Xalan-Java version 2.2.D6
| |
 |  |  |  | Changes since Xalan-Java 2.2.D2 |  |  |  |  |
| |
Important: Xerces has added a number of DOM level-3 methods to its DOM interfaces. The DOM level-3 proposal
is currently a working draft (it is not yet a W3C recommendation), and Xalan does not support these new methods.
To run Xalan in the JDK 1.1.8 platform, you must put xalan.jar (with its DOM level-2 interfaces) in front of
xerces.jar on the system class path. If you want to rebuild Xalan (on JDK 1.1.8 or higher), you must put Xalan
in front of xerces.jar on the system class path.
This beta release includes the following changes:
- Costin Manolache has slightly modified the CoRoutine stuff so that a you can compile and run everything but the CoRoutineXercesParser without having Xerces on the classpath.
- Joseph Kesselman added chunked int array stuff to address our scaling problems that Mukund & co. uncovered. This was a fairly mechanical, but still substantial, change. No bugs have yet been discovered that relate to this. This is probably the most controversial change.
- The Process class now outputs incrementally if the output is standard out. This is mostly for testing purposes, but it makes general sense.
- Bug was fixed with setting the incremental flag in TransformerFactoryImpl. Clearly the change was made but never tested. Simply a missing 'else'.
- Fix for Bugzilla Bug 2275, Xalan did not fire the right templates. This was substantial and somewhat risky. Xalan had several problems related to the last() function. Fixes cover four axes files.
- Change PrintTraceListener to output the file, as well as the line numbers. This is really a feature change, but simple, and aids diagnosing problems with multi-part stylesheets.
- XPath fix: the XPath API wasn't working correctly due to a problem with with NodeSet/NodeIterator adapters. This fix ended up interacting quite a bit with the #2275 fix.
- Fix for the Norm Walsh bug posted 06/20/2001: iterators weren't always being cloned correctly from the variable value stack. This fix is not without some risk, though we haven't seen any problems since Scott Boag made it.
- David Bertoni added missing html element properties to SerializerToHTML.java.
- Shance Curcuru modified TransformerFactoryImpl.setAttribute() to accept a String ("true" or "false") as well as a Boolean object to set the value of a Boolean attribute.
- TransformerHandlerImpl was threading when incrementality is turned off. Scott Boag has fixed this bug.
| |
- Handling xsl:namespace-alias declarations: In release 2.0.D01, we reported the need to do some research concerning exactly how Xalan
should handle xsl:namespace-alias declarations. As a result of discussions among members of the W3C Working Group on XSL, we have reached a
more precise consensus on how namespaces should be represented when an xsl:namespace-alias declaration is in effect.
If a literal result element has a namespace prefix, the prefix will be preserved and the namespace URI of the element will be as
specified in the xsl:namespace-alias element, but the result-prefix is not required to appear in the result. This also applies to the
two other cases of "Literal namespace URI" mentioned in the XSLT Recommendation on
Literal Result Elements. More simply, if the stylesheet calls for
<axsl:foo> to be output as a literal result element, then it will be output as <axsl:foo> in the result, but the namespace
associated with this "axsl" prefix will be as designated in the xsl:namespace-alias declaration.
- For HTML output, Xalan-Java 2 outputs character entity references (© etc.) for the special characters designated in
Appendix A. DTDs of the XHTML 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup
Language. Xalan-Java 1.x, on the other hand, outputs literal characters for some of these special characters.
- In conformance with the XSLT Recommendation on the HTML
Output Method and Section B.2.1 of the HTML 4.0
Recommendation, Xalan-Java 2 uses %hh encoding for each byte of the UTF-8 representation of non-ASCII characters in HTML URI
- When your stylesheet asks for an explicit carriage-return character ( ) to be inserted into the output, it is output during
the serialization process in escaped form unless escaping has been disabled. When your stylesheet asks for an explicit line-feed character
( ) to be output, the system-default line-break character(s) is/are output during the serialization process. Also keep in mind that
the XML parser normalizes line-breaks to line-feeds when it sends character events to the processor.
- If your XML input is a DOM, use the javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory setCoalescing() method to set coalescing to true (it is
false by default), if you want to append CDATA sections to adjacent text sections to form a single text node (as the XPath standard calls
for), and if the XML parser supports this feature (Xerces-Java version 1.4.1 does not).
| |
All known Xalan-Java bugs are listed in Bugzilla (the Apache bug database). For a list of open bugs with links to each bug
report, see XalanJ2 open bugs. If you find a new bug, please enter a XalanJ2 bug report in this
 | Before you can enter your first bug report, you must submit your email address to Bugzilla and receive a password. |
We strongly encourage you write patches for problems you find and submit them to
xalan-dev@xml.apache.org. We review the patches we receive to make sure they do not break something else, and (assuming they
do not) include them in our next release. In the interest of fixing bugs, adding enhancements, and addressing outstanding design
issues, we sincerely want (and need!) your active participation in the ongoing development of Xalan.
Xerces bug in Xerces-Java version 1.4.1:
- Xerces-Java version 1.4.1 does not process namespaces in SAX events when parsing UTF-16 documents, which causes Xalan-Java to fail with UTF-16
documents. Xerces will post a fix shortly.
| |
The Xalan-Java version 2.2.D6 has been tested with Xerces-Java version 1.4.1. The Xalan-Java version 2.2.D6 download from xml.apache.org includes xerces.jar from Xerces-Java version 1.4.1. For information about including xerces.jar on the system class path, see Setting up the system class path.
Important You may experience unpredictable anomalies if your Xalan and Xerces builds are not in synch. If you download an update to Xalan, check the release notes to determine which version of Xerces you should use.
| |
For this release, please note the following changes, additions, omissions, problems, procedures for running demos, and new support
for the TrAX API.
 |  |  |  | Changes and New Features for Xalan-Java version 2.2.D6 |  |  |  |  |
| |
XSLTC source code updates since Xalan-Java 2.1.0: - Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 05/23/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Text.java Committer's log entry: bug fix 1403, output escaping fixed
- Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 05/23/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java Committer's log entry: bug fix 1403, output escaping fixed
- Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/05/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java Committer's log entry: stylesheet compilation error listening added for
TrAX support
- Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/05/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XSLTC.java Committer's log entry: stylesheet compilation error listening added for
TrAX support
- Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/05/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime
TransformerFactoryImpl.java Committer's log entry: stylesheet compilation error listening added for
TrAX support
- Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/05/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime
TransformerFactoryImpl.java Committer's log entry: Transformer factory's setErrorListener() now throws
IllegalArgumentException is listener is null
- Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/05/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime
TransformerFactoryImpl.java Committer's log entry: translet transformation errors now forwarded to
TrAX error listener when applicable
- Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/05/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime
AbstractTranslet.java Committer's log entry: translet transformation errors now forwarded to
TrAX error listener when applicable
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/06/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AttributeList.java Committer's log entry: Added a constructor for copying an org.xml.sax.Attributes to our
PR: n/a
Obtained from: n/a
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/06/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ApplyImports.java
ApplyTemplates.java Attribute.java
AttributeSet.java AttributeValueTemplate.java
BinOpExpr.java CallTemplate.java Comment.java
ConcatCall.java Constants.java Copy.java
CopyOf.java DecimalFormatting.java
DocumentCall.java Expression.java Fallback.java
ForEach.java FormatNumberCall.java
FunctionAvailableCall.java FunctionCall.java
If.java Import.java Include.java Key.java
LiteralAttribute.java LiteralElement.java
LiteralExpr.java LogicalExpr.java Message.java
NamespaceAlias.java Number.java Output.java
Param.java Parser.java ProcessingInstruction.java
QName.java RelationalExpr.java Sort.java
Stylesheet.java SymbolTable.java
SyntaxTreeNode.java Template.java Text.java
TransletOutput.java UnaryOpExpr.java ValueOf.java
Variable.java When.java Whitespace.java
WithParam.java XSLTC.java XslAttribute.java
XslElement.java xpath.cup
MethodType.java Committer's log entry: Removed the intermediate DOM used to contain the input document (the
stylesheet) for the compiler. The compiler now uses SAX2 to import
the stylesheet, and all references to DOM interfaces have been removed.
