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MediaWikiPageQuery Class Reference

MediaWikiPageQueries do regular-expression -based wikitext parsing, reading IMSLP score information. More...

#import <MediaWikiPageQuery.h>

Inheritance diagram for MediaWikiPageQuery:
Collaboration diagram for MediaWikiPageQuery:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(NSString *) - _buildGetParams
 A private worker method that does the actual GET parameter building work.
(NSString *) - buildQueryURL [implementation]
 Overrides the default MediaWikiQuery buildQueryURL method to append the GET parameters into the URL.
(void) - didReceiveMediaWikiData: [implementation]
 MediaWikiQueryDelegate method implementation, takes the raw wikidata read and parses it to get to the sweet sweet score file metadata (and the score filenames as well).
(id) - init [implementation]
 Basic init method for MediaWikiPageQuery objects.
(void) - setWikiAction: [implementation]
(void) - setWikiTitle: [implementation]

Static Public Member Functions

(MediaWikiPageQuery *) + newPageQuery:delegate:
 A factory method for constructing a MediaWiki wikitext/page query object.


NSString * composerName
 The IMSLP composer name of the composition to be read.
id< MediaWikiPageQueryDelegatepageDelegate
 Delegate to pass page data to.
NSMutableDictionary * parameters
 A dictionary object that holds the parameter data.
NSString * wikiAction
 Defines the action parameter for this MediaWiki page query.
NSString * wikiTitle
 Defines the page title parameter for this MediaWiki page query.

Detailed Description

MediaWikiPageQueries do regular-expression -based wikitext parsing, reading IMSLP score information.

Perhaps misleadingly named MediaWiki instead of IMSLP, instances of this class parse the wikitext describing a particular composition and search for any embedded score files. The data for the composition is then encapsulated in a CompositionData object and passed on to the delegate for further processing.

Created by Antti V J Niemela, tkol on 6/3/11. Copyright 2011 University of Helsinki. All rights reserved.

Definition at line 18 of file MediaWikiPageQuery.h.

Member Function Documentation

- (NSString *) _buildGetParams

A private worker method that does the actual GET parameter building work.

Returns the GET parameters as a NSString object.

Definition at line 244 of file MediaWikiPageQuery.m.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

- (NSString *) buildQueryURL [implementation]

Overrides the default MediaWikiQuery buildQueryURL method to append the GET parameters into the URL.

Reimplemented from MediaWikiQuery.

Definition at line 60 of file MediaWikiPageQuery.m.

References _buildGetParams.

Here is the call graph for this function:

- (void) didReceiveMediaWikiData: (NSData *)  data [implementation]

MediaWikiQueryDelegate method implementation, takes the raw wikidata read and parses it to get to the sweet sweet score file metadata (and the score filenames as well).

Passes the read data to it's delegate in the form of an IMSLPCompositionData object.

Reimplemented from <MediaWikiQueryDelegate>.

Definition at line 69 of file MediaWikiPageQuery.m.

References CompositionData::composerName, CompositionData::compositionName, ScoreData::description, ScoreData::fullMetaData, ScoreData::metaDataDict, CompositionData::musicScores, ScoreData::pdf, CatNiPErrorManager::reportError:, and CatNiPErrorManager::sharedManager.

Here is the call graph for this function:

- (id) init [implementation]

Basic init method for MediaWikiPageQuery objects.

Reimplemented from MediaWikiQuery.

Definition at line 51 of file MediaWikiPageQuery.m.

+ (MediaWikiPageQuery *) newPageQuery: (NSString*)  URL
delegate: (id <MediaWikiPageQueryDelegate>)  qDelegate 

A factory method for constructing a MediaWiki wikitext/page query object.

URLThe base MediaWiki API url
delegateThe delegate which will receive read progress reports.
MediaWikiPageQuery object which can perform the requested query.

Definition at line 39 of file MediaWikiPageQuery.m.

References MediaWikiQuery::initWithDelegate:mediaWikiURL:, and pageDelegate.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

- (void) setWikiAction: (NSString *)  wikiAction [implementation]

Definition at line 19 of file MediaWikiPageQuery.m.

- (void) setWikiTitle: (NSString *)  wikiTitle [implementation]

Definition at line 25 of file MediaWikiPageQuery.m.

Property Documentation

- (NSString*) composerName [read, write, copy]

The IMSLP composer name of the composition to be read.

Definition at line 33 of file MediaWikiPageQuery.h.

- (id<MediaWikiPageQueryDelegate>) pageDelegate [read, write, retain]

Delegate to pass page data to.

Definition at line 31 of file MediaWikiPageQuery.h.

- (NSMutableDictionary*) parameters [read, write, retain]

A dictionary object that holds the parameter data.

Definition at line 29 of file MediaWikiPageQuery.h.

- (NSString *) wikiAction [read, write, copy]

Defines the action parameter for this MediaWiki page query.

Definition at line 25 of file MediaWikiPageQuery.h.

- (NSString *) wikiTitle [read, write, copy]

Defines the page title parameter for this MediaWiki page query.

Definition at line 27 of file MediaWikiPageQuery.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Files Functions Variables Enumerations Enumerator Properties Defines