Uses of Class

Packages that use ZCamera
edu.umd.cs.jazz Jazz is a general-purpose Java-based engine that supports 2D visualizations. 
edu.umd.cs.jazz.event This package supports Jazz event handlers. 
edu.umd.cs.jazz.util This package defines several utility classes that are likely to be useful for Jazz applications. 

Uses of ZCamera in edu.umd.cs.jazz

Fields in edu.umd.cs.jazz declared as ZCamera
protected  ZCamera
          The camera the constraint is related to
protected  ZCamera
          Surface this r-tree indexes.

Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz that return ZCamera
 ZCamera ZConstraintGroup.getCamera()
          Get the camera that this node is related to.
 ZCamera[] ZLayerGroup.getCameras()
          Return a copy of the array of cameras looking onto this layer.
protected  ZCamera[] ZLayerGroup.getCamerasReference()
          Internal method to return a reference to the actual cameras looking onto this layer.
 ZCamera ZDrawingSurface.getCamera()
          Get the camera this surface is associated with.

Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz with parameters of type ZCamera
static java.util.ArrayList ZSelectionGroup.getSelectedNodes(ZCamera camera)
          Deprecated. as of Jazz 1.1, replaced by ZSelectionManager.getSelectedNodes(ZCamera)
static void ZSelectionGroup.unselectAll(ZCamera camera)
          Deprecated. as of Jazz 1.1, replaced by ZSelectionManager.unselectAll(ZCamera)
static void ZSelectionManager.addGroupListener(ZGroupListener l, ZCamera camera)
          Add a ZGroupListener, registered for group selection events on the given camera
static void ZSelectionManager.removeGroupListener(ZGroupListener l, ZCamera camera)
static java.util.ArrayList ZSelectionManager.getSelectedNodes(ZCamera camera)
          Return a list of the selected nodes in the portion of the scenegraph visible from the specified camera.
static void ZSelectionManager.unselectAll(ZCamera camera)
          Unselect all currently selected nodes in the portion of the scenegraph visible from the specified camera.
protected  void ZConstraintGroup.init(ZCamera camera)
          Internal method to help node construction.
 void ZConstraintGroup.setCamera(ZCamera camera)
          Set the camera that this node is related to
 void ZAnchorGroup.setDestNode(ZNode node, ZCamera camera)
          Set the node destination of this link.
 void ZAnchorGroup.setDestBounds(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D bounds, ZCamera camera)
          Set the bounds destination of this link.
 void ZAnchorGroup.updateLinkComponent(ZCamera camera)
          Update the visual component that represents the link.
 void ZAnchorGroup.setVisible(boolean visible, ZCamera camera)
          Specify whether the visual depiction of this link should be visible or not.
 void ZAnchorGroup.follow(ZCamera camera)
          Follow the link, animating the viewpoint in the specified camera to the link destination.
 void ZDrawingSurface.setCamera(ZCamera cam, ZNode camNode)
          Sets the camera that this surface is rendered with.
static ZStickyGroup ZStickyGroup.makeSticky(ZNode node, ZCamera camera, int constraintType)
          Make the specified node sticky by adding a sticky node above the specified node.
 ZRenderContext ZCamera.createRenderContext(ZCamera camera)
          This returns a new instance of a ZRenderContext for this node.

Constructors in edu.umd.cs.jazz with parameters of type ZCamera
ZSpatialIndexGroup(ZCamera camera)
          Constructs a new ZSpatialIndexGroup node using a given camera.
ZSpatialIndexGroup(ZNode child, ZCamera camera)
          Constructs a new ZSpatialIndex group node with the specified node as a child of the new group.
ZConstraintGroup(ZCamera camera)
          Constructs a new constraint group with a specified camera.
ZConstraintGroup(ZCamera camera, ZNode child)
          Constructs a new constraint group with a specified camera that decorates the specified child.
ZSpatialIndex(ZCamera aCamera)
          Constructs a new ZSpatialIndex with the given camera.
ZDrawingSurface(ZCamera camera, ZNode cameraNode)
          Constructs a new Surface, containing the given camera and associated camera node.
ZDrawingSurface(ZCamera camera, ZNode cameraNode, javax.swing.JComponent aComponent)
          Constructs a new Surface, containing the given camera and associated camera node, along with a JComponent this surface is connected to.
ZStickyGroup(ZCamera camera)
          Constructs a new sticky group with a specified camera.
ZStickyGroup(ZCamera camera, ZNode child)
          Constructs a new sticky group with a specified camera that decorates the specified child.

Uses of ZCamera in edu.umd.cs.jazz.event

Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz.event that return ZCamera
 ZCamera ZSelectionModifyHandler.getCamera()
          Returns the camera on which this event handler is watching for selection change
 ZCamera ZoomEventHandler.ZoomEventState.getCamera()
          Get the camera that is zooming.
 ZCamera ZCameraEvent.getCamera()
          Returns the originator of the event.
protected  ZCamera ZoomToEventHandler.getCameraToZoomWith(ZSceneGraphPath aPath)
          Get the camera from the scene graph path that we will use to perform the zoom.

Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz.event with parameters of type ZCamera
static ZCameraEvent ZCameraEvent.createViewChangedEvent(ZCamera source, java.awt.geom.AffineTransform viewTransform)
          Factory method to create a ZCameraEvent with a CAMERA_VIEW_CHANGED ID.
protected  void ZoomToEventHandler.zoomToScaleWith(ZCamera aCamera, ZNode aNode)
          Zoom the specified camera so that the specified target node appears at a certain scale on the screen.
protected  void ZoomToEventHandler.zoomToScreenWith(ZCamera aCamera, ZNode aNode)
          Zoom the specified camera so that the specified target node fills the screen minus the spacing set in makeZoomToScreen(aSpacing);
protected  void ZLinkEventHandler.hilite(ZNode aNode, ZCamera aCamera)
          This method will hilite the passed in node selecting it.
protected  void ZLinkEventHandler.unhilite(ZNode aNode, ZCamera aCamera)
          This method will unhilite the passed in node by deselecting it.

Constructors in edu.umd.cs.jazz.event with parameters of type ZCamera
ZSelectionResizeHandler(ZNode node, ZCamera camera)
          Construct a new ZSelectionResizeHandler.
ZPanEventHandler(ZNode node, ZCamera camera)
          Constructs a new ZPanEventHandler.
ZSelectionModifyHandler(ZNode node, ZCamera camera, ZCanvas canvas, ZGroup marqueeLayer)
          Construct a new ZSelectionModifyHandler.
ZoomEventHandler(ZNode node, ZCamera camera)
          Constructs a new ZoomEventHandler.
ZCameraEvent(ZCamera source, int id, java.awt.geom.AffineTransform viewTransform)
          Deprecated. as of Jazz 1.1, use createViewChangedEvent() instead.
ZCameraEvent(ZCamera source, int id, java.awt.geom.AffineTransform viewTransform, java.lang.Object dummy)
ZCompositeSelectionHandler(ZNode node, ZCamera camera, ZCanvas canvas, ZLayerGroup marqueeLayer)
          Creates a composite selection handler with all available selection event handler types enabled.
ZCompositeSelectionHandler(ZNode node, ZCamera camera, ZCanvas canvas, ZLayerGroup marqueeLayer, int flags)
          Creates a composite selection handler with the specified enabled selection event handler types.
ZSelectionScaleHandler(ZCamera camera, ZCanvas canvas)
          Construct a new ZSelectionScaleHandler.
ZSelectionMoveHandler(ZNode node, ZCamera camera, ZCanvas canvas)
          Construct a new ZSelectionMoveHandler.
ZSelectionDeleteHandler(ZNode node, ZCamera camera, ZCanvas canvas)
          Construct a new ZSelectionDeleteHandler.

Uses of ZCamera in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util

Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util that return ZCamera
 ZCamera ZSceneGraphPath.getTopCamera()
          Returns the top-level camera in the path.
 ZCamera ZSceneGraphPath.getCamera()
          Returns the nearest ZCamera to the picked object.
 ZCamera ZSceneGraphPath.getCamera(int i)
          Returns the i'th camera between the root and the terminal object.
 ZCamera[] ZListImpl.ZCameraListImpl.getCamerasReference()
 ZCamera[] ZNullList.getCamerasReference()
 ZCamera ZCanvas.getCamera()
          Return the camera associated with the primary surface.
 ZCamera[] ZList.ZCameraList.getCamerasReference()
 ZCamera ZRenderContext.getRenderingCamera()
          Get the current camera being rendered within.

Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util with parameters of type ZCamera
static void ZDebug.setShowBounds(boolean showBounds, ZCamera camera)
          Controls whether the bounds of each object should be drawn as a debugging aid.
 ZRenderContext ZRenderContextFactory.createRenderContext(ZCamera camera)
 void ZSceneGraphPath.setTopCamera(ZCamera camera)
          Sets the top-level camera in the path.
 double ZSceneGraphPath.screenToCamera(java.awt.geom.Point2D pt, ZCamera camera)
          Converts the specified point from screen coordinates to the local coordinate system of the specified camera, if the camera appears on the current path.
 double ZSceneGraphPath.screenToCamera(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D rect, ZCamera camera)
          Converts the specified point from screen coordinates to the local coordinate system of the specified camera, if the camera appears on the current path.
 void ZSceneGraphPath.pushCamera(ZCamera camera)
          Adds a node to the end of the list of camera nodes.
 void ZSceneGraphPath.popCamera(ZCamera camera)
          Removes a camera (and any cameras after it) from the list of camera nodes.
 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform ZListImpl.ZTransformableListImpl.collectiveCatTransformUntil(ZCamera camera)
 void ZLoadable.setCamera(ZCamera camera)
          Set the camera of the scenegraph.
 void ZCanvas.setCamera(ZCamera aCamera)
          Sets the camera.
 void ZCanvas.setCamera(ZCamera aCamera, ZNode aCameraNode)
          Sets the camera.
 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform ZList.ZTransformableList.collectiveCatTransformUntil(ZCamera camera)
 void ZRenderContext.pushCamera(ZCamera camera)
          Add a rendering camera

Constructors in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util with parameters of type ZCamera
ZRenderContext(ZCamera camera)
          Constructs a simple ZRenderContext.

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