This means that most classes representing XSL elements have been
changed, but most classes representing XPath functions, expressions
and patterns are unchanged.
PR: After suggestion from Scott Boag
Obtained from: n/a
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/06/2001
Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler
UnsupportedElement.java Committer's log entry: Adding a class for handling unsupported stylesheet elements
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/06/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java Committer's log entry: Minor fix to make sure that attributes are processed in the correct order.
PR: n/a
Obtained from: n.a
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/06/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime
DefaultSAXOutputHandler.java Committer's log entry: Minor change in output indentation/line feeds.
PR: n/a
Obtained from: n/a
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xmp.apache.org
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/06/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler
LocationPathPattern.java Parser.java Template.java Committer's log entry: Fixed the code that resolves conflicts between templates with identical
patterns. The order of the templates is not taken into account - after
import precedence and priority has been checked.
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/06/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime
DefaultSAXOutputHandler.java Committer's log entry: Reverted changes to SAX output handler.
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/06/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java
Template.java xpath.cup Committer's log entry: unified Parser error reporting to use Mortens
reportError routine
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/07/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler BinOpExpr.java
FunctionCall.java Otherwise.java Param.java
RelationalExpr.java Stylesheet.java
SyntaxTreeNode.java Variable.java When.java
XSLTC.java XslElement.java Committer's log entry: Updated a few classes that were still calling Parser.addError(),
Parser.addWarning() and Parser.addFatalError() to use the new common
error handler Prarser.reportError(int category, ErrorMsg message).
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/08/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java
java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime DefaultRun.java Committer's log entry: Added two lines of code to explicitly set the feature
"http://xml.org/sax/features/namespaces" of the SAXParser to "true".
The default is "true" but xerces seems to set it to "false", and this
caused some problems for our Stylesheet and XML doc parsers (which are
both using SAX2).
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/08/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Constants.java
java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime DefaultRun.java Committer's log entry: A few more changes to make sure the parsers used are namespace aware.
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/08/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LiteralElement.java
SyntaxTreeNode.java XslAttribute.java
XslElement.java Committer's log entry: The change from using DOM to using SAX in the stylesheet input caused some
of the elements in the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) to be out of order. I
added a few lines of code to the xsl:element/attribute handling code to
fix this.
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/11/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler AttributeSet.java
Choose.java Constants.java If.java
LiteralElement.java Stylesheet.java
UseAttributeSets.java When.java XSLTC.java
XslAttribute.java Committer's log entry: This putback contains three fixes:
o) fix for complex <xsl:attribute-set> inheritance structures
o) fix for xsl:element-available() function used in <xsl:when> or
<xsl:if> to test support for various extension elements
o) fix for preserving namespace prefixes for <xsl:attribute> output.
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/11/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Constants.java
UseAttributeSets.java ValueOf.java
AttributeSetMethodGenerator.java Committer's log entry: Fix to allow iterator access within attribute sets. This is necessary for
attribute sets that contain attributes whose values are generated by XSL
functions such as position() and last().
Obtained from: test mk013
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/11/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java Committer's log entry: Added output character escaping for non-breaking space characters.
I cannot believe we've waited this long before doing this. Madness!
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/11/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XSLTC.java
Parser.java Committer's log entry: support for java.io.InputStream StreamSources
- Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/11/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime
TransletTemplates.java Committer's log entry: support for java.io.InputStream StreamSources
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/12/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LogicalExpr.java Committer's log entry: Fix for bug 1511. Predicates on the format ((a or b) and c) are not
handled correctly. I added a small piece of code to direct the true-list
of the OR expression to the beginning of the AND test.
PR: Bugzilla 1511
Obtained from: n/a
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/12/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
TextOutput.java Committer's log entry: Fix attribute node-set comparisons. There was a bug in one of the compare()
methods of the BasisLibrary class which prevented attribute values from
being compared. The method compared node IDs instead of node values.
Pretty stupid bug, but now it is solved anyway.
PR: Bugzilla 1409
Obtained from: n/a
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/12/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Mode.java Committer's log entry: Fix to make sure that the implicit "text()" pattern is run when templates
containing "text()" in their pattern fail. XSLTC would not previously
invoke the built-in pattern for "text()" if a stylesheet contained a
template such as <xsl:template pattern="foo/bar/text()" .../>
PR: n/a
Obtained from: n/a
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/12/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XslElement.java Committer's log entry: Modified test for legal element names in <xsl:element>. The element name is
treated as an attribute value. Whitespaces are not allowed in plain text
element names, but should be allowed inside "{...}" attribute values.
PR: Bugzilla 1489
Obtained from: n/a
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/12/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java Committer's log entry: A fix for the preceding:: iterator
PR: n/a
Obtained from: n/a
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/12/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java Committer's log entry: Minor re-adjustment to last fix for preceding:: iterator
PR: 1407
Obtained from: n/a
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/12/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ForEach.java
XSLTC.java Committer's log entry: Fix to prevent compiler warnings to be output more than once.
PR: n/a
Obtained from: n/a
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/12/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler AttributeSet.java Committer's log entry: Final fix (for now) for attribute sets. In cases where multiple
<xsl:attribute-set.../> elements make up one attribute set (ie. they share
the same name) attributes that occured last in the stylesheet will take
PR: n/a
Obtained from: n/a
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/12/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime
TransformerFactoryImpl.java Committer's log entry: added support for java.io.InputStream StreamSources
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/13/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LogicalExpr.java Committer's log entry: Fix for code handling logical expressions and combinations of logical
expressions. Mindblowing stuff, but it now seems to work as it should.
Added another few lines of code to properly direct the program flow in
compiled predicates with various combinations of "and" and "or" expressions.
PR: Bugzilla 1511
Obtained from: n/a
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/13/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom SingletonIterator.java Committer's log entry: Fix for singleton iterators encapsulating variable references.
PR: Bugzilla 1412
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/14/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LiteralElement.java Committer's log entry: Added one-line fix to prevent null-pointer error. Simple code cleanup.
PR: n/a
Obtained from: suggestion by Guoliang Cao <cao@ispsoft.com>
Submitted by: cao@ispsoft.com
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/15/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LogicalExpr.java Committer's log entry: Fix to prevent compile-time null-pointer exceptions for certain logical
expressions. Some nexted AND-expressions would cause this error because
their true-list would not be backpatched. This would result in an
instruction list with one or more branch instructions with no target,
such as a GOTO(null) or an IFEQ(null) instruction.
PR: none, bug found in test run and fixed immediately
Obtained from: n/a
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 06/17/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler
AbsoluteLocationPath.java ApplyImports.java
ApplyTemplates.java CastExpr.java CopyOf.java
DocumentCall.java EqualityExpr.java Expression.java
FilterExpr.java FilterParentPath.java ForEach.java
FunctionCall.java IdKeyPattern.java Key.java
KeyCall.java NameBase.java ParentLocationPath.java
Parser.java Predicate.java RelationalExpr.java
Step.java UnionPathExpr.java
NodeSetType.java NodeType.java ReferenceType.java
ResultTreeType.java Type.java
java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom UnionIterator.java
java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java Committer's log entry: OK, I'm going to make a wild guess and assume that sboag's recent commit
of /NodeSet/NodeSetDTM/ got a little out of control and shouldn't have
gone down into org.apache.xalan.xsltc - undone to fix compile error
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/18/2001
Removed: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util
NodeSetType.java Committer's log entry: Removing NodeSetType (renamed to NodeSetDTMType).
PR: n/a
Obtained from: n/a
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/18/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util Type.java Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util
NodeSetDTMType.java Committer's log entry:
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/18/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util Type.java Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util
NodeSetType.java Removed: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util
NodeSetDTMType.java Committer's log entry:
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/19/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ContainsCall.java
FunctionCall.java If.java LogicalExpr.java
Param.java QName.java StartsWithCall.java
SymbolTable.java SyntaxTreeNode.java Template.java
Variable.java xpath.cup
java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java Committer's log entry: Fix for function calls used as clauses in logical expressions.
