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Recent Teaching
- Approximation Algorithms (Spring 2025, Spring 2023)
- Randomised Algorithms (Spring 2024)
- Computer Science Colloquium (2024-25, 2023-24, 2022-23)
- Kandidaatin tutkielma / BSc thesis (Fall 2024, Fall 2022)
Teaching before Fall 2022
Spring 2022:
Randomized Algorithms I,
Randomized Algorithms II
Spring 2021:
Approximation Algorithms
Spring 2020:
Randomized Algorithms I,
Randomized Algorithms II
Fall 2019:
Kandidaatin tutkielma ("TiKi")
Spring 2019:
Approximation Algorithms
Fall 2018:
Kandidaatin tutkielma ("TiKi")
Spring 2018:
Randomized Algorithms I,
Randomized Algorithms II
Fall 2018:
Seminar on Parameterized Algorithms
Spring 2017:
Approximation Algorithms,
Tieteellinen kirjoittaminen
Spring 2016:
Randomized Algorithms I,
Randomized Algorithms II
Spring 2015:
Approximation Algorithms
Fall 2014:
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Fall 2013:
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Fall 2012:
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Fall 2011:
Seminar: Exact Exponential Algorithms
Fall 2010:
Computational Genotype Analysis
Fall 2006: (In Finnish) Tieteellisen kirjoittamisen kurssi:
Fall 2005: (In Finnish) Tieteellisen kirjoittamisen kurssi: algoritmiryhma.
Fall 2005:
Research Seminar on Algorithms: Sums of Products.
Contact | Publications | Research | Software | Teaching
Last modified Dec 18, 2024.