Class ZSceneGraphEditor

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ZSceneGraphEditor
extends java.lang.Object

ZSceneGraphEditor provides a convenience mechanism used to locate and create instances of the following types of group nodes:

ZSceneGraphEditor uses lazy evaluation to automatically create these group nodes in a scene graph as they are needed.

For example, you can use a graph editor to obtain a ZTransformGroup for a leaf node. The first time you do this, a new ZTransformGroup is inserted above the leaf. Subsequently, that ZTransformGroup is reused. e.g.

    ZTransformGroup t = node.editor().getTransformGroup();
    t.translate(1, 0);
will translate node by 1, 0. Repeatedly executing this code will cause the node to move horizontally across the screen.

If multiple group types are created for a given node in the scene graph, they are ordered as shown in the list above - so custom groups will be inserted at the top (closest to the root), whereas spatialIndex groups will be inserted at the bottom (closest to the node being edited.)

Group nodes inserted into the scene graph by ZSceneGraphEditor have their hasOneChild flag set to true - such group nodes are referred to as "edit groups", and can only act on the single node immediately beneath them in the scene graph. This guarantees that translations or scalings applied to a ZTransformGroup node created by ZSceneGraphEditor effect only the node being edited. ZSceneGraphEditor uses the hasOneChild flag to identify edit groups that it has created in the scene graph, to avoid creating the same group nodes twice.

Customization: You can also use the scene graph editor to manage your own custom edit groups. This is done with the following methods;

If ZMyCustomGroup.class is a class that the scene graph editor does not have ordering information for then the edit group will be inserted at the top of the edit groups.

If you need to have your edit group inserted somewhere else (for example below the ZTransformGroup editor) then you need to give the ZSceneGraphEditor ordering information for this that type. This is done by calling

      ZSceneGraphEditor.setEditorOrder(ZMyCustomGroup.class, ZSceneGraphEditor.TRANSFORM_GROUP_ORDER - 1);

Warning: Serialized and ZSerialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Jazz releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Jazz. A future release of Jazz will provide support for long term persistence.

Jonathan Meyer, 25 Aug 99, Ben Bederson, Jesse Grosjean
See Also:
ZNode.editor(), Serialized Form

