Uses of Class

Packages that use ZGroup
edu.umd.cs.jazz Jazz is a general-purpose Java-based engine that supports 2D visualizations. 
edu.umd.cs.jazz.event This package supports Jazz event handlers. This package supports the Jazz file format.   
edu.umd.cs.jazz.util This package defines several utility classes that are likely to be useful for Jazz applications. 

Uses of ZGroup in edu.umd.cs.jazz

Subclasses of ZGroup in edu.umd.cs.jazz
 class ZAnchorGroup
          ZAnchorGroup holds the information for a spatial hyperlink.
 class ZClipGroup
          ZClipGroup applies a clip to the current ZRenderContext before rendering its children.
 class ZConstraintGroup
          ZConstraintGroup is a transform group that changes its transform based on a computation defined in a specified method.
 class ZFadeGroup
          ZFadeGroup is a group node that controls transparency and fading of its sub-tree.
 class ZInvisibleGroup
          ZInvisibleGroup is a group node that completely hides its descendents.
 class ZLayerGroup
          ZLayerGroup is used exclusively to specify the portion of the scenegraph that a camera can see.
 class ZLayoutGroup
          ZLayoutGroup is a visual group that wraps a layout manager that can position the node's children.
 class ZNameGroup
          ZNameGroup is a group node that names a portion of the scenegraph.
 class ZRoot
          ZRoot extends ZNode overiding several methods of ZNode to ensure that ZRoot is always in the root position of a Scenegraph.
 class ZSelectionGroup
          ZSelectionGroup is a visual group node that provides functionality for specifying selection.
 class ZSpatialIndexGroup
          ZSpatialIndexGroup is a group node that supports R-tree indexing for a group of visual components.
 class ZStickyGroup
          ZStickyGroup is a constraint group that moves its children inversely to the camera view, so that the children stay visually on the same place on the screen, even as the camera view changes.
 class ZTransformGroup
          ZTransformGroup is a group node that specifies an arbitrary affine transform.
 class ZVisualGroup
          ZVisualGroup is a group node that has a visual components that can be rendered.

Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz that return ZGroup
 ZGroup ZNode.getParent()
          Get the node's parent.
 ZGroup ZLayoutGroup.getLayoutChild()
          Returns the current layout child for this node.

Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz with parameters of type ZGroup
 void ZNode.setParent(ZGroup newParent)
          Set the parent of this node.
 void ZNode.reparent(ZGroup newParent)
          Set the parent of this node, and transform the node in such a way that it doesn't move in global coordinates.
 void ZLayoutManager.doLayout(ZGroup node)
          Apply this manager's layout algorithm to the specified node's children.
 void ZLayoutManager.doLayout(ZGroup node, int millis)
          Apply this manager's layout algorithm to the specified node's children, and animate the changes over time.
 void ZLayoutManager.preLayout(ZGroup node)
          Notify the layout manager that a potentially recursive layout is starting.
 void ZLayoutManager.postLayout(ZGroup node)
          Notify the layout manager that the layout for this node has finished This is called after all children and the node itself are layed out.
 void ZTreeLayoutManager.preLayout(ZGroup aLayoutGroup)
          Method from the ZLayoutManager interface Called before doLayout
 void ZTreeLayoutManager.doLayout(ZGroup node, int millis)
          Apply this manager's layout algorithm to the specified node's children, and animate the changes over time.
 void ZTreeLayoutManager.doLayout(ZGroup aLayoutGroup)
          Method from the ZLayoutManager interface Called to layout the layout group
 void ZTreeLayoutManager.postLayout(ZGroup aLayoutGroup)
          Method from the ZLayoutManager interface Called after doLayout
protected  void ZTreeLayoutManager.calculateChildrenLayout(ZGroup aPrimaryGroup)
          Appropriately Lays out the children of the provided node
protected static void ZSelectionManager.fireGroupEvent(int id, ZGroup group, ZNode child)
          Notifies all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type.
 void ZPathLayoutManager.preLayout(ZGroup node)
          Notify the layout manager that a potentially recursive layout is starting.
 void ZPathLayoutManager.postLayout(ZGroup node)
          Notify the layout manager that the layout for this node has finished This is called after all children and the node itself are layed out.
 void ZPathLayoutManager.doLayout(ZGroup node, int millis)
          Apply this manager's layout algorithm to the specified node's children, and animate the changes over time.
 void ZPathLayoutManager.doLayout(ZGroup node)
          Apply this manager's layout algorithm to the specified node's children.
 void ZSpatialIndexGroup.unregisterAllListeners(ZGroup group)
          Stop listening to nodeEvents from any indexed children.
 void ZLayoutGroup.setLayoutChild(ZGroup child)
          Specifies the layout child for this node.