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by Tom.Amiro@Sun.COM on 06/19/2001
Committer's log entry:
> Fix for function calls used as clauses in logical expressions.
> Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
> Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by Morten.Jorgensen@sun.com on 06/19/2001
Committer's log entry:
> > Fix for function calls used as clauses in logical expressions.
> > Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
> > Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
> >
> >
- Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/25/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime
TransformerFactoryImpl.java Committer's log entry: added check to see if stylesheet is already an URL
- Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/25/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime
TransletTemplates.java Committer's log entry: added check to see if stylesheet is already an URL
- Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/25/2001
Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TrAXFilter.java Committer's log entry: proto
- Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/25/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime
TransformerFactoryImpl.java Committer's log entry: removed debug statements
- Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/26/2001
Removed: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TrAXFilter.java
TransformerFactoryImpl.java TransletTemplates.java Committer's log entry: in process of moving these to new subdir
- Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/26/2001
Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TrAXFilter.java
TransformerFactoryImpl.java TransletTemplates.java Committer's log entry: moved from runtime subdir to its own trax subdir
- Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/27/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax
TransformerFactoryImpl.java Committer's log entry: fixed bug with deriving translet name from
stylesheet name that included paths, e.g. /tmp/foo.xsl
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/27/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Predicate.java Committer's log entry: This update allows variables that contain references to result-tree fragments
to be used inside position filters.
PR: n/a
Obtained from: n/a
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
- Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/27/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime
AbstractTranslet.java Committer's log entry: added url handling in doTransform
- Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/27/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax
TransformerFactoryImpl.java Committer's log entry: added a new sys property called 'transletPool'
to allow user to set the destination directory for generated translets
- Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/27/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransletTemplates.java Committer's log entry: added a new sys property called 'transletPool'
to allow user to set the destination directory for generated translets
- Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/27/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XSLTC.java Committer's log entry: made private method setDestDirectory() public to
support the new transletPool system property.
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/28/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Predicate.java
Step.java Stylesheet.java VariableRef.java
MethodGenerator.java NodeSortRecordGenerator.java
ResultTreeType.java TestGenerator.java Committer's log entry: Various bugfixes in the way auxiliary classes access variables/fields in
the main translet class. Fixes a few VAR tests and customer tests.
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/29/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Choose.java
FunctionAvailableCall.java Parser.java When.java Committer's log entry: Fix for element-available() and function-available() calls. Ties these
calls to tables in the XSL parser and the symbol-table (the actual
implementation) instead of using redundant and not-up-to-date tables
in the classes that implement the X-avaiable() calls.
I also cleaned up the Choose call so that it now properly handles
all types of function calls in the xsl:when elements' test clause.
- Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/29/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ForEach.java
Param.java Variable.java
MethodGenerator.java Committer's log entry: Added a fix for local variables inside nested xsl:for-each elements.
Local variables are usually not initialized to any default value (such as
with general Java classes), because code compiled for <xsl:variable>
elements always assign values to variable slots before they are accessed.
But the code structure generated by nested <xsl:for-each> elements is too
much for the JVMs verifier to get around, so we have to initialize all
local variables inside such loops to zero, false, null, whatever.
This takes care some of our runtime-errors caused by apparent corrupt code.
(The JVMs verifier thinks that it is corrupt, but it isn't really.)
PR: none
Obtained from: n/a
Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org
Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org
| |
- Casting variables: XSLTC requires you to explicitly type cast values
returned by variables or expressions, when you use them in tests. Always a good
practice, but it may seem like overkill in some in contexts, where other XSLT processors
automatically assume or convert to the correct type. For example. unless you cast $country
to a string in the following apply-templates, entry nodes whose <country> elements
contain a string matching the global $country parameter are NOT selected.
<xsl:apply-templates select="entry[country=string($country)]"/>
- Order dependency of conditions within a predicate: If you have a predicate in a select or match
expression that has multiple conditions, one of which contains a union (X or Y), put it last.
Otherwise, the predicate fails to match node that it should.
- When using DOM caching, as shown in the Servlet demo, if the source document is local to the
server, the cache is not refreshed when the source XML document is modified. This
problem does not apply when the source is associated with a URL.
- If you have a list of references included or imported stylesheets, put any with
a relative path last; otherwise, stylesheets in the current directory are not found.
- [1] should be treated equivalent to position()=1, but it is not. Therefore, if
you get unexpected results using such shortcut positional predicates, substitute the
full postion()= version.
- XSLTC fails to match existing nodes when match expressions have
multiple steps with predicates containing the position function.
The following examples are taken from the XSLTMark oddtemplates.xsl test:
- XSTLC has problems with output escaping, see bug 1403.
- Case-order option with sorting is ignored.
- As a minor side-effect of implementing simplified stylesheets, if you inadvertenly
go to compile a stylesheet and give the name of the .xml doc instead of the .xsl doc,
it may compile without a warning. In some cases, the compiler aborts with an error
about too many branches.
| |
XSLTC provides demos for using XSLTC as a servlet and as a handler for
Brazil (a new and powerful Web techology from Sun labs). To run these demos,
download Brazil from sunlabs:
and the java extensions for servlets from Sun:
The translet must be specified as a pure class name, accessible
through the Brazil handler's classpath. For example:
The document must be specified as a valid URL. For example:
If the file is local to the Brazil handler, it has to be
specified using the "file:filename.xml" format.
 | You also need to make the Brazil and javax classes available from your classpath |
See also: sample JAXP translets.
| |
The Translet API has been extended to conform with the JAXP1.1 TrAX model.
This release contains the first implementation of that extension. Two
new classes have been added to the Translet XSLT codebase, they are:
(1) org.apache.xalan.xsltc.runtime.TransformerFactoryImpl -
the Translet implementation of a SAXTransformerFactory.
(2) org.apache.xalan.xsltc.runtime.TransletTemplates -
the Translet implementation of a Templates object.
The existing XSLT class 'org.apache.xalan.xsltc.runtime.AbstractTranslet'
that implements the Translet interface is now also extending the
javax.xml.transform.Transformer abstract class.
This implementation is only a partial implementation, with many limitations.
These limitations include:
- Currently 'StreamSource' and 'StreamResult' are the only
TrAX Sources and Results that are supported.
- The translet is compiled everytime a call is made to the
TransformerFactoryImpl 'newTransformer()' method.
- The translet is compiled everytime a call is made to the
TemplateFactoryImpl 'newTransformer()' method.
- Translet are currently not cached. (See (2) and (3)).
- Several abstract methods from SAXTransformerFactory still need to
be implemented in the xsltc.runtime.TransformerFactoryImpl class:
TemplatesHandler newTemplatesHandler()
TransformerHandler newTransformerHandler()
TransformerHandler newTransformerHandler(Source src)
TransformerHandler newTransformerHandler(Templates templates)
XMLFilter newXMLFilter(Source src)
XMLFilter newXMLFilter(Templates templates)
- Several abstract methods from Transformer still need to be implemented in the
AbstractTranslet class:
ErrorListener getErrorListener()
void setErrorListener(ErrorListener)
Properties getOutputProperties()
String getOutputProperty(String name)
void setOutputProperties(Properties props)
void setOutputProperty(String name, String value)
URIResolver getURIResolver()
void setURIResolver(URIResolver resolver)
- Abstract method from Templates still need to be implemented in the TransletTemplates class:
Properties getOutputProperties()
- Several abstract methods from TransformerFactory still need to be implemented
in the
xsltc.runtime.TransformerFactoryImpl class:
ErrorListener getErrorListener()
void setErrorListener(ErrorListener listener)
Object getAttribute(String name)
void setAttribute(String name, Object value)
boolean getFeature(String name)
URIResolver getURIResolver()
void setURIResolver(URIResolver resolver)
Source getAssociatedStylesheet(Source src, String media, String title,
String charset)
Templates newTemplates(Source xslSrc)
Transformer newTransformer()
- Whenever possible, the required methods that are currently unimplemented will throw an
exception if someone tries to call them- this will alert the user that the method is not implemented.