Inner Class Summary
protected  class ZSceneGraphEditor.ZEditGroupIterator
Field Summary
protected  ZNode editNode
          The edit node.
          Defines the ordering of the edit goups above the edit node.
Constructor Summary
ZSceneGraphEditor(ZNode aNode)
          Create a new editor for aNode.
Method Summary
 java.util.Iterator editorIterator()
          Returns an iterator over the list of "edit" groups above the node - groups above the node whose hasOneChild flag is set to true.
 ZAnchorGroup getAnchorGroup()
          Returns a ZAnchorGroup to use for a node, inserting one above the edited node if none exists.
 ZClipGroup getClipGroup()
          Returns a ZClipGroup to use for a node, inserting one above the edited node if none exists.
 ZGroup getEditGroup(java.lang.Class aType)
          Checks to see if an editor of this type already exists, if so it returns that editor if not it creates a new editor, inserts that editor above the edit node, and then returns that new editor.
 ZFadeGroup getFadeGroup()
          Returns a ZFadeGroup to use for a node, inserting one above the edited node if none exists.
 java.util.ArrayList getGroups()
          Deprecated. as of Jazz 1.1 editorIterator() instead.
 ZInvisibleGroup getInvisibleGroup()
          Returns a ZInvisibleGroup to use for a node, inserting one above the edited node if none exists.
 ZLayoutGroup getLayoutGroup()
          Returns a ZLayoutGroup to use for a node, inserting one above the edited node if none exists.
 ZNameGroup getNameGroup()
          Returns a ZNameGroup to use for a node, inserting one above the edited node if none exists.
 ZNode getNode()
          Returns the node being edited.
protected  int getOrderFor(java.lang.Class aType)
          Returns the order where aType of editor group should be inserted above the edit node.
 ZSelectionGroup getSelectionGroup()
          Returns a ZSelectionGroup to use for a node, inserting one above the edited node if none exists.
 ZSpatialIndexGroup getSpatialIndexGroup()
          Returns a ZSpatialIndexGroup to use for a node, inserting one above the edited node if none exists.
 ZStickyGroup getStickyGroup()
          Returns a ZStickyGroup to use for a node, inserting one above the edited node if none exists.
 ZNode getTop()
          If ZSceneGraphEditor has inserted groups above a node, this returns the topmost of those groups (the group nearest the root of the scene graph).
 ZTransformGroup getTransformGroup()
          Returns a ZTransformGroup to use for a node, inserting one above the edited node if none exists.
 boolean hasAnchorGroup()
          Returns true if this node has a ZAnchorGroup above it as an edit group, false otherwise.
 boolean hasClipGroup()
          Returns true if this node has a ZClipGroup above it as an edit group, false otherwise.
 boolean hasEditGroup(java.lang.Class aType)
          Searches to see if the edit node has an edit group of a matching type.
 boolean hasFadeGroup()
          Returns true if this node has a ZFadeGroup above it as an edit group, false otherwise.
 boolean hasInvisibleGroup()
          Returns true if this node has a ZInvisibleGroup above it as an edit group, false otherwise.
 boolean hasLayoutGroup()
          Returns true if this node has a ZLayoutGroup above it as an edit group, false otherwise.
 boolean hasNameGroup()
          Returns true if this node has a ZNameGroup above it as an edit group, false otherwise.
 boolean hasSelectionGroup()
          Returns true if this node has a ZSelectionGroup above it as an edit group, false otherwise.
 boolean hasSpatialIndexGroup()
          Returns true if this node has a ZSpatialIndexGroup above it as an edit group, false otherwise.
 boolean hasStickyGroup()
          Returns true if this node has a ZStickyGroup above it as an edit group, false otherwise.
 boolean hasTransformGroup()
          Returns true if this node has a ZTransformGroup above it as an edit group, false otherwise.
protected  void insertEditGroup(ZGroup aGroup)
          Insert aGroup above the edit node.
protected  boolean isEditGroup(ZNode aNode)
          Returns true if aNode is an edit group;
 boolean removeAnchorGroup()
          Removes a ZAnchorGroup edit group from above a node.
 boolean removeClipGroup()
          Removes a ZClipGroup edit group from above a node.
 boolean removeEditGroup(java.lang.Class aType)
          Looks for an edit group of matching type, and if found removes that edit group.
 boolean removeFadeGroup()
          Removes a ZFadeGroup edit group from above a node.
 boolean removeInvisibleGroup()
          Removes a ZInvisibleGroup edit group from above a node.
 boolean removeLayoutGroup()
          Removes a ZLayoutGroup edit group from above a node.
 boolean removeNameGroup()
          Removes a ZNameGroup edit group from above a node.
 boolean removeSelectionGroup()
          Removes a ZSelectionGroup edit group from above a node.
 boolean removeSpatialIndexGroup()
          Removes a ZSpatialIndexGroup edit group from above a node.
 boolean removeStickyGroup()
          Removes a ZStickyGroup edit group from above a node.
 boolean removeTransformGroup()
          Removes a TransformGroup edit group from above a node.
static void setEditorOrder(java.lang.Class aType, int aOrder)
          Set the ordering information for aType of edit group.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int NAME_GROUP_ORDER
Defines the ordering of the edit goups above the edit node.


public static final int INVISIBLE_GROUP_ORDER


public static final int LAYOUT_GROUP_ORDER


public static final int ANCHOR_GROUP_ORDER


public static final int TRANSFORM_GROUP_ORDER


public static final int STICKY_GROUP_ORDER


public static final int SELECTION_GROUP_ORDER


public static final int CLIP_GROUP_ORDER


public static final int FADE_GROUP_ORDER


public static final int SPATIAL_INDEX_GROUP_ORDER


protected ZNode editNode
The edit node. This node is found in the ZSceneGraphEditor constructor.
Constructor Detail


public ZSceneGraphEditor(ZNode aNode)
Create a new editor for aNode.
Method Detail


public static void setEditorOrder(java.lang.Class aType,
                                  int aOrder)
Set the ordering information for aType of edit group.


public ZNode getTop()
If ZSceneGraphEditor has inserted groups above a node, this returns the topmost of those groups (the group nearest the root of the scene graph). If no edit groups have been inserted above a node, this returns the node itself. This method is useful if you want to remove a node and also its associated edit groups from a scene graph.
The top edit group, or the edit node of there are no edit groups.


public ZNode getNode()
Returns the node being edited. This is the node that is the bottom-most node of an edit group. It is defined as being this node, or the first descendant that does not have 'hasOneChild' set.
The node being edited.


public java.util.ArrayList getGroups()
Deprecated. as of Jazz 1.1 editorIterator() instead.

