Class ZDebug

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ZDebug
extends java.lang.Object

ZDebug provides static methods for maintaining/setting/retrieving global debugging state. It is not inteneded to be instantiated.

Warning: Serialized and ZSerialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Jazz releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Jazz. A future release of Jazz will provide support for long term persistence.

Ben Bederson, Britt McAlister
See Also:
ZNode, Serialized Form

Field Summary
static boolean debug
          Flag denoting whether debugging in general should be enabled.
static boolean debugPick
          Flag denoting whether to print debugging info related to picking
static boolean debugRegionMgmt
          Flag denoting whether there is a display to help debug region management
static boolean debugRender
          Flag denoting whether to print debugging info related to render operations
static boolean debugRepaint
          Flag denoting whether to print debugging info related to repaint operations
static boolean debugSpatialIndexing
          Flag denoting whether to print debugging info related to spatial indexing.
static boolean debugTiming
          Flag denoting whether to print debugging info related to timing
static boolean showBounds
          Flag denoting whether the bounds of each object are being rendered Don't set this directly - rather call setShowBounds(boolean, edu.umd.cs.jazz.ZCamera).
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void clearPaintCount()
          Clears the paint count.
static void dump(ZNode node)
          Debugging function to dump the scenegraph rooted at the specified node to stdout.
protected static void dump(ZSceneGraphObject sgo, int level, boolean includeChildren)
          Internal method for dump(ZNode node).
protected static void dumpElement(java.lang.String space, java.lang.String origHeader, java.lang.String element)
          Print the element for the scenegraph dump.
static java.lang.String dumpString(ZSceneGraphObject obj, boolean includeChildren)
          Debugging function to dump the scenegraph rooted at the specified node to a String.
static int getPaintCount()
          Returns the number of nodes that painted themselves during the last render.
static void incPaintCount()
          Call this method whenever a node paints itself.
static boolean isEventThread()
          In general, both Swing and Jazz are not thread safe.
static void setShowBounds(boolean showBounds, ZCamera camera)
          Controls whether the bounds of each object should be drawn as a debugging aid.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final boolean debug
Flag denoting whether debugging in general should be enabled. Settig thisto false will cause all debugging code will be optimized out of Jazz during compilation.


public static boolean showBounds
Flag denoting whether the bounds of each object are being rendered Don't set this directly - rather call setShowBounds(boolean, edu.umd.cs.jazz.ZCamera).


public static boolean debugRegionMgmt
Flag denoting whether there is a display to help debug region management


public static boolean debugRender
Flag denoting whether to print debugging info related to render operations


public static boolean debugRepaint
Flag denoting whether to print debugging info related to repaint operations


public static boolean debugTiming
Flag denoting whether to print debugging info related to timing


public static boolean debugPick
Flag denoting whether to print debugging info related to picking


public static boolean debugSpatialIndexing
Flag denoting whether to print debugging info related to spatial indexing.
Constructor Detail


public ZDebug()
Method Detail


public static void setShowBounds(boolean showBounds,
                                 ZCamera camera)
Controls whether the bounds of each object should be drawn as a debugging aid. Caller must also specify the camera that should be used in computing how to display bounds.
showBounds - true to show bounds, or false to hide bounds
camera - The camera the bounds should be scaled for.


public static void clearPaintCount()
Clears the paint count. The paint count is the number of nodes that painted themselves during the last render. This method should be called at the begining of each render.
See Also:
incPaintCount(), getPaintCount()


public static void incPaintCount()
Call this method whenever a node paints itself.
See Also:
clearPaintCount(), getPaintCount()


public static boolean isEventThread()
In general, both Swing and Jazz are not thread safe. Generally, modifications to both the Swing component hierarchy and the Jazz scenegraph should not occur outside of the Java event dispatch thread. Practically speaking, this means that if any thread other than the event dispatch thread needs to modify anything in a Swing component hierarchy or a Jazz scenegraph, they must do so in the event thread. Swing provides two utilites to make calls on the event thread, called invokeLater and invokeAndWait (see javax.swing.SwingUtilities). Some common Jazz programming violations of this policy are modifying Jazz objects in an animation thread or modifying Jazz objects from the main thread (ie. public static void main(String[] main)). Modifications to the Jazz scenegraph CAN be made in a thread BEFORE the Window containing a ZCanvas is shown. Not coincidently, this is when events start being generated for a Jazz ZCanvas. For code that will modify a Jazz scenegraph, the following function reports whether the code has been called from the event thread. This function is provided as a convenience to verify that Jazz scenegraph modifications are occuring on the appropriate thread.
Was this function called from the event dispatch thread?
See Also:
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(java.lang.Runnable), SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(java.lang.Runnable), SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()


public static int getPaintCount()
Returns the number of nodes that painted themselves during the last render.
See Also:
clearPaintCount(), incPaintCount()


public static void dump(ZNode node)
Debugging function to dump the scenegraph rooted at the specified node to stdout. It uses ZSceneGraphObject.dump() to display each object, and descends the hierarchy.
node - The root of the subtree to display.


public static java.lang.String dumpString(ZSceneGraphObject obj,
                                          boolean includeChildren)
Debugging function to dump the scenegraph rooted at the specified node to a String. It uses ZSceneGraphObject.dump() to display each object, and descends the hierarchy.
obj - The scenegraph object being dumped.
includeChildren - true if children nodes should be dumped.


protected static void dump(ZSceneGraphObject sgo,
                           int level,
                           boolean includeChildren)
Internal method for dump(ZNode node). This method handles pretty indenting of each level as it recurses down the tree.
sgo - the scenegraph object being dumped.
level - a count of recursion level for indenting.
includeChildren - true if children nodes should be dumped.


protected static void dumpElement(java.lang.String space,
                                  java.lang.String origHeader,
                                  java.lang.String element)
Print the element for the scenegraph dump. Parse the element, and if there are any newlines, space out each line with the 'space' parameter. Also, print the header for the first line, and a matching number of spaces for ensuing lines.
space - space to indent the header.
origHeader - text header for the first line.

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