Interface ZEvent

All Known Implementing Classes:
ZCameraEvent, ZGroupEvent, ZMouseEvent, ZTransformEvent, ZNodeEvent

public interface ZEvent

This interface ensures that the implementing event can dispatch itself without someone else needing to look at the events ID or type. This allows us to get ride of all fireEvent(SpecificEventType) methods and replace them with one fireEvent(ZEvent) method that is located in ZSceneGraphObject.

Method Summary
 void dispatchTo(java.lang.Object listener)
          This method should dispatch this event to the listener using this events ID code to determine what method in the listener to call.
 java.lang.Class getListenerType()
          Get the listener type for this event.
 boolean isConsumed()
          Returns true if this event has previously been consumed by a listener.
 void setSource(java.lang.Object aSource)
          Set the souce of this event.

Method Detail


public void dispatchTo(java.lang.Object listener)
This method should dispatch this event to the listener using this events ID code to determine what method in the listener to call.


public java.lang.Class getListenerType()
Get the listener type for this event. This is used by fireEvent in ZSceneGraphObject to determine what listeners should receive this event.


public boolean isConsumed()
Returns true if this event has previously been consumed by a listener.


public void setSource(java.lang.Object aSource)
Set the souce of this event. As the event is fired up the tree the source of the event will keep changing to reflect the scenegraph object that is firing the event.

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