Package edu.umd.cs.jazz.event

This package supports Jazz event handlers.


Interface Summary
ZCameraListener ZCameraListener is an interface to support notification when changes occur to a ZCamera.
ZEvent This interface ensures that the implementing event can dispatch itself without someone else needing to look at the events ID or type.
ZEventHandler ZEventHandler is an interface for defining behaviors in Jazz.
ZGroupListener ZGroupListener is an interface to support notification when changes occur to a ZGroup.
ZMouseListener ZMouseListener is a listener interface for receiving "interesting" mouse events (press, release, click, enter, and exit) on a node.
ZMouseMotionListener ZMouseMotionListener is a listener interface for receiving mouse motion events on a node.
ZNodeListener ZNodeListener is an interface to support notification when changes occur to a ZNode.
ZSelectionResizeHandler.ResizeListener Interface that a class must implement to handle the resizing of the selected nodes for a given ZSelectionResizeHandler.
ZTransformListener ZTransformListener is an interface to support notification when changes occur to a ZTransformGroup.

Class Summary
ZCameraAdapter ZCameraAdapater is an abstract adapter class for receiving camera events.
ZCameraEvent ZCameraEvent is an event which indicates that a camera has changed.
ZCompositeSelectionHandler ZCompositeSelectionHandler is a convenience class that allows applications to use a single event handler to manage the multiple jazz selection event handlers.
ZGroupAdapter ZGroupAdapater is an abstract adapter class for receiving group events.
ZGroupEvent ZGroupEvent is an event which indicates that a group node has changed.
ZLinkEventHandler ZLinkEventHandler is a simple event handler for interactively creating hyperlinks.
ZMouseAdapter ZMouseAdapter is an abstract adapter class for receiving mouse events.
ZMouseEvent ZMouseEvent is an event which indicates that a mouse action occurred in a node.
ZMouseMotionAdapter ZMouseMotionAdapter is an abstract adapter class for receiving mouse motion events.
ZMouseMotionEvent ZMouseMotionEvent is an event which indicates that a mouse motion action occurred in a node.
ZNavEventHandlerKeyBoard ZNavEventHandlerKeyBoard provides event handlers for basic zooming and panning of a Jazz camera with the keyboard.
ZNodeAdapter ZNodeAdapater is an abstract adapter class for receiving node events.
ZNodeEvent ZNodeEvent is an event which indicates that a node has changed.
ZoomEventHandler ZoomEventhandler provides event handlers for basic zooming of a Jazz camera with the right button.
ZoomToEventHandler ZoomToEventhandler provides the ability to zoom the current camera to a target node on the drawing surface.
ZPanEventHandler ZPanEventHandler provides event handlers for basic panning of a Jazz camera with the left mouse.
ZSelectionDeleteHandler ZSelectionDeleteHandler is a selection handler for use with a ZSelectionManager.
ZSelectionEventHandler Deprecated. This class has been replaced by ZSelectionDeleteHandler, ZSelectionModifyHandler, ZSelectionMoveHandler, and ZSelectionScaleHandler
ZSelectionModifyHandler ZSelectionModifyHandler is a ZEventHandler that allows items to be selected with the mouse, and maintains the current selection.
ZSelectionMoveHandler ZSelectionMoveHandler is a selection handler for use with ZSelectionManager.
ZSelectionResizeHandler ZSelectionResizeHandler is a selection handler for use with ZSelectionManager.
ZSelectionResizeHandler.ResizeEvent An event to signal that a node has been resized by this event handler.
ZSelectionScaleHandler ZSelectionScaleHandler is a selection handler for use with a ZSelectionManager.
ZSwingEventHandler Event handler to send MousePressed, MouseReleased, MouseMoved, MouseClicked, and MouseDragged events on Swing components within a ZCanvas
ZTransformAdapter ZTransformAdapater is an abstract adapter class for receiving transform events.
ZTransformEvent ZTransformEvent is an event which indicates that a transform group has changed.

Package edu.umd.cs.jazz.event Description

This package supports Jazz event handlers. It contains event listeners and adapters for both internally-generated events, and for user-driven input events. It also contains basic event handlers for common typical interaction such as navigation and selection.

Copyright © 2001 by University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA All rights reserved.