Hecse - Helsinki Graduate School in Computer Science and Engineering

Applications 2010
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Student applications 2009

There are usually very few funded positions offered in Hecse's calls.

In the call of 2009, Hecse is offering 7 funded PhD positions. In addition, adjunct positions (without funding) may be offered.

Important dates

Full applications

Full applications can only be submitted by applicants with a committed supervisor in Hecse. Applications are submitted electronically and should include the following parts. In addition, the selected supervisor must submit a recommendation letter. At most two additional recommendation letters by other researchers may be submitted.

Please see the application FAQ for detailed information.

Steps for submitting an application

  1. Fill in the application form and submit it.
  2. Submit your PhD studies portofolio by using EasyChair. The portfolio should be in pdf format (one file only).

    Note that you must create an EasyChair account to be able to submit your portfolio. Please follow the instructions on the web page.

    When you submit your portfolio, please make sure that you tick the box for being the corresponding author, enter the title and a short abstract (4 lines) about your intended PhD research, and add at least two key words referring to your research. This information will make evaluating the applications easier. thank you.

  3. Ask your supervisor (and also possibly your instructor, if you have one) to submit a recommendation letter(s).
  4. Ask at most two other senior researchers to submit recommendations.

Registration if accepted

Accepted applicants must register for PhD studies at the university of their supervisor. For the registration, certified copies of diplomas must be submitted (translated into English if they are not in Finnish or Swedish).

More information

Please see the application FAQ or contact hecse-admin@cs.helsinki.fi or the coordinator directly at

Hecse Coordinator Greger Lindén
Room D242
Department of Computer Science
P.O.Box 68 (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2b)
FI-00014 University of Helsinki

This file was last modified on 22 Sep 2010.