Constructors in edu.umd.cs.jazz with parameters of type ZGroup
ZLayoutGroup(ZNode child, ZGroup layoutChild)
          Constructs a new layout group node with the specified node as a child of the new group.

Uses of ZGroup in edu.umd.cs.jazz.event

Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz.event that return ZGroup
 ZGroup ZSelectionModifyHandler.getMarqueeLayer()
          Determine the "marquee" layer that is used for selection.
 ZGroup ZGroupEvent.getGroup()
          Returns the originator of the event.

Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz.event with parameters of type ZGroup
 void ZSelectionModifyHandler.setMarqueeLayer(ZGroup layer)
          Specify the node that the selection "marquee" should be put on.
static ZGroupEvent ZGroupEvent.createNodeAddedEvent(ZGroup source, ZNode child, boolean modification)
          Factory method to create a ZGroupEvent with a NODE_ADDED ID.
static ZGroupEvent ZGroupEvent.createNodeRemovedEvent(ZGroup source, ZNode child, boolean modification)
          Factory method to create a ZGroupEvent with a NODE_REMOVED ID.
 void ZSelectionEventHandler.setMarqueeLayer(ZGroup layer)
          Deprecated. Specify the node that the selection "marquee" should be put on.
protected  void ZSelectionDeleteHandler.fireGroupEvent(int id, ZGroup parent, ZNode child)
          Notifies all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type.

Constructors in edu.umd.cs.jazz.event with parameters of type ZGroup
ZSelectionModifyHandler(ZNode node, ZCanvas canvas, ZGroup marqueeLayer)
          Construct a new ZSelectionModifyHandler.
ZSelectionModifyHandler(ZNode node, ZCamera camera, ZCanvas canvas, ZGroup marqueeLayer)
          Construct a new ZSelectionModifyHandler.
ZGroupEvent(ZGroup source, int id, ZNode child, boolean modification)
          Deprecated. as of Jazz 1.1, use createNodeAddedEvent() or createNodeRemovedEvent() instead.
ZGroupEvent(ZGroup source, int id, ZNode child, boolean modification, java.lang.Object dummy)
ZSelectionEventHandler(ZNode node, ZCanvas canvas, ZGroup marqueeLayer)
          Deprecated. Constructs a new ZSelectionEventHandler.

Uses of ZGroup in

Fields in declared as ZGroup
protected  ZGroup
          SVG objects are drawn on this canvas.

Methods in that return ZGroup
 ZGroup in)
          Load SVG data from the inputsream and begin to draw objects.
 ZGroup in)
          Load SVG data from the file and begin to draw objects.
 ZGroup url)
          Load SVG data from the url and begin to draw objects.
 ZGroup ZSVG.getGroup()
          Return ZGroup group, which has all nodes as children

Uses of ZGroup in

Methods in with parameters of type ZGroup
 void GSVG.draw(java.util.Vector GNodes, ZGroup group)

Uses of ZGroup in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util

Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util that return ZGroup
 ZGroup ZSceneGraphEditor.getEditGroup(java.lang.Class aType)
          Checks to see if an editor of this type already exists, if so it returns that editor if not it creates a new editor, inserts that editor above the edit node, and then returns that new editor.
 ZGroup ZTooManyChildrenException.getDecorator()
          Get the decorator that the operation to add more than one child to was attempted on.

Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util with parameters of type ZGroup
protected  void ZSceneGraphEditor.insertEditGroup(ZGroup aGroup)
          Insert aGroup above the edit node.

Constructors in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util with parameters of type ZGroup
ZTooManyChildrenException(ZGroup decorator)
          Construct a ZTooManyChildrenException object.
ZTooManyChildrenException(ZGroup decorator, java.lang.String msg)
          Construct a ZTooManyChildrenException object.

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