The message is of the form:
"<Class Name>:<Method Name>( <args> ) not implemented yet."
| |
XSLTC Changes for Xalan-Java 2.1.0
The Sun XSLTC team (david.hofert@east.sun.com, tom.amiro@east.sun.com, todd.miller@east.sun.com,
morten.jorgensen@Ireland.sun.com) has checked XSLTC into the Xalan
source tree, and we have begun the process of merging XSLTC into Xalan. XSLTC provides a compiler for compiling
stylesheets into translets, and a streamlined runtime environment for using translets to transform XML input.
In the near term, XSLTC will appear in a separate JAR file (xsltc.jar) with its own API and command-line
utilities. You can already use the same JAXP interfaces to perform
transformations with the Xalan transformer and with translets. Over time, we plan to merge the two codebases.
See XSLTC Design Documents.
Since this is the first release of XSLTC on Apache (xml.apache.org), changes are
relative to Preview 5 of XSLTC posted on www.sun.com/xml/developers.
- Simplified stylesheets are now implemented.
- Base package name has changed from
com.sun.xslt to org.apache.xalan.xsltc
- You no longer have to get the BCEL.jar file; it is included in the distribution.
- The Project X parser components and APIs have all been replaced with JAXP equivalents.
Consequently, you may deploy XSLTC with JAXP-conformant parsers, such as Xerces or Crimson.
- Previously undocumented feature: -x. You can use the -x option on the java command line when you
compile translets or run them to get more detailed information on errors.
- Addition of -s to DefaultRun - a new -s option has been added to the DefaultRun class
for use with test auotmation. When you use the option, it prevents System.exit() from being called when
and exception is encountered.
| |
| |
Apache Ant is a flexible, powerful, and easy-to-use Java build tool that we include with the
Xalan-Java distribution. The Ant JAR file is in the bin directory, and the cross-platform XML build file (build.xml) is in
the root directory along with a Windows32 batch file (build.bat) and a UNIX shell file (build.sh). The build file defines
the "targets" that you can use Ant to build. The batch and shell files set up the classpath and launch Ant with the target
(and any other arguments) you provide.
Instructions for using Ant
- Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the JDK root directory.
If you are using JDK 1.1.8, you must also put classes.zip in the JDK bin directory on the classpath. You can use Ant
with JDK 1.1.8 to compile and jar the Xalan-Java source files, but you must have JDK 1.2.2 or higher to build the
- Depending on your environment, run the batch file (build.bat) or shell file (build.sh) from the Xalan-Java root
directory, optionally with arguments (see the table of targets below).
The batch/shell file adds several JAR files to the classpath and launches Ant with any arguments you provide. If you
provide no target, Ant compiles the source files and rebuilds xalan.jar (the "jar" target).
You can also set up your classpath manually (see build.bat or build.sh for the details), and then run Ant as
java org.apache.tools.ant.Main target
where target is nothing (for the default target) or one of the following.
| What Ant does
| compiles Xalan-Java in build/classes.
jar (the default)
| creates xalan.jar in the build directory
| compiles and jars the sample apps in build/xalansamples.jar
| compiles and jars the sample servlet in build/xalanservlet.jar
| creates the HTML User's Guide in build/docs
| generates the API documentation in ./build/docs/apidocs
| generates a complete distribution tree with zip and tar.gz distribution files in build
| purges the build and distribution
If you build a target that depends on other targets, Ant creates those other targets in the correct order.
| |
The Xalan-Java build is in xalan.jar. The Xalan-Java source code tree is in the src directory.
If you are using Ant, the target is jar (the default). For more information, see Using
If you want to do the build without Ant, keep the following in mind:
- Set the classpath to include the src directory, xerces.jar, bsf.jar, and bsfengines.jar.
- Use a Java compiler (such as the IBM Just-In-Time compiler or the Sun javac) to compile all the .java files in the src
- Use the Sun jar utility to store the resulting .class files in xalan.jar
 |  |  |  | Rebuilding the Xalan-Java documentation |  |  |  |  |
| |
Xalan-Java includes a number of XML source files, XSL stylesheets, document type definition (DTD)
files, entity relationship (ENT) files, graphics, and a JavaScript file that provide the input for the Xalan
HTML User's Guide, and the overview and package-level documents used during the generation of Javadoc.
To rebuild the documentation, you must use the StyleBook tool and the JDK 1.2.2 java and javadoc
tools. StyleBook (which uses Xalan and Xerces) is in stylebook-1.0-b2.jar. Some of the document definition files,
stylesheets, and resources are stored in xml-site-style.tar.gz, and are unzipped when you run Ant as described
You can use Ant with the docs target to regenerate the User's Guide and with the javadocs target to regenerate the
Javadoc API documentation. For more information, see Using Ant.
If you want to rebuild the documentation without using Ant, keep the following in mind:
- Unzip xml-site-style.tar.gz into the xdocs directory (the operation places files in a number of subdirectories).
- Be sure stylebook-1.0-b2.jar, xalanjdoc.jar, xalan.jar, bsf.jar, bsfengines.jar, and xerces.jar are on the class
- To build doc in a build/docs subdirectory, run StyleBook from the xdocs directory as follows:
java org.apache.stylebook.StyleBook "targetDirectory=../build/docs/" sources/xalanLocal.xml style
- To build the HTML source files that javadoc needs for the TrAX top-level and package-level documentation, add
a build/docs/apdidocs/javax/xml/transform directory and run the Xalan command-line utility from the xdocs directory
as follows (all one line):
java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process
-in sources/trax/trax.xml
-param package-root '../../../src/'
-xsl style/stylesheets/spec.xsl
-out build/docs/apidocs/javax/xml/transform/trax.html
- Before you run javadoc, make sure the following directory structure exists under the Xalan root
directory: build/docs/apidocs.
- To build the API documentation, run the JDK 1.2.2 javadoc tool from the xdocs directory (all one line):
javadoc -doclet xalanjdoc.Standard
-docletpath ../bin/xalanjdoc.jar
-overview ../src/javadocOverview.html -sourcepath ../src
-group TrAX "javax.xml.transform*"
-group Xalan_Core "org.apache.xalan.processor:
-group XPath "org.apache.xpath*"
-group Utilities "org.apache.xml.utils*"
-group Xalan_Other "org.apache.xalan.client:
-group Xalan_Extensions "org.apache.xalan.lib*"
-group Serializers "org.apache.xalan.serialize"
org.apache.xalan.client org.apache.xalan.dtm
org.apache.xalan.extensions org.apache.xalan.lib
org.apache.xalan.lib.sql org.apache.xalan.processor
org.apache.xalan.res org.apache.xalan.stree
org.apache.xalan.templates org.apache.xalan.trace
org.apache.xalan.transformer org.apache.xalan.xslt
org.apache.xpath org.apache.xpath.axes
org.apache.xpath.compiler org.apache.xpath.functions
org.apache.xpath.objects org.apache.xpath.operations
org.apache.xpath.patterns org.apache.xpath.res
org.apache.xalan.serialize javax.xml.transform
javax.xml.transform.dom javax.xml.transform.sax
javax.xml.transform.stream javax.xml.parsers
-d ../build/docs/apidocs -windowtitle "Xalan-Java 2"
-doctitle "Xalan-Java 2" -bottom "Copyright ©
2000 Apache XML Project. All Rights Reserved."
| |
Your feedback is more than welcome. Offers of help are even more so! Perhaps you would like to take on an active role in the ongoing development, testing, and documentation of Xalan-Java?
Please email your comments, questions, suggestions, and offers to join the Xalan team to Xalan Development Mailing List.
 |  |  |  | Cumulative history of software changes |  |  |  |  |
| |
The following sections list the changes in each release since Xalan-Java version 2.0.D01.
 |  |  |  | Changes for Xalan-Java 2.2.D2 |  |  |  |  |
| |
This release includes the following changes:
The primary focus of the 2.2 Developer releases is incorporation of all our work over the past several months on the Document Table
Model (DTM).
