Packages that use ZCamera | |
edu.umd.cs.jazz | Jazz is a general-purpose Java-based engine that supports 2D visualizations. |
edu.umd.cs.jazz.event | This package supports Jazz event handlers. |
edu.umd.cs.jazz.util | This package defines several utility classes that are likely to be useful for Jazz applications. |
Uses of ZCamera in edu.umd.cs.jazz |
Fields in edu.umd.cs.jazz declared as ZCamera | |
protected ZCamera |
The camera the constraint is related to |
protected ZCamera |
Surface this r-tree indexes. |
Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz that return ZCamera | |
ZCamera |
Get the camera that this node is related to. |
ZCamera[] |
Return a copy of the array of cameras looking onto this layer. |
protected ZCamera[] |
Internal method to return a reference to the actual cameras looking onto this layer. |
ZCamera |
Get the camera this surface is associated with. |
Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz with parameters of type ZCamera | |
static java.util.ArrayList |
ZSelectionGroup.getSelectedNodes(ZCamera camera)
Deprecated. as of Jazz 1.1, replaced by ZSelectionManager.getSelectedNodes(ZCamera) |
static void |
ZSelectionGroup.unselectAll(ZCamera camera)
Deprecated. as of Jazz 1.1, replaced by ZSelectionManager.unselectAll(ZCamera) |
static void |
ZSelectionManager.addGroupListener(ZGroupListener l,
ZCamera camera)
Add a ZGroupListener, registered for group selection events on the given camera |
static void |
ZSelectionManager.removeGroupListener(ZGroupListener l,
ZCamera camera)
static java.util.ArrayList |
ZSelectionManager.getSelectedNodes(ZCamera camera)
Return a list of the selected nodes in the portion of the scenegraph visible from the specified camera. |
static void |
ZSelectionManager.unselectAll(ZCamera camera)
Unselect all currently selected nodes in the portion of the scenegraph visible from the specified camera. |
protected void |
ZConstraintGroup.init(ZCamera camera)
Internal method to help node construction. |
void |
ZConstraintGroup.setCamera(ZCamera camera)
Set the camera that this node is related to |
void |
ZAnchorGroup.setDestNode(ZNode node,
ZCamera camera)
Set the node destination of this link. |
void |
ZAnchorGroup.setDestBounds(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D bounds,
ZCamera camera)
Set the bounds destination of this link. |
void |
ZAnchorGroup.updateLinkComponent(ZCamera camera)
Update the visual component that represents the link. |
void |
ZAnchorGroup.setVisible(boolean visible,
ZCamera camera)
Specify whether the visual depiction of this link should be visible or not. |
void |
ZAnchorGroup.follow(ZCamera camera)
Follow the link, animating the viewpoint in the specified camera to the link destination. |
void |
ZDrawingSurface.setCamera(ZCamera cam,
ZNode camNode)
Sets the camera that this surface is rendered with. |
static ZStickyGroup |
ZStickyGroup.makeSticky(ZNode node,
ZCamera camera,
int constraintType)
Make the specified node sticky by adding a sticky node above the specified node. |
ZRenderContext |
ZCamera.createRenderContext(ZCamera camera)
This returns a new instance of a ZRenderContext for this node. |
Constructors in edu.umd.cs.jazz with parameters of type ZCamera | |
ZSpatialIndexGroup(ZCamera camera)
Constructs a new ZSpatialIndexGroup node using a given camera. |
ZSpatialIndexGroup(ZNode child,
ZCamera camera)
Constructs a new ZSpatialIndex group node with the specified node as a child of the new group. |
ZConstraintGroup(ZCamera camera)
Constructs a new constraint group with a specified camera. |
ZConstraintGroup(ZCamera camera,
ZNode child)
Constructs a new constraint group with a specified camera that decorates the specified child. |
ZSpatialIndex(ZCamera aCamera)
Constructs a new ZSpatialIndex with the given camera. |
ZDrawingSurface(ZCamera camera,
ZNode cameraNode)
Constructs a new Surface, containing the given camera and associated camera node. |
ZDrawingSurface(ZCamera camera,
ZNode cameraNode,
javax.swing.JComponent aComponent)
Constructs a new Surface, containing the given camera and associated camera node, along with a JComponent this surface is connected to. |
ZStickyGroup(ZCamera camera)
Constructs a new sticky group with a specified camera. |
ZStickyGroup(ZCamera camera,
ZNode child)
Constructs a new sticky group with a specified camera that decorates the specified child. |
Uses of ZCamera in edu.umd.cs.jazz.event |
Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz.event that return ZCamera | |
ZCamera |
Returns the camera on which this event handler is watching for selection change |
ZCamera |
Get the camera that is zooming. |
ZCamera |
Returns the originator of the event. |
protected ZCamera |
ZoomToEventHandler.getCameraToZoomWith(ZSceneGraphPath aPath)
Get the camera from the scene graph path that we will use to perform the zoom. |
Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz.event with parameters of type ZCamera | |
static ZCameraEvent |
ZCameraEvent.createViewChangedEvent(ZCamera source,
java.awt.geom.AffineTransform viewTransform)
Factory method to create a ZCameraEvent with a CAMERA_VIEW_CHANGED ID. |
protected void |
ZoomToEventHandler.zoomToScaleWith(ZCamera aCamera,
ZNode aNode)
Zoom the specified camera so that the specified target node appears at a certain scale on the screen. |
protected void |
ZoomToEventHandler.zoomToScreenWith(ZCamera aCamera,
ZNode aNode)
Zoom the specified camera so that the specified target node fills the screen minus the spacing set in makeZoomToScreen(aSpacing); |
protected void |
ZLinkEventHandler.hilite(ZNode aNode,
ZCamera aCamera)
This method will hilite the passed in node selecting it. |
protected void |
ZLinkEventHandler.unhilite(ZNode aNode,
ZCamera aCamera)
This method will unhilite the passed in node by deselecting it. |
Constructors in edu.umd.cs.jazz.event with parameters of type ZCamera | |
ZSelectionResizeHandler(ZNode node,
ZCamera camera)
Construct a new ZSelectionResizeHandler. |
ZPanEventHandler(ZNode node,
ZCamera camera)
Constructs a new ZPanEventHandler. |
ZSelectionModifyHandler(ZNode node,
ZCamera camera,
ZCanvas canvas,
ZGroup marqueeLayer)
Construct a new ZSelectionModifyHandler. |
ZoomEventHandler(ZNode node,
ZCamera camera)
Constructs a new ZoomEventHandler. |
ZCameraEvent(ZCamera source,
int id,
java.awt.geom.AffineTransform viewTransform)
Deprecated. as of Jazz 1.1, use createViewChangedEvent() instead. |
ZCameraEvent(ZCamera source,
int id,
java.awt.geom.AffineTransform viewTransform,
java.lang.Object dummy)
ZCompositeSelectionHandler(ZNode node,
ZCamera camera,
ZCanvas canvas,
ZLayerGroup marqueeLayer)
Creates a composite selection handler with all available selection event handler types enabled. |
ZCompositeSelectionHandler(ZNode node,
ZCamera camera,
ZCanvas canvas,
ZLayerGroup marqueeLayer,
int flags)
Creates a composite selection handler with the specified enabled selection event handler types. |
ZSelectionScaleHandler(ZCamera camera,
ZCanvas canvas)
Construct a new ZSelectionScaleHandler. |
ZSelectionMoveHandler(ZNode node,
ZCamera camera,
ZCanvas canvas)
Construct a new ZSelectionMoveHandler. |
ZSelectionDeleteHandler(ZNode node,
ZCamera camera,
ZCanvas canvas)
Construct a new ZSelectionDeleteHandler. |
Uses of ZCamera in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util |
Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util that return ZCamera | |
ZCamera |
Returns the top-level camera in the path. |
ZCamera |
Returns the nearest ZCamera to the picked object. |
ZCamera |
ZSceneGraphPath.getCamera(int i)
Returns the i'th camera between the root and the terminal object. |
ZCamera[] |
ZCamera[] |
ZCamera |
Return the camera associated with the primary surface. |
ZCamera[] |
ZCamera |
Get the current camera being rendered within. |
Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util with parameters of type ZCamera | |
static void |
ZDebug.setShowBounds(boolean showBounds,
ZCamera camera)
Controls whether the bounds of each object should be drawn as a debugging aid. |
ZRenderContext |
ZRenderContextFactory.createRenderContext(ZCamera camera)
void |
ZSceneGraphPath.setTopCamera(ZCamera camera)
Sets the top-level camera in the path. |
double |
ZSceneGraphPath.screenToCamera(java.awt.geom.Point2D pt,
ZCamera camera)
Converts the specified point from screen coordinates to the local coordinate system of the specified camera, if the camera appears on the current path. |
double |
ZSceneGraphPath.screenToCamera(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D rect,
ZCamera camera)
Converts the specified point from screen coordinates to the local coordinate system of the specified camera, if the camera appears on the current path. |
void |
ZSceneGraphPath.pushCamera(ZCamera camera)
Adds a node to the end of the list of camera nodes. |
void |
ZSceneGraphPath.popCamera(ZCamera camera)
Removes a camera (and any cameras after it) from the list of camera nodes. |
java.awt.geom.AffineTransform |
ZListImpl.ZTransformableListImpl.collectiveCatTransformUntil(ZCamera camera)
void |
ZLoadable.setCamera(ZCamera camera)
Set the camera of the scenegraph. |
void |
ZCanvas.setCamera(ZCamera aCamera)
Sets the camera. |
void |
ZCanvas.setCamera(ZCamera aCamera,
ZNode aCameraNode)
Sets the camera. |
java.awt.geom.AffineTransform |
ZList.ZTransformableList.collectiveCatTransformUntil(ZCamera camera)
void |
ZRenderContext.pushCamera(ZCamera camera)
Add a rendering camera |
Constructors in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util with parameters of type ZCamera | |
ZRenderContext(ZCamera camera)
Constructs a simple ZRenderContext. |