Re: Linux 2.2.20pre10

Per Jessen (
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 20:13:42 +0200

On Mon, 22 Oct 2001 12:51:53 -0500, wrote:
>I never said that Alan, or any particular individual, should risk a lawsuit or
>jail. I simply said that I hoped *someone outside the US* (that is, someone not
>subject to US laws) would make the information available. Surely there are
>places in the world that are beyond the reach of the DMCA. How about those

Alan Cox, living in the UK, may be *somewhat* subject to US legislation.
Ties between the US and the UK are strong, and it is understandable if a UK-
resident person does not feel entirely out of reach of US law enforcement.


Per Jessen, Zurich

Per Jessen, Zurich - home of the J1 serial console.

Windows 2001: "I'm sorry Dave ... I'm afraid I can't do that."

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