As a result of the changes in *internal* api, you may encounter problems with extensions. We have done some bug fixing in support
for extensions since 2.2.D1. John Gentilin is working on fixing the SQL library extension,which currently is broken. Please report
any problems you find (see bugs).
The DTM and related work provides faster performance and less accumulation of garbage... though it is an
ongoing battle. Brief summary:
- The DTM identifies nodes with 32-bit integer handles.
The DTM has many features, including direct character dispatch to SAX2,
native DTM iterators and "traversers", multiple document management, etc.
- Joe Kesselman's CoRoutine parsers, which are in a threaded SAX flavor
and in a Xerces parseMore() flavor (no threads). These do away with the
"race" conditions that occured in the original code, and should make Xalan
much more robust.
- *Much* more robust XPath itteration. The "waiting" iterators of old are
no more, and good riddance. There is stil lots more we want to do with
this mechanism. (There is something here called MatchIterators, but it's
not being used yet for various reasons. We will be taking advantage of
these down the line.)
- A fair amount of XObject creation reduction. You can now get boolean,
number, nodeset, and string values directly from an Expression, instead of
going through an XObject.
- XMLString, which allows us to work with string objects that don't wrap
Java's String object. These objects get their character data from an array or
Fast String Buffer.
- Serializers now only do internal buffering if they know they are writing
to a FileStream.
- The variable stack mechanism has been redisigned, so that it is no
longer so interpretive, and we believe it is much more robust.
- Some small amount of stylesheet rewriting (but not yet redundent
expression elimination), in particular to reduce full RTF creation and
Xalan-Java implements two DTM performance features that you can control with the TransformerFactory
method. See DTM performance settings
 |  |  |  | Changes for Xalan-Java 2.1.0 |  |  |  |  |
| |
This release includes a number of bug fixes to Xalan-Java and TrAX.
We have also enhanced the ApplyXSLT servlet. It can now be set up to use a compiled Templates object to respond to multiple
client transformation requests involving the same stylesheet.
Core source code updates: - Committed by costin@apache.org on 03/16/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor StylesheetHandler.java
java/src/org/apache/xpath Expression.java XPath.java
java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler Compiler.java
XPathParser.java Committer's log entry: Renamed "assert()" to "assertion()".
Assert can be a keyword, and brake the compilation.
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 03/19/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer KeyWalker.java Committer's log entry: Throw an error message if the key name in a key function was not defined
- Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 03/20/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils FastStringBuffer.java Committer's log entry: Reworked "chunk growth" algorithm again. Growing mode not
yet adequately tested, but fixed-size mode (which is what Xalan
is currently using) is simpler code and shows improved performance.
- Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 03/20/2001
Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt EnvironmentCheck.java Committer's log entry: Utility class to check your JVM environment for common problems
- Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 03/22/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt EnvironmentCheck.java Committer's log entry: Added more .jar sizes to jarVersions listing
- Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 03/22/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils FastStringBuffer.java Committer's log entry: We've reworked the algorithm again. The fixed-chunk-size mode (initial
and max. chunk sizes equal) runs essentially unchanged, though with a
few cycles less overhead. The variable-chunk-size mode now uses a
recursive-encapsulation scheme, where the first chunk may itself be a
FastStringBuffer whose total length equals one chunk; every so often
we push the existing data down one level and restart with a larger
chunk size. The new scheme has been stress-tested and is apparently
working. At this writing, however, Xalan uses only the fixed-size
mode (initial size equals max size), and no effort has been made to
find the optimial values for the tuning parameters. It does appear
likely that the best values will vary with usage patterns, but we hope
to find a good compromise.
I'll probably be putting this aside for a while to work on other things.
If someone wants to experiment with varying the block sizes and
how frequently they grow, and suggest good performance/memory
tradeoff points, go for it!
- Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 03/22/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils FastStringBuffer.java Committer's log entry: Minor tweak to the javadoc.
- Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 03/23/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils FastStringBuffer.java Committer's log entry: reset() versus setLength(0).
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/26/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemForEach.java Committer's log entry: Fix for bug# 1116, getMatchedTemplate throws ClassCastException.
Don't push template unless it is a xsl:template.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/26/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates OutputProperties.java Committer's log entry: Patches submitted by Patrick Moore <patrickm@rioport.com>
on 03/15/2001 01:25 PM:
This proposed change does a number of things:
1. Problem: HTML output method does not uses XML output properties as
In both org/apache/xalan/templates/output_html.properties and in the java
doc for
g) It specifically states that all OutputProperties use the
output_xml.properties as a base. In the code this is not true for html. This
is now changed to match the comments
2. Problem: unclear IOException.
If there was a problem loading the XML properties file. The wrapped
exception now will say which file was trying to be loaded. If the file did
not exist I was getting a very strange "Stream closed" IOException message.
3. Problem: the streams were not closed after reading the property file.
4. Problem: the double-check locking mechanism does not work in Java (see
bug #919)
5. QUESTION: now if there is a default properties (i.e.
output_xml.properties has been loaded) but the expected properties file does
not exist a error message will be printed to System.err and the processing
will continuing using just the default properties (output_xml.properties) I
felt that this is the best behavior.
(comment by sboag: I think it's better to
throw a runtime exception in this case.
but we can discuss this over time. For now
the patch was modified to do the runtime exception).
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/27/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLTSchema.java
java/src/org/apache/xalan/stree SourceTreeHandler.java
java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemForEach.java
java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer QueuedSAXEvent.java
ResultTreeHandler.java TransformerImpl.java
java/src/org/apache/xml/utils BoolStack.java
java/src/org/apache/xpath XPathContext.java Committer's log entry: This check-in contains a couple things that overlapped on my
system, so I'm checking them in together.
1) Unfinished (in progress) implementation of TransformSnapshot mechanism,
which will hopefully allow a result ContentHandler to take a snapshot
at a given point, and the restart execution from that point at some
later time. For tooling support.
2) Check to make sure SourceTreeHandler isn't being entered twice,
which is related to the cocoon bug from a couple of weeks ago. This
will just help diagnose such a problem in the future.
3) Removed the error stack trace print from postExceptionFromThread.
4) Report exception in SourceTreeHandler#endDocument after
the join, if we can determine that the posted exception won't be
caught elsewhere.
5) removed some catches that simply rethrew the exception
(thanks to Patrick Moore <patrickm@rioport.com>).
See my note on 3/27/2001 to Patrick for more info
on the last two.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/27/2001
Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformSnapshot.java
TransformSnapshotImpl.java Committer's log entry: Unfinished (in progress) implementation of TransformSnapshot mechanism,
which will hopefully allow a result ContentHandler to take a snapshot
at a given point, and the restart execution from that point at some
later time. For tooling support.on the last two.
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 03/29/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor
ProcessorTemplateElem.java StylesheetHandler.java
XSLTElementDef.java XSLTElementProcessor.java
XSLTSchema.java Committer's log entry: Try to catch element order and required element errors during stylesheet
object creation. This new code adds an order and a required field to
XSLElementDef objects where it is applicable.
- Committed by garyp@apache.org on 04/02/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java Committer's log entry: Fix bugzilla bug 1170. If we're trying an xsl:apply-imports at the top level
(ie there are no
imported stylesheets), we need to indicate that there is no matching template
and prevent and infinite recursion by using the built-in template.
- Committed by garyp@apache.org on 04/02/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions MethodResolver.java Committer's log entry: Code cleanup submitted by Art Welch <art_w@EASTPOINT.COM>.
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 04/06/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils TreeWalker.java Committer's log entry: Add locator support to TreeWalker
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 04/06/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer
QueuedStartElement.java Committer's log entry: Small fix made for getCurrentNode.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 04/06/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils TreeWalker.java Committer's log entry: Commented out extra call to getData()... this could be a big performance
improvement for some stylesheets.
