)
ZCompositeSelectionHandler(ZNode node,
ZCanvas canvas,
ZLayerGroup marqueeLayer)
Creates a composite selection handler with all available selection event handler types enabled. |
ZCompositeSelectionHandler(ZNode node,
ZCamera camera,
ZCanvas canvas,
ZLayerGroup marqueeLayer)
Creates a composite selection handler with all available selection event handler types enabled. |
ZCompositeSelectionHandler(ZNode node,
ZCanvas canvas,
ZLayerGroup marqueeLayer,
int flags)
Creates a composite selection handler with the specified enabled selection event handler types. |
ZCompositeSelectionHandler(ZNode node,
ZCamera camera,
ZCanvas canvas,
ZLayerGroup marqueeLayer,
int flags)
Creates a composite selection handler with the specified enabled selection event handler types. |
ZoomToEventHandler(ZNode aNode)
Constructs a new ZoomToEventHandler. |
ZoomToEventHandler(ZNode aNode,
ZNode aDefaultZoomToNode)
Constructs a new ZoomToEventHandler. |
ZSelectionEventHandler(ZNode node,
ZCanvas canvas,
ZGroup marqueeLayer)
Deprecated. Constructs a new ZSelectionEventHandler. |
ZLinkEventHandler(ZNode node,
ZCanvas canvas)
This method creates a new link event handler. |
ZNodeEvent(ZNode source,
int id)
Deprecated. as of Jazz 1.1, use createBoundsChangedEvent() or createGlobalBoundsChanged() instead. |
ZNodeEvent(ZNode source,
int id,
java.lang.Object dummy)
ZSelectionMoveHandler(ZNode node,
ZCanvas canvas)
Construct a new ZSelectionMoveHandler. |
ZSelectionMoveHandler(ZNode node,
ZCamera camera,
ZCanvas canvas)
Construct a new ZSelectionMoveHandler. |
ZSelectionDeleteHandler(ZNode node,
ZCanvas canvas)
Construct a new ZSelectionDeleteHandler. |
ZSelectionDeleteHandler(ZNode node,
ZCamera camera,
ZCanvas canvas)
Construct a new ZSelectionDeleteHandler. |
Uses of ZNode in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util |
Fields in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util declared as ZNode | |
protected ZNode |
The edit node. |
protected ZNode |
Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util that return ZNode | |
ZNode |
Returns the node associated with the top-level camera in the path. |
ZNode |
Returns the nearest ZNode to the picked object. |
ZNode[] |
ZNode[] |
ZNode |
Return the camera's node associated with the primary surface. |
ZNode |
If ZSceneGraphEditor has inserted groups above a node, this returns the topmost of those groups (the group nearest the root of the scene graph). |
ZNode |
Returns the node being edited. |
ZNode |
ZNode[] |
Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util with parameters of type ZNode | |
boolean |
ZBoundsFindFilter.accept(ZNode node)
Determine if the specified node is accepted by this filter. |
boolean |
ZBoundsFindFilter.childrenFindable(ZNode node)
Determine if the children of the specified node should be searched. |
static void |
ZDebug.dump(ZNode node)
Debugging function to dump the scenegraph rooted at the specified node to stdout. |
void |
ZSceneGraphPath.setTopCameraNode(ZNode node)
Sets the node associated with the top-level camera in the path. |
static void |
ZLayout.distribute(ZNode[] nodes,
java.util.ArrayList coordinates)
Distributes a set of nodes (those being ZNodes)
along the path specified by |
static void |
ZLayout.distribute(ZNode[] nodes,
java.util.ArrayList coordinates,
boolean exact,
boolean closedPath)
Distributes a set of nodes (those being ZNodes) along
the (optionally closed) path specified by coordinates . |
static void |
ZLayout.distribute(ZNode[] nodes,
java.util.ArrayList coordinates,
double tolerance,
boolean closedPath)
Distributes a set of nodes (those being ZNodes) along
the (optionally closed) path specified by coordinates . |
static void |
ZLayout.distribute(ZNode[] nodes,
java.util.ArrayList coordinates,
double space,
double tolerance,
boolean exact,
boolean closedPath)
Distributes the given nodes (those being ZNodes)
along the (optionally closed) path specified by
coordinates . |
boolean |
ZMagBoundsFindFilter.accept(ZNode node)
Determine if the specified node is accepted by this filter. |
boolean |
ZMagBoundsFindFilter.childrenFindable(ZNode node)
This method determines if the children of the specified node should be searched. |
boolean |
ZFindFilter.accept(ZNode node)
This method determines if the specified node should be accepted by the filter. |
boolean |
ZFindFilter.childrenFindable(ZNode node)
This method determines if the children of the specified node should be searched. |
void |
ZCanvas.setCamera(ZCamera aCamera,
ZNode aCameraNode)
Sets the camera. |
protected boolean |
ZSceneGraphEditor.isEditGroup(ZNode aNode)
Returns true if aNode is an edit group; |
ZSceneGraphEditor |
ZSceneGraphEditorFactory.createEditor(ZNode node)
Constructors in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util with parameters of type ZNode | |
ZSceneGraphEditor(ZNode aNode)
Create a new editor for aNode. |