Returns an array representing the list of "edit" groups above the node - groups above the node whose hasOneChild flag is set to true. The groups are listed in bottom-top order.


public java.util.Iterator editorIterator()
Returns an iterator over the list of "edit" groups above the node - groups above the node whose hasOneChild flag is set to true. The groups are listed in bottom-top order.
An iterator over the edit groups being managed.


public ZGroup getEditGroup(java.lang.Class aType)
Checks to see if an editor of this type already exists, if so it returns that editor if not it creates a new editor, inserts that editor above the edit node, and then returns that new editor.
type - The type of edit group to return
The edit group


public ZTransformGroup getTransformGroup()
Returns a ZTransformGroup to use for a node, inserting one above the edited node if none exists.


public ZFadeGroup getFadeGroup()
Returns a ZFadeGroup to use for a node, inserting one above the edited node if none exists.


public ZStickyGroup getStickyGroup()
Returns a ZStickyGroup to use for a node, inserting one above the edited node if none exists.


public ZSelectionGroup getSelectionGroup()
Returns a ZSelectionGroup to use for a node, inserting one above the edited node if none exists.


public ZAnchorGroup getAnchorGroup()
Returns a ZAnchorGroup to use for a node, inserting one above the edited node if none exists.


public ZLayoutGroup getLayoutGroup()
Returns a ZLayoutGroup to use for a node, inserting one above the edited node if none exists.


public ZNameGroup getNameGroup()
Returns a ZNameGroup to use for a node, inserting one above the edited node if none exists.


public ZInvisibleGroup getInvisibleGroup()
Returns a ZInvisibleGroup to use for a node, inserting one above the edited node if none exists.


public ZSpatialIndexGroup getSpatialIndexGroup()
Returns a ZSpatialIndexGroup to use for a node, inserting one above the edited node if none exists.


public ZClipGroup getClipGroup()
Returns a ZClipGroup to use for a node, inserting one above the edited node if none exists.


public boolean hasEditGroup(java.lang.Class aType)
Searches to see if the edit node has an edit group of a matching type.
type - The type of edit group to search for.
True if such an edit group was found.


public boolean hasTransformGroup()
Returns true if this node has a ZTransformGroup above it as an edit group, false otherwise.


public boolean hasFadeGroup()
Returns true if this node has a ZFadeGroup above it as an edit group, false otherwise.


public boolean hasStickyGroup()
Returns true if this node has a ZStickyGroup above it as an edit group, false otherwise.


public boolean hasSelectionGroup()
Returns true if this node has a ZSelectionGroup above it as an edit group, false otherwise.


public boolean hasAnchorGroup()
Returns true if this node has a ZAnchorGroup above it as an edit group, false otherwise.


public boolean hasLayoutGroup()
Returns true if this node has a ZLayoutGroup above it as an edit group, false otherwise.


public boolean hasNameGroup()
Returns true if this node has a ZNameGroup above it as an edit group, false otherwise.


public boolean hasInvisibleGroup()
Returns true if this node has a ZInvisibleGroup above it as an edit group, false otherwise.


public boolean hasSpatialIndexGroup()
Returns true if this node has a ZSpatialIndexGroup above it as an edit group, false otherwise.


public boolean hasClipGroup()
Returns true if this node has a ZClipGroup above it as an edit group, false otherwise.


public boolean removeEditGroup(java.lang.Class aType)
Looks for an edit group of matching type, and if found removes that edit group.
type - The type of edit group to remove
True if the edit group was found and removed.


public boolean removeTransformGroup()
Removes a TransformGroup edit group from above a node. Returns true if the ZTransformGroup could be removed, false otherwise.


public boolean removeFadeGroup()
Removes a ZFadeGroup edit group from above a node. Returns true if the ZFadeGroup could be removed, false otherwise.


public boolean removeStickyGroup()
Removes a ZStickyGroup edit group from above a node. Returns true if the ZStickyGroup could be removed, false otherwise.


public boolean removeSelectionGroup()
Removes a ZSelectionGroup edit group from above a node. Returns true if the ZSelectionGroup could be removed, false otherwise.


public boolean removeAnchorGroup()
Removes a ZAnchorGroup edit group from above a node. Returns true if the ZAnchorGroup could be removed, false otherwise.


public boolean removeLayoutGroup()
Removes a ZLayoutGroup edit group from above a node. Returns true if the ZLayoutGroup could be removed, false otherwise.


public boolean removeNameGroup()
Removes a ZNameGroup edit group from above a node. Returns true if the ZNameGroup could be removed, false otherwise.


public boolean removeInvisibleGroup()
Removes a ZInvisibleGroup edit group from above a node. Returns true if the ZInvisibleGroup could be removed, false otherwise.


public boolean removeClipGroup()
Removes a ZClipGroup edit group from above a node. Returns true if the ZClipGroup could be removed, false otherwise.


public boolean removeSpatialIndexGroup()
Removes a ZSpatialIndexGroup edit group from above a node. Returns true if the ZSpatialIndexGroup could be removed, false otherwise.


protected boolean isEditGroup(ZNode aNode)
Returns true if aNode is an edit group;


protected void insertEditGroup(ZGroup aGroup)
Insert aGroup above the edit node.


protected int getOrderFor(java.lang.Class aType)
Returns the order where aType of editor group should be inserted above the edit node. If no order is specified then it returns MAX_VALUE, meaning that the edit group will be inserted at the top of the edit groups.

Copyright © 2001 by University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA All rights reserved.