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 04/09/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer
TransformSnapshotImpl.java TransformerImpl.java Committer's log entry: Additional support for tooling. Allow tools to take a snapshot of context and
restart execution at that point.
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 04/10/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor
java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java
TransformSnapshotImpl.java TransformerImpl.java Committer's log entry: Misc stuff left out from previous check in
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 04/11/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncCurrent.java Committer's log entry: Don't assume that the object returned by getSubContextList() is a
PredicatedNodeTest object.
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 04/11/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor ProcessorInclude.java
java/src/org/apache/xml/utils TreeWalker.java Committer's log entry: Create new TreeWalker constructor that takes a systemId parameter. Change
TreeWalker to change fields in the locator and not set it for each node.
- Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 04/17/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath XPath.java Committer's log entry: Fix Bugzilla bug:
PR: 1106
Submitted by: elharo@metalab.unc.edu
- Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 04/18/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql QueryParameter.java
SQLExtensionError.java XConnection.java Committer's log entry: Minor Javadoc updates (add @author name, remove declared but unthrown @throws)
- Committed by johng@apache.org on 04/18/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql Column.java
ColumnAttribute.java ColumnData.java
ColumnHeader.java Row.java RowSet.java
StreamableNode.java XConnection.java
XStatement.java Committer's log entry: Support for Streamable Mode- John Gentilin
- Committed by garyp@apache.org on 04/24/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XObject.java Committer's log entry: Resolve bugzilla bug 1015
Fix prevents null pointer exceptions when null non-XSLT arguments are
passed to an extension function.
- Committed by garyp@apache.org on 04/24/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions MethodResolver.java Committer's log entry: Resolve bugzilla bug 1015
Fix prevents null pointer exceptions when null non-XSLT arguments are
passed to an extension function.
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 04/24/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor
TransformerFactoryImpl.java Committer's log entry: Fix copy/paste error. Want to use TransformerFactoryImpl's class loader.
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 04/24/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer
TransformSnapshotImpl.java Committer's log entry: Keep a copy of current contextNodeList is there is one
- Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 04/25/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt EnvironmentCheck.java Committer's log entry: Added checkDirForJars() which checks java.ext.dirs as well now
- Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 04/26/2001
Added: java/src/javax/xml/transform package.html
java/src/javax/xml/transform/dom package.html
java/src/javax/xml/transform/sax package.html
java/src/javax/xml/transform/stream package.html Committer's log entry: Add package.html for each package in javax.xml.transform.
- Committed by garyp@apache.org on 04/27/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java Committer's log entry: Resolve bug 1496 <http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1496>
where xsl:param statements were not being reset properly if the TransformerImpl
was reused.
- Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 04/27/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/stree DocImpl.java Committer's log entry: Fix for #1561
- Committed by garyp@apache.org on 04/29/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncExtFunction.java Committer's log entry: Resolve bugzilla bug 1373
Added code to support return of Integer or Long by an external function.
Code was contributed by Patrick Moore <patmoore@ieee.org>.
- Committed by costin@apache.org on 05/03/2001
Modified: java/src/javax/xml/transform/stream StreamResult.java
StreamSource.java Committer's log entry: Small fix to avoid file:////path that may fail on some JDK.
- Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 05/04/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql package.html Committer's log entry: Preliminary updates for John G's work.
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 05/07/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java Committer's log entry: Check for a null contextNodeList before returning its clone
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 05/07/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/stree StreeDOMBuilder.java Committer's log entry: Set the element's level correctly, before we process attributes.
- Committed by garyp@apache.org on 05/08/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer
TransformerIdentityImpl.java Committer's log entry: Resolve bugzilla 1648
TransformerIdentityImpl was improperly using an old LexicalHandler when
invoked for a second transform.
This bug only affects identity transforms with StreamResults.
Many thanks to John Keyes <johnkeyes@yahoo.com> for reporting this bug.
- Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 05/10/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLProcessorVersion.java Committer's log entry: Updated version number to 2.1.0
- Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 05/10/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTInfo.properties Committer's log entry: Updated version number to 2.1.0
- Committed by garyp@apache.org on 05/10/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncExtFunction.java Committer's log entry: Change submitted by Patrick Moore <patmoore@ieee.org> as part of bugzilla
1373 (http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1373).
Return value from extension function is now generalized so that all
derivatives of Number are now properly handled.
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 05/11/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLTSchema.java Committer's log entry: Set the correct order of xsl:include elements
- Committed by johng@apache.org on 05/13/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql Column.java
ColumnAttribute.java ColumnData.java
ColumnHeader.java ConnectionPool.java
DefaultConnectionPool.java ExtensionError.java
PooledConnection.java QueryParameter.java Row.java
RowSet.java SQLExtensionError.java
StreamableNode.java XConnection.java
XConnectionPoolManager.java XStatement.java
package.html Committer's log entry: Updates Javadocs
Submitted by:John Gentilin mailto://johnglinux@eyecatching.com
- Committed by garyp@apache.org on 05/14/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java Committer's log entry: Correct typo introduced in revision 1.30 causing problems with transforms on
Unix platforms.
- Committed by garyp@apache.org on 05/14/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemChoose.java Committer's log entry: Correct bugzilla bug 1748
When evaluating xsl:when, the xsl:choose element was used to resolve
namespace prefixes instead of
the xsl:when element itself. This caused namespace prefixes defined on the
xsl:when to be ignored.
- Committed by costin@apache.org on 05/15/2001
Modified: java/src/javax/xml/parsers DocumentBuilderFactory.java
java/src/javax/xml/transform TransformerFactory.java Committer's log entry: Use the context class loader if available.
The implementation is based on ExtensionHandler, and it's needed in order
to work in certain environments ( like tomcat ).
- Committed by costin@apache.org on 05/15/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ExtensionHandler.java
ExtensionHandlerGeneral.java Committer's log entry: Make getClassForName a public method. There are few other places in xalan
where Class.forName is used, and this can create problems in some cases
where the Thread.getContextClassLoader should be used.
getClassForName uses introspection to call getContextClassLoader
( so it works in JDK1.1 ).
In ExtensionHandlerGeneral, use the thread loader to find BSF ( it may be
possible that xalan is installed in CLASSPATH, but BSF is in a webapp ).
- Committed by costin@apache.org on 05/15/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor
java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerFactory.java Committer's log entry: 2 more instances where Class.forName was used.
Use the method in ExtensionHandler for consistency ( we could move it in
org.apache.xml.utils, but for now it's easier to just use it as it is )
- Committed by costin@apache.org on 05/15/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/stree SourceTreeHandler.java
java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java Committer's log entry: This is the "thread pooling hook".
It slightly changes the API used to create and wait for the transform thread.
Instead of using threadCreate() and Thread.start() that creates a new thread
and thread.join() that waits for a thread to end, we now use a
class that has the equivalent methods:
- run( Runnable ) - executes a task in a thread. The default implementation
is identical with what we had, using new Thread() and start()
- waitTread() - waits for a task to end. The default impl. is identical with
the previous code, using thread.join().
Someone wanting to use a thread pool for xalan will have to extend
the ThreadControler and override the 2 methods, then call setThreadController.
Xalan itself doesn't implement a thread pool right now ( for mosts uses it's
not even needed - if you just do few transforms for example ), instead
a server that runs xalan could plug it's own thread pool.
- Committed by Gary L Peskin <garyp@firstech.com> on 05/15/2001
Committer's log entry:
> Use the context class loader if available.
> The implementation is based on ExtensionHandler, and it's needed in order
> to work in certain environments ( like tomcat ).
- Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 05/16/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql ExtensionError.java Committer's log entry: Fixed "conflict" in javadoc comments.
- Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 05/16/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql package.html Committer's log entry: Editing pass.
- Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 05/17/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc TransletOutputHandler.java Committer's log entry: bug # 1406 fixed, omit xml header implemented
- Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 05/17/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java Committer's log entry: Update Javadoc and remove commented out reference to properties file
- Committed by garyp@apache.org on 05/18/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer ResultTreeHandler.java Committer's log entry: Resolve bug 1330 <http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1330>.
setContentHandler failed to also reset m_lexicalHandler if the ContentHandler
was also a LexicalHandler. This caused the old LexicalHandler to be used
was pointing to a previous result tree.
