Package edu.umd.cs.jazz

Jazz is a general-purpose Java-based engine that supports 2D visualizations.


Interface Summary
ZLayoutManager ZLayoutManager represents an object that can layout the children of a node.
ZTransformable ZTransformable is an interface that represents an object that has a transform that supports get and set.

Class Summary
ZAnchorGroup ZAnchorGroup holds the information for a spatial hyperlink.
ZCamera ZCamera represents a viewport onto a list of nodes.
ZClipGroup ZClipGroup applies a clip to the current ZRenderContext before rendering its children.
ZConstraintGroup ZConstraintGroup is a transform group that changes its transform based on a computation defined in a specified method.
ZDrawingSurface ZDrawingSurface represents the thing the camera renders onto.
ZFadeGroup ZFadeGroup is a group node that controls transparency and fading of its sub-tree.
ZGroup ZGroup is a node with children.
ZInvisibleGroup ZInvisibleGroup is a group node that completely hides its descendents.
ZLayerGroup ZLayerGroup is used exclusively to specify the portion of the scenegraph that a camera can see.
ZLayoutGroup ZLayoutGroup is a visual group that wraps a layout manager that can position the node's children.
ZLeaf ZLeaf is a basic leaf node that doesn't have any children.
ZNameGroup ZNameGroup is a group node that names a portion of the scenegraph.
ZNode ZNode is the common superclass of all objects in a Jazz scenegraph.
ZPathLayoutManager ZPathLayoutManager positions a set of nodes along a path.
ZRoot ZRoot extends ZNode overiding several methods of ZNode to ensure that ZRoot is always in the root position of a Scenegraph.
ZSceneGraphObject ZSceneGraphObject is the base class for all objects in the Jazz scenegraph.
ZSelectionGroup ZSelectionGroup is a visual group node that provides functionality for specifying selection.
ZSelectionManager ZSelectionManager allows for registration of ZGroupListener instances with addGroupListener().
ZSpatialIndex ZSpatialIndex is a jazz utility class, supporting ZSpatialIndexGroup.
ZSpatialIndexGroup ZSpatialIndexGroup is a group node that supports R-tree indexing for a group of visual components.
ZStickyGroup ZStickyGroup is a constraint group that moves its children inversely to the camera view, so that the children stay visually on the same place on the screen, even as the camera view changes.
ZTransformGroup ZTransformGroup is a group node that specifies an arbitrary affine transform.
ZTreeLayoutManager ZTreeLayoutManager implements a generic tree layout manager that can layout hierarchical Jazz objects, ie.
ZVisualComponent ZVisualComponent is the base class for objects that actually get rendered.
ZVisualGroup ZVisualGroup is a group node that has a visual components that can be rendered.

Package edu.umd.cs.jazz Description

Jazz is a general-purpose Java-based engine that supports 2D visualizations. A primary characteristic of Jazz is that it is designed to support zoomable information spaces, although any particular applications may or may not take advantage of this feature. Jazz is implemented entirely in Java 2, and as such runs identically on any platform that supports Java 2.

Jazz is not an application in itself, but rather it is an engine that is designed to support applications that require the ability to create, manipulate, and render object-oriented graphics. If you are familiar with the terminology of 3D graphics, Jazz supports a scenegraph. This is a data structure that represents a hierarchy of graphical objects. Jazz uses the Java2D rendering engine, and uses a tuned run-time system to render the scenegraph as quickly as possible to support interactive applications.

This is the root package for all Jazz classes. It contains the core scenegraph classes itself, and in addition, contains the io, event, component and util packages that are used to build Jazz applications.

Copyright © 2001 by University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA All rights reserved.