Class ZCompositeSelectionHandler

All Implemented Interfaces:, ZEventHandler

public class ZCompositeSelectionHandler
extends java.lang.Object
implements ZEventHandler,

ZCompositeSelectionHandler is a convenience class that allows applications to use a single event handler to manage the multiple jazz selection event handlers. Warning: Serialized and ZSerialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Jazz releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Jazz. A future release of Jazz will provide support for long term persistence.

Lance Good
See Also:
ZSelectionManager, ZSelectionModifyHandler, ZSelectionMoveHandler, ZSelectionDeleteHandler, ZSelectionScaleHandler, ZSelectionResizeHandler, Serialized Form

Field Summary
static int ALL_AVAILABLE
          Flag used to indicate all available selection behaviors
static int DELETE
          Flag used to indicate selection deletion
static int MODIFY
          Flag used to indicate selection modification
static int MOVE
          Flag used to indicate selection movement
static int RESIZE
          Flag used to indicate selection resizing
static int SCALE
          Flag used to indicate selection keyboard scaling
Constructor Summary
ZCompositeSelectionHandler(ZNode node, ZCamera camera, ZCanvas canvas, ZLayerGroup marqueeLayer)
          Creates a composite selection handler with all available selection event handler types enabled.
ZCompositeSelectionHandler(ZNode node, ZCamera camera, ZCanvas canvas, ZLayerGroup marqueeLayer, int flags)
          Creates a composite selection handler with the specified enabled selection event handler types.
ZCompositeSelectionHandler(ZNode node, ZCanvas canvas, ZLayerGroup marqueeLayer)
          Creates a composite selection handler with all available selection event handler types enabled.
ZCompositeSelectionHandler(ZNode node, ZCanvas canvas, ZLayerGroup marqueeLayer, int flags)
          Creates a composite selection handler with the specified enabled selection event handler types.
Method Summary
 ZLayerGroup getMarqueeLayer()
 ZSelectionDeleteHandler getSelectionDeleteHandler()
          This method returns the current selection delete handler if ZCompositeSelectionHandler.DELETE is enabled.
 ZSelectionModifyHandler getSelectionModifyHandler()
          This method returns the current selection modify handler if ZCompositeSelectionHandler.MODIFY is enabled.
 ZSelectionMoveHandler getSelectionMoveHandler()
          This method returns the current selection move handler if ZCompositeSelectionHandler.MOVE is enabled.
 ZSelectionResizeHandler getSelectionResizeHandler()
          This method returns the current selection resize handler if ZCompositeSelectionHandler.RESIZE is enabled.
 ZSelectionScaleHandler getSelectionScaleHandler()
          This method returns the current selection scale handler if ZCompositeSelectionHandler.SCALE is enabled.
 boolean isActive()
          Determines if this event handler is active.
 void setActive(boolean active)
          Specifies whether this event handler is active
 void setEnabled(int flags, boolean enable)
          Sets whether the specified event handlers are enabled.
 void setMarqueeLayer(ZLayerGroup layer)
          Sets the marquee layer for this event handler
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int MODIFY
Flag used to indicate selection modification


public static final int MOVE
Flag used to indicate selection movement


public static final int SCALE
Flag used to indicate selection keyboard scaling


public static final int DELETE
Flag used to indicate selection deletion


public static final int RESIZE
Flag used to indicate selection resizing


public static final int ALL_AVAILABLE
Flag used to indicate all available selection behaviors
Constructor Detail


public ZCompositeSelectionHandler(ZNode node,
                                  ZCanvas canvas,
                                  ZLayerGroup marqueeLayer)
Creates a composite selection handler with all available selection event handler types enabled. This event handler will operate across all cameras.
node - The node to which this event hander attaches
canvas - The canvas for which this event handler is active
marqueeLayer - The layer on which marquee selection is drawn


public ZCompositeSelectionHandler(ZNode node,
                                  ZCamera camera,
                                  ZCanvas canvas,
                                  ZLayerGroup marqueeLayer)
Creates a composite selection handler with all available selection event handler types enabled. This event handler will operate only on the specified camera.
node - The node to which this event hander attaches
camera - The camera on which this event handler operates
canvas - The canvas for which this event handler is active
marqueeLayer - The layer on which marquee selection is drawn


public ZCompositeSelectionHandler(ZNode node,
                                  ZCanvas canvas,
                                  ZLayerGroup marqueeLayer,
                                  int flags)
Creates a composite selection handler with the specified enabled selection event handler types. This event handler will operate across all cameras. Possible values for flags include boolean combinations of MOVE, MODIFY, SCALE, DELETE, and ALL_AVAILABLE.
node - The node to which this event hander attaches
canvas - The canvas for which this event handler is active
marqueeLayer - The layer on which marquee selection is drawn
flags - The event handlers to enable


public ZCompositeSelectionHandler(ZNode node,
                                  ZCamera camera,
                                  ZCanvas canvas,
                                  ZLayerGroup marqueeLayer,
                                  int flags)
Creates a composite selection handler with the specified enabled selection event handler types. This event handler will operate only on the specified camera. Possible values for flags include boolean combinations of MOVE, MODIFY, SCALE, DELETE, and ALL_AVAILABLE.
node - The node to which this event hander attaches
camera - The camera on which this event handler operates
canvas - The canvas for which this event handler is active
marqueeLayer - The layer on which marquee selection is drawn
flags - The event handlers to enable
Method Detail


public void setActive(boolean active)
Specifies whether this event handler is active
Specified by:
setActive in interface ZEventHandler
active - True to make this event handler active


public boolean isActive()
Determines if this event handler is active.
Specified by:
isActive in interface ZEventHandler
True if active


public ZLayerGroup getMarqueeLayer()
The current marquee layer


public void setMarqueeLayer(ZLayerGroup layer)
Sets the marquee layer for this event handler
layer - The new marquee layer


public void setEnabled(int flags,
                       boolean enable)
Sets whether the specified event handlers are enabled. Possible values for flags include boolean combinations of MOVE, MODIFY, SCALE, DELETE, and ALL_AVAILABLE.
flags - The event handlers to enable or disable
enable - Should the specified event handlers be enabled or disabled


public ZSelectionModifyHandler getSelectionModifyHandler()
This method returns the current selection modify handler if ZCompositeSelectionHandler.MODIFY is enabled. Otherwise it returns null.
The selection modify handler associated with this event handler


public ZSelectionMoveHandler getSelectionMoveHandler()
This method returns the current selection move handler if ZCompositeSelectionHandler.MOVE is enabled. Otherwise it returns null.
The selection move handler associated with this event handler


public ZSelectionScaleHandler getSelectionScaleHandler()
This method returns the current selection scale handler if ZCompositeSelectionHandler.SCALE is enabled. Otherwise it returns null.
The selection scale handler associated with this event handler


public ZSelectionDeleteHandler getSelectionDeleteHandler()
This method returns the current selection delete handler if ZCompositeSelectionHandler.DELETE is enabled. Otherwise it returns null.
The selection delete handler associated with this event handler


public ZSelectionResizeHandler getSelectionResizeHandler()
This method returns the current selection resize handler if ZCompositeSelectionHandler.RESIZE is enabled. Otherwise it returns null.
The selection delete handler associated with this event handler

Copyright © 2001 by University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA All rights reserved.