Packages that use edu.umd.cs.jazz.util | |
edu.umd.cs.jazz | Jazz is a general-purpose Java-based engine that supports 2D visualizations. |
edu.umd.cs.jazz.component | This package contains several visual components that may be useful for Jazz applications. |
edu.umd.cs.jazz.event | This package supports Jazz event handlers. |
edu.umd.cs.jazz.util | This package defines several utility classes that are likely to be useful for Jazz applications. |
Classes in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util used by edu.umd.cs.jazzZBounds
ZBounds is simply a Rectangle2D.Double with extra methods that more properly deal with the case when the rectangle is "empty". ZFindFilter
ZFindFilter provides a general interface that is used to determine if a specified node should be accepted. ZLerp
ZLerp is an interface for specifying how to interpolate a double over an interval. ZList.ZNodeList
ZObjectReferenceTable helps to manage the references between objects within the scenegraph when a portion of the scenegraph is duplicated with clone(). ZProperty
ZProperty represents a ZNode client property. ZRenderContext
ZRenderContext stores information relevant to the current render as it occurs. ZRenderContextFactory
ZSceneGraphEditor provides a convenience mechanism used to locate and create instances of the following types of group nodes: ZSceneGraphEditorFactory
ZSceneGraphPath represents a unique path in a scene graph from a top-level camera to a terminal node. |
Classes in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util used by edu.umd.cs.jazz.componentZBounds
ZBounds is simply a Rectangle2D.Double with extra methods that more properly deal with the case when the rectangle is "empty". ZCanvas
ZCanvas is a simple Swing component that can be used to render onto for Jazz. ZRenderContext
ZRenderContext stores information relevant to the current render as it occurs. ZSceneGraphPath
ZSceneGraphPath represents a unique path in a scene graph from a top-level camera to a terminal node. |
Classes in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util used by edu.umd.cs.jazz.eventZCanvas
ZCanvas is a simple Swing component that can be used to render onto for Jazz. ZSceneGraphPath
ZSceneGraphPath represents a unique path in a scene graph from a top-level camera to a terminal node. |
Classes in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util used by edu.umd.cs.jazz.utilZBounds
ZBounds is simply a Rectangle2D.Double with extra methods that more properly deal with the case when the rectangle is "empty". ZBoundsFindFilter
ZBoundsFindFilter is a filter that accepts visual and terminal nodes that overlap the specified bounds in global coordinates. ZCanvas
ZCanvas is a simple Swing component that can be used to render onto for Jazz. ZFindFilter
ZFindFilter provides a general interface that is used to determine if a specified node should be accepted. ZList
Collections of objects in the Jazz framework are usual contained in ZLists, as implemented by ZListImpl. ZList.ZBoundsList
ZListImpl Implementation of ZList. ZNullList
This class provides a stand in for ZLists that have no elements. ZObjectReferenceTable
ZObjectReferenceTable helps to manage the references between objects within the scenegraph when a portion of the scenegraph is duplicated with clone(). ZProperty
ZProperty represents a ZNode client property. ZRenderContext
ZRenderContext stores information relevant to the current render as it occurs. ZSceneGraphEditor
ZSceneGraphEditor provides a convenience mechanism used to locate and create instances of the following types of group nodes: ZSceneGraphPath
ZSceneGraphPath represents a unique path in a scene graph from a top-level camera to a terminal node. |