Uses of Interface

Packages that use ZTransformable
edu.umd.cs.jazz Jazz is a general-purpose Java-based engine that supports 2D visualizations. 
edu.umd.cs.jazz.util This package defines several utility classes that are likely to be useful for Jazz applications. 

Uses of ZTransformable in edu.umd.cs.jazz

Classes in edu.umd.cs.jazz that implement ZTransformable
 class ZCamera
          ZCamera represents a viewport onto a list of nodes.
 class ZConstraintGroup
          ZConstraintGroup is a transform group that changes its transform based on a computation defined in a specified method.
 class ZStickyGroup
          ZStickyGroup is a constraint group that moves its children inversely to the camera view, so that the children stay visually on the same place on the screen, even as the camera view changes.
 class ZTransformGroup
          ZTransformGroup is a group node that specifies an arbitrary affine transform.

Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz with parameters of type ZTransformable
static void ZTransformGroup.animate(ZTransformable node, java.awt.geom.AffineTransform tx, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface)
          Set the transform of the specified node to the specified transform, and animate the change from its current transformation over the specified number of milliseconds using a slow-in slow-out animation.
static void ZTransformGroup.animate(ZTransformable node, java.awt.geom.AffineTransform at, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface, ZLerp lerpTimeFunction)
          Set the transform of the specified node to the specified transform, and animate the change from its current transformation over the specified number of milliseconds using a slow-in slow-out animation.
static void ZTransformGroup.animate(ZTransformable[] nodes, java.awt.geom.AffineTransform[] txs, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface)
          Set the transforms of the specified array of nodes to the specified array of transforms, and animate the change over the specified number of milliseconds using a slow-in slow-out animation.
static void ZTransformGroup.animate(ZTransformable[] nodes, java.awt.geom.AffineTransform[] txs, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface, ZLerp lerpTimeFunction)
          Set the transforms of the specified array of nodes to the specified array of transforms, and animate the change over the specified number of milliseconds using a slow-in slow-out animation.

Uses of ZTransformable in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util

Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util that return ZTransformable
 ZTransformable[] ZListImpl.ZTransformableListImpl.getTransformablesReference()
 ZTransformable[] ZList.ZTransformableList.getTransformablesReference()

Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util with parameters of type ZTransformable
 void ZSceneGraphPath.pushTransformer(ZTransformable transformer)
          Internal method.
 void ZSceneGraphPath.popTransformer(ZTransformable transformer)
          Removes a transformer (and any transformers after it) from the list of transformer nodes.

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