Sequence Panel

The main purpose of this panel is to view all the measurement data from the currently open project and to let the user select the steps which are used to calculate magnetic components. It is not possible to edit any of the measurement values here.

Calculating magnetic components from measurement steps

To calculate magnetic component user needs to first select minimum of three measurement steps from the sequence from which the magnetic component will be calculated and after that pressing the now enabled Calculate Component-button. To choose multiple steps press ctrl-button down and select the wanted steps with clicking left mouse button on them. Other method is to simply drag through the wanted step range when all the steps within it get chosen.

When magnetic component is calculated from selected measurement steps it appears to Magnetic Components-panel and is drawn to zijderveld-plot.

Selecting columns

You can select which columns are shown on table. This can be modified by Right mouse clicking on column headers as shown in screenshot.

From here you can left mouse click on columns, selecting which you want to see and which not.