Uses of Class

Packages that use ZLayerGroup
edu.umd.cs.jazz Jazz is a general-purpose Java-based engine that supports 2D visualizations. 
edu.umd.cs.jazz.event This package supports Jazz event handlers. 
edu.umd.cs.jazz.util This package defines several utility classes that are likely to be useful for Jazz applications. 

Uses of ZLayerGroup in edu.umd.cs.jazz

Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz that return ZLayerGroup
 ZLayerGroup[] ZCamera.getLayers()
          Returns a copy of the list of layers that this camera looks onto.
 ZLayerGroup[] ZCamera.getLayersReference()
          Returns a reference to the actual layers array of this camera.
protected  ZLayerGroup ZCamera.getAncestorLayerFor(ZNode node)
          Return the camera layer associated with this camera that is the ancestor of the supplied node.

Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz with parameters of type ZLayerGroup
 void ZCamera.addLayer(ZLayerGroup layer)
          Add a portion of the scenegraph that what this camera sees.
 void ZCamera.removeLayer(ZLayerGroup layer)
          Removes a portion of the scenegrpah from what this camera sees
 void ZCamera.replaceLayer(ZLayerGroup original, ZLayerGroup replacement)
          Replaces the specified node out of the list of layers of this camera, and replaces it with the specified node.

Constructors in edu.umd.cs.jazz with parameters of type ZLayerGroup
ZCamera(ZLayerGroup layer, ZDrawingSurface aSurface)
          Constructs a new ZCamera.

Uses of ZLayerGroup in edu.umd.cs.jazz.event

Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz.event that return ZLayerGroup
 ZLayerGroup ZCompositeSelectionHandler.getMarqueeLayer()

Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz.event with parameters of type ZLayerGroup
 void ZCompositeSelectionHandler.setMarqueeLayer(ZLayerGroup layer)
          Sets the marquee layer for this event handler

Constructors in edu.umd.cs.jazz.event with parameters of type ZLayerGroup
ZCompositeSelectionHandler(ZNode node, ZCanvas canvas, ZLayerGroup marqueeLayer)
          Creates a composite selection handler with all available selection event handler types enabled.
ZCompositeSelectionHandler(ZNode node, ZCamera camera, ZCanvas canvas, ZLayerGroup marqueeLayer)
          Creates a composite selection handler with all available selection event handler types enabled.
ZCompositeSelectionHandler(ZNode node, ZCanvas canvas, ZLayerGroup marqueeLayer, int flags)
          Creates a composite selection handler with the specified enabled selection event handler types.
ZCompositeSelectionHandler(ZNode node, ZCamera camera, ZCanvas canvas, ZLayerGroup marqueeLayer, int flags)
          Creates a composite selection handler with the specified enabled selection event handler types.

Uses of ZLayerGroup in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util

Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util that return ZLayerGroup
 ZLayerGroup[] ZListImpl.ZLayerGroupListImpl.getLayersReference()
 ZLayerGroup[] ZNullList.getLayersReference()
 ZLayerGroup ZCanvas.getLayer()
          Return the "layer".
 ZLayerGroup[] ZList.ZLayerGroupList.getLayersReference()

Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util with parameters of type ZLayerGroup
 void ZLoadable.setLayer(ZLayerGroup layer)
          Set the layer of the scenegraph.
 void ZCanvas.setLayer(ZLayerGroup aLayer)
          Sets the layer of the scenegraph.

Constructors in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util with parameters of type ZLayerGroup
ZCanvas(ZRoot aRoot, ZLayerGroup layer)
          A constructor for a ZCanvas that uses an existing scenegraph.

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