Class ZConstraintGroup

All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Cloneable,, ZSerializable, ZTransformable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ZConstraintGroup
extends ZTransformGroup

ZConstraintGroup is a transform group that changes its transform based on a computation defined in a specified method. Every time the camera view is changed, the method is called, recomputing the transform. Thus, depending on the algorithm chosen, various dynamic behaviors can be created.

Sub-classes must override the ZTransformGroup.getTransform() method of ZTransformGroup.getTransform() to define a new transform. This class stores a reference to a camera so, for example, a sub-class could define a constraint dependent on the camera so that the children move whenever the camera view changes.

Warning: Serialized and ZSerialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Jazz releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Jazz. A future release of Jazz will provide support for long term persistence.

Benjamin B. Bederson
See Also:
ZStickyGroup, Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  ZCamera camera
          The camera the constraint is related to
Fields inherited from class edu.umd.cs.jazz.ZGroup
children, childrenFindable_DEFAULT, childrenPickable_DEFAULT, hasOneChild_DEFAULT
Fields inherited from class edu.umd.cs.jazz.ZNode
findable_DEFAULT, pickable_DEFAULT, savable_DEFAULT, selectable_DEFAULT
Fields inherited from class edu.umd.cs.jazz.ZSceneGraphObject
bounds, listenerList, volatileBounds, volatileBounds_DEFAULT
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new constraint group.
ZConstraintGroup(ZCamera camera)
          Constructs a new constraint group with a specified camera.
ZConstraintGroup(ZCamera camera, ZNode child)
          Constructs a new constraint group with a specified camera that decorates the specified child.
ZConstraintGroup(ZNode child)
          Constructs a new constraint group that decorates the specified child.
Method Summary
 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform computeTransform()
          Computes the constraint that defines the child to not move even as the camera view changes.
 void finalize()
          Disposes of this constraint group when it is no longer used.
 ZCamera getCamera()
          Get the camera that this node is related to.
protected  void init(ZCamera camera)
          Internal method to help node construction.
 void setCamera(ZCamera camera)
          Set the camera that this node is related to
 void setState(java.lang.String fieldType, java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.Object fieldValue)
          Set some state of this object as it gets read back in.
protected  void updateObjectReferences(ZObjectReferenceTable objRefTable)
          Called to update internal object references after a clone operation by ZSceneGraphObject.clone().
protected  void updateTransform()
          Internal method to recompute the constraint transform.
 void writeObject(ZObjectOutputStream out)
          Write out all of this object's state.
 void writeObjectRecurse(ZObjectOutputStream out)
          Specify which objects this object references in order to write out the scenegraph properly
Methods inherited from class edu.umd.cs.jazz.ZTransformGroup
addTransformListener, animate, animate, animate, animate, computeBounds, computeInverseTransform, computeScale, concatenate, dump, duplicateObject, getInverseTransform, getLocalToGlobalTransform, getMatrix, getRotation, getScale, getTransform, getTransformReference, getTranslateX, getTranslateY, getTranslation, lerp, pick, position, position, preConcatenate, removeTransformListener, render, repaint, repaint, rotate, rotate, rotate, rotate, scale, scale, scale, scale, setRotation, setRotation, setRotation, setRotation, setScale, setScale, setScale, setScale, setTransform, setTransform, setTranslateX, setTranslateY, setTranslation, setTranslation, transform, transform, translate, translate
Methods inherited from class edu.umd.cs.jazz.ZGroup
addChild, addChildImpl, addChildren, addGroupListener, childAddedNotification, childRemovedNotification, extract, findNodes, getChild, getChildren, getChildrenFindable, getChildrenIterator, getChildrenPickable, getChildrenReference, getNumChildren, getShallowBounds, getVolatileBounds, hasOneChild, indexOf, insertAbove, iterator, lower, lowerTo, raise, raiseTo, removeAllChildren, removeChild, removeChild, removeChild, removeChildImpl, removeGroupListener, removeNodeListener, setChildrenFindable, setChildrenPickable, setHasOneChild, trimToSize, updateHasNodeListener, updateVolatility
Methods inherited from class edu.umd.cs.jazz.ZNode
addClientProperty, addNodeListener, editor, getClientProperty, getGlobalBounds, getGlobalToLocalTransform, getParent, getRoot, globalToLocal, globalToLocal, hasNodeListener, isAncestorOf, isDescendentOf, isFindable, isPickable, isSavable, isSelectable, localToGlobal, localToGlobal, lower, lowerTo, percolateEventUpSceneGraph, putClientProperty, raise, raiseTo, remove, repaint, reparent, replaceWith, setEditorFactory, setFindable, setParent, setPickable, setSavable, setSelectable, updateBounds, writeReplace
Methods inherited from class edu.umd.cs.jazz.ZSceneGraphObject
addMouseListener, addMouseMotionListener, clone, fireEvent, fireMouseEvent, getBounds, getBoundsReference, getListenerList, hasLisenerOfType, hasMouseListener, processMouseEvent, removeEventListener, removeMouseListener, removeMouseMotionListener, reshape, setBounds, setVolatileBounds
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected ZCamera camera
The camera the constraint is related to
Constructor Detail


public ZConstraintGroup()
Constructs a new constraint group. This constructor does not specify a camera to be used in calculating the constraint. Set the camera separately to make the node behave properly.
See Also:


public ZConstraintGroup(ZCamera camera)
Constructs a new constraint group with a specified camera.
camera - The camera the node is related to.


public ZConstraintGroup(ZNode child)
Constructs a new constraint group that decorates the specified child.
child - The child that should go directly below this node.


public ZConstraintGroup(ZCamera camera,
                        ZNode child)
Constructs a new constraint group with a specified camera that decorates the specified child.
camera - The camera the node is related to.
child - The child that should go directly below this node.
Method Detail


public void finalize()
Disposes of this constraint group when it is no longer used.
finalize in class java.lang.Object


protected void init(ZCamera camera)
Internal method to help node construction.


protected void updateObjectReferences(ZObjectReferenceTable objRefTable)
Called to update internal object references after a clone operation by ZSceneGraphObject.clone().
updateObjectReferences in class ZNode
See Also:


public java.awt.geom.AffineTransform computeTransform()
Computes the constraint that defines the child to not move even as the camera view changes. This is called whenever the camera view changes. This should be overrided by sub-classes defining constraints.
The new transform


protected void updateTransform()
Internal method to recompute the constraint transform. This should be called whenever some internal state that can affect the constraint changes.


public ZCamera getCamera()
Get the camera that this node is related to.
the camera


public void setCamera(ZCamera camera)
Set the camera that this node is related to
camera - The new camera


public void writeObject(ZObjectOutputStream out)
Write out all of this object's state.
writeObject in class ZTransformGroup
out - The stream that this object writes into


public void writeObjectRecurse(ZObjectOutputStream out)
Specify which objects this object references in order to write out the scenegraph properly
writeObjectRecurse in class ZTransformGroup
out - The stream that this object writes into


public void setState(java.lang.String fieldType,
                     java.lang.String fieldName,
                     java.lang.Object fieldValue)
Set some state of this object as it gets read back in. After the object is created with its default no-arg constructor, this method will be called on the object once for each bit of state that was written out through calls to ZObjectOutputStream.writeState() within the writeObject method.
setState in class ZTransformGroup
fieldType - The fully qualified type of the field
fieldName - The name of the field
fieldValue - The value of the field

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