- Committed by garyp@apache.org on 05/18/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor
TransformerFactoryImpl.java Committer's log entry: Resolve bug 1762 <http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1762>.
TransformerFactoryImpl's URIResolver was not propagated to created
Modified code to propagate.
- Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 05/19/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils TreeWalker.java
SystemIDResolver.java Committer's log entry: Catch SecurityException whenever accessing System.getProperty("user.dir");
minor javadoc update
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 05/21/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemCopy.java
java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TreeWalker2Result.java
java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncLast.java Committer's log entry: Fix for bugs reported by the Eclipse folks for TransformState, where
some operations (xsl:value-of, xsl-copy) were not pushing the
current node on the current node stack. Addresses
- Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 05/21/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates OutputProperties.java Committer's log entry: Catch SecurityException as needed
PR: Bugzilla1258
- Committed by garyp@apache.org on 05/21/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates OutputProperties.java Committer's log entry: Fix to the following bug reported by dims@yahoo.com:
loadPropertiesFile method in org\apache\xalan\templates\OutputProperties.java
does not fall back
to the Thread Context Class Loader to load properties files like
output_xml.properties etc. This
is causing problems in ServletExec_3_1+C2.
- Committed by garyp@apache.org on 05/21/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates OutputProperties.java Committer's log entry: Correct implementation of ContextClassLoader to support case where properties
file is to be loaded by a different ClassLoader than the OutputProperties
class. Thanks to Davanum Srinivas <dims@yahoo.com> for this code and for
reporting this bug.
loadPropertiesFile should eventually be moved into a thread-specific class.
- Committed by garyp@apache.org on 05/21/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor
java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize CharInfo.java
java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncSystemProperty.java Committer's log entry: Modify getResourceAsStream calls to use the contextClassLoader, if available.
This is a temporary fix until we can centralize this function.
 | This release includes no updates of the compatibility source code. |
 |  |  |  | Changes for Xalan-Java 2.0.1 |  |  |  |  |
| |
This release includes a number of bug fixes to the Xalan-Java and TrAX core and Xalan-Java 1 compability API. We have also
- Entered all known Xalan-Java 2 bugs in the Apache Bugzilla database
- Added support for using custom URIResolver, EntityResolver, and ContentHandler implementations with the command-line utility
- Upgraded from Ant 1.2 to Ant 1.3 for our builds (the new ant.jar is in the bin directory).
Core source code updates:
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/06/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes ChildWalkerMultiStep.java Committer's log entry: Fix for bug reported by "Chris P. McCabe" <chris_mccabe@choicehotels.com>
02/06/2001 06:55 PM.
Defensive fix for if the last used walker is null, then don't check to
see if it is a fast walker! Without this, a null pointer exception is
very possible.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/06/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java Committer's log entry: Fixes for exceptions being thrown that weren't being passed through
the error listener.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/07/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes FollowingWalker.java Committer's log entry: Fix for bug reported by Dave Haffner <dave.haffner@xmls.com>
02/06/2001 04:03 AM
In parentNode(), don't screen out nextAncestor, since the parent
is never actually returned. This sets things up correctly for firstChild
and nextSibling.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/07/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes PrecedingWalker.java Committer's log entry: Fix for bug reported by Dave Haffner <dave.haffner@xmls.com>
02/06/2001 04:03 AM
In nextSibling(), don't return null if isAncestorOfRootContext, instead
do next.getFirstChild().
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/07/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath SourceTreeManager.java Committer's log entry: Fix for bug reported by anders.domeij@uc.se
02/07/2001 09:35 AM
removed extra bogus TransformerException decl in resolveURI
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/08/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/stree SourceTreeHandler.java Committer's log entry: Fix bug reported by Jason Harrop <jharrop@bigpond.net.au>
02/07/2001 08:12 PM
Don't process comment or whitespace events if inside a startDTD/endDTD
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/10/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes WalkerFactory.java Committer's log entry: In indirect response to bug posted by "Thee Boon Hoo" <theebh@newstakes.com>
02/07/2001 09:37 PM
"//table[1]" patterns would give one node
when they should have given 2, when applied to Boon Hoo's
"//table[1]" is equivelent to
and so must return the first table child
of each table-inst element.
An optimization was optimizing this to
"/descendant-or-self::table, which is
fine as long as indexing isn't used. Since
we can not tell until runtime if indexing
is being used, we have to turn of this
optimization for all predicated "//foo[xx]"
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 02/12/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor StylesheetPIHandler.java
TransformerFactoryImpl.java Committer's log entry: Patch for Dmitri IIyin to use the specified URIResolver.
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 02/12/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemNumber.java Committer's log entry: Number Expression should be evaluated then rounded up.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/13/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java Committer's log entry: Create a document fragment for the output node, for -flavor d2d.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/13/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler Compiler.java Committer's log entry: Better error message when quo is used.
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 02/13/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemCallTemplate.java
ElemChoose.java ElemCopy.java ElemFallback.java
ElemIf.java ElemLiteralResult.java
java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java Committer's log entry: Remove extra method/call to TransformerImpl.executeChildTemplates()
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/13/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/patterns NodeTest.java Committer's log entry: Return an empty string instead of null from getLocalName() when the
nodetest does not have a name. Encountered with the SQL extension,
in response to bug reported by "Michael Kay" <mhkay@iclway.co.uk>,
02/08/2001 08:57 AM.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/13/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql ColumnData.java Committer's log entry: In getData() return an empty string instead of null if there is
no data to be obtained.
In response to bug reported by "Michael Kay" <mhkay@iclway.co.uk>,
02/08/2001 08:57 AM.
- Committed by garyp@apache.org on 02/19/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions MethodResolver.java Committer's log entry: Correct ConversionInfo array for Node-Set and RTF. Remove DocumentFragment
from RTF and replace with NodeList. Remove duplicate Boolean from both. Fix
Boolean conversion to make java.lang.Boolean higher than string.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/19/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql ColumnHeader.java
RowSet.java XStatement.java Committer's log entry: Use null nodetest to mean the same as "node()". This fixes a bug reported
by "Voytenko, Dimitry" <DVoytenko@SECTORBASE.COM>
where <xsl:copy-of select="sql:query(...)"/>
crashes with NullPointerException, i.e.
there are cases where we really don't want
to set the NodeTest.
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 02/20/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler XPathParser.java Committer's log entry: Check for null token before checking if it is a letter
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/20/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer
TransformerIdentityImpl.java Committer's log entry: Fix made for bug reported by "Glencross, Christian"
on 02/16/2001 10:18 AM.
Xerces 1.2.3 SAX parser calls
handler.setDocumentLocator() before handler.startDocument().
TransformerIdentityImpl.m_resultContentHandler isn't initialised until
TransformerIdentityImpl.startDocument() is called.
Added lazy construction of result handler
in setDocumentLocator, in addition to
- Committed by garyp@apache.org on 02/21/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib Extensions.java Committer's log entry: Correct implementation of string value of a node.
- Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 02/21/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql Column.java
ColumnAttribute.java ColumnData.java
ColumnHeader.java Row.java RowSet.java
StreamableNode.java XConnection.java
XStatement.java package.html Committer's log entry: Added experimental usage metatag to all classes in this package,
and an explanatory note to package.html.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/22/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/stree ElementImpl.java Committer's log entry: Bug fix attributed to Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>, on
02/20/2001 09:50 AM. if the attribute 'name' doesn't occur in the AttList,
result of getIndex(name) is -1, but
getChildAttribute() would incorrectly
return the first attribute. Fix returns
null if index < 0.
