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<MediaWikiQueryDelegate> Protocol Reference

Protocol defining the required methods of a MediaWikiQueryDelegate. More...

#import <MediaWikiQueryDelegate.h>

Inheritance diagram for <MediaWikiQueryDelegate>:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(void) - didReceiveMediaWikiData:
 The delegate method that is called when all the data from the URL is read.

Detailed Description

Protocol defining the required methods of a MediaWikiQueryDelegate.

MediaWikiQueryDelegates receive a message containing the data read from the given URL

Created by Antti V J Niemela, tkol on 5/24/11. Copyright 2011 University of Helsinki. All rights reserved.

Definition at line 16 of file MediaWikiQueryDelegate.h.

Member Function Documentation

- (void) didReceiveMediaWikiData: (NSData *)  data

The delegate method that is called when all the data from the URL is read.

Reimplemented in MediaWikiCategoryQuery, and MediaWikiPageQuery.

The documentation for this protocol was generated from the following file:
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