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<MediaWikiPageQueryDelegate> Protocol Reference

Protocol defining the required methods for a MediaWikiPageQueryDelegate. More...

#import <MediaWikiPageQueryDelegate.h>

Inheritance diagram for <MediaWikiPageQueryDelegate>:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(void) - didReceiveCompositionData:
 The method which will be called once the page data has been read.

Detailed Description

Protocol defining the required methods for a MediaWikiPageQueryDelegate.

MediaWikiPageQueryDelegates receive the read composition data from the MediaWiki wikitext page.

Definition at line 9 of file MediaWikiPageQueryDelegate.h.

Member Function Documentation

- (void) didReceiveCompositionData: (id)  compData

The method which will be called once the page data has been read.

The passed object will be an CompositionData* object.

Reimplemented in IMSLPQueryHelper.

The documentation for this protocol was generated from the following file:
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