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 02/22/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerToXML.java
TransformerIdentityImpl.java Committer's log entry: Implement DeclHandler for identity transforms
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/22/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java Committer's log entry: Fix for bug originally reported by Daryl Beattie <DarylB@screamingmedia.com>
on 02/14/2001 04:16 PM. A hang was occuring inside the use
of a Result Tree Fragment. When the result tree fragement was
being created, the Redirect extension was being called, which
called createResultContentHandler which set the ContentHandler
in the Transformer, but not in the ResultTreeHandler. Then, Redirect
called Transformer#executeChildTemplates(
ElemTemplateElement elem, Node sourceNode, QName mode,
ContentHandler handler)
which saves the reference to the original content handler in
the transformer, and then sets the new one by calling setContentHandler,
which sets the ContentHandler in the ResultTreeHandler as well
as the Transformer. When it tried to restore the old ContentHandler,
it restored the value in the ResultTreeHandler to a Serializer, instead
of the correct ContentHandler. When transformToRTF then called
endDocument on it's resultTreeFragment, the event was sent
to the Serializer instead of the SourceTreeHandler, and thus the
isComplete flag was not set, and thus the hang. (whew!)
The fix is in executeChildTemplates save the value of the
resultTreeHandler's contentHandler as well as Transformer's
content handler, and restore them both. A more architectual fix
could be made, but not without high risk, so I think this is the best
and safest way to fix it.
- Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 02/23/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTInfo.properties Committer's log entry: Changed version to 2.0.1
- Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 02/23/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLProcessorVersion.java Committer's log entry: Changed version to 2.0.1
- Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 02/28/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java Committer's log entry: Update text of error messages
Submitted by: Andreas Zehnpfund
- Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 02/28/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java Committer's log entry: Update printArgOptions() with better text and to better reflect actual
options that are currently supported; catch missing -IN argument
- Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 03/05/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/client XSLTProcessorApplet.java
java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor StylesheetHandler.java
java/src/org/apache/xalan/stree DocImpl.java
StreeDOMBuilder.java TextImpl.java
java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates OutputProperties.java
java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java
java/src/org/apache/xml/utils FastStringBuffer.java
java/src/trax trax.properties Committer's log entry: New approach to FastStringBuffer, and changes needed to support it.
We still need to do some serious work on both the initial values of the
tuning parameters and the heuristics driving the "chunk growth" algorithms.
Currently set for fixed-sized chunks of 8Kch in main tree, .5Kch in RTF.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/06/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemElement.java
ElemForEach.java ElemLiteralResult.java
ClonerToResultTree.java QueuedSAXEvent.java
QueuedStartDocument.java QueuedStartElement.java
ResultTreeHandler.java TransformerImpl.java
TreeWalker2Result.java Committer's log entry: Fix for http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=741.
1) ResultTreeHandler now implements the TransformState interface.
2) Queued state such as the current node and the current template is stored
as part of QueuedStartElement. Storage will only occur if the ContentHandler
implements TransformClient.
3) When state is requested (for instance TransformState#getCurrentElement()),
if the queued element is null or not pending (for instance, in a characters
event), it will get the state from the transformer, otherwise it will get the
state from the queued element.
Other fixes were attempted for this problem, including trying to
get rid of queueing altogether, and flushing a bit earlier before
the state was pushed on the various stacks, but both of
these had show-stopping issues (see discussions
on xalan-dev).
Note that for the moment the ContextNodeList is node
cloned as it needs to be in order for
- Committed by garyp@apache.org on 03/06/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemParam.java
java/src/org/apache/xpath Arg.java VariableStack.java Committer's log entry: The field Arg.isParamVar was attempting to serve two functions: to indicate
variable Frame entries which are not currently activated and to indicate Frames
containing parameters passed with xsl:with-param. When processing was finished
for a node in a node-set, the isParamVar flag was turned on to indicate the
Frame slot was available. Unfortunately, this also indicated that the item was
passed as a parameter which it wasn't. This fix changes isParamVar into to
fields, isAvailable which indicates that the slot is available and
isFromWithParam indicating the Frame slot came from an xsl:with-param or a
top-level parameter passed in via the tranformerImpl.setParameter() API.
I have tested this change against the conformance suite and had no
regression. I've also submitted a test case which fails on the existing
codebase but works okay after this fix.
It is possible that I've missed something with regard to the API setParameter
calls but we can fix those if problems are reported.
- Committed by garyp@apache.org on 03/07/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils FastStringBuffer.java Committer's log entry: Correct operation when length of content to be appended is zero.
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 03/07/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerToXML.java Committer's log entry: Fix closing out doctype declaration
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 03/08/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils SystemIDResolver.java Committer's log entry: Change SystemIdResolver to default to user.dir if the base URI is null
- Committed by garyp@apache.org on 03/09/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
java/src/org/apache/xpath VariableStack.java Committer's log entry: Parameters set with setParameter were available to stylesheet as variable
references ($myParam) even though there was no xsl:param element to receive it.
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 03/09/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer
TransformerIdentityImpl.java Committer's log entry: Check if there is a DeclHandler before calling it.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/11/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils WrappedRuntimeException.java Committer's log entry: Patch attributed to Patrick Moore <patrickm@rioport.com> on 03/09/2001.
Adds another constructor to pass in the error message.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/11/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemAttribute.java
ElemElement.java Committer's log entry: Checkin addresses http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=923.
elemAttribute now derives from elemElement so the basic name resolution
code can be shared. Breaks attribset24 test, but I think the newer
behavior is better. New virtual methods overloaded by elemAttribute are
constructNode, resolvePrefix, and validateNodeName. Also, in the
elemAttribute#execute method, checks are made to make sure an
element is pending.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/11/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils SystemIDResolver.java Committer's log entry: Added getAbsoluteURI(String url), and merge
with Myriam's changes.
Part of fix for problem found when
investigating http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=906.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/11/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor
TransformerFactoryImpl.java Committer's log entry: Call getAbsoluteURI(String url) for the source URL.
Fix for problem found when
investigating http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=906.
This tries to force us always having an absolute URL in the processing
stack as the base URL, which should be OK, I hope.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/11/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java Committer's log entry: Call getAbsoluteURI(String url) for the source URL.
Fix for problem found when
investigating http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=906.
This tries to force us always having an absolute URL in the processing
stack as the base URL, which should be OK, I hope.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/11/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer QueuedEvents.java
QueuedStartElement.java ResultTreeHandler.java Committer's log entry: The user for http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=741 reported
problems on testing, so these changes are a re-fix. He tested and
everything seems OK now. There actually may be a slight performance
improvement involved here.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/11/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerToHTML.java Committer's log entry: Applied patches from dmitri.ilyin@memiq.com (Dmitri Ilyin)
from http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=705.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/11/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath XPathAPI.java Committer's log entry: Applied patch submitted by nboyd@atg.com (Norris Boyd)
at http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=702.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/11/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize Encodings.java Committer's log entry: Applied patch submitted by havardw@underdusken.no (H嶡rd Wigtil).
Also added "XXX-X" variants for all "XXX_X" java encoding names.
I'm not totally confident that this is the right thing to do, but I can't
see that it will hurt, except to make the table a bit larger. I
would prefer to be safe and make sure we handle the encoding.
See my comments in http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=718.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/11/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemTemplateElement.java
StylesheetRoot.java Committer's log entry: Minor changes to better bottleneck throwing of Runtime exceptions
during processing.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/11/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor
TransformerFactoryImpl.java Committer's log entry: Catch all exceptions thrown when processing stylesheet, and send
them to the error listener. There's probably some danger of having
the same error sent to the error listener multiple times, but better too
many reports, than none, I guess.
This addresses http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=906.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/11/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql XConnection.java
XStatement.java Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql ConnectionPool.java
DefaultConnectionPool.java ExtensionError.java
PooledConnection.java QueryParameter.java
SQLExtensionError.java XConnectionPoolManager.java Committer's log entry: These are John Gentilin <johnglinux@eyecatching.com>
patches for connection pooling and parameterized
queries. These should be considered to be unstable
right now, as we are still working on some things.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/11/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor ProcessorInclude.java
java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerToXML.java
java/src/org/apache/xalan/stree StreeDOMHelper.java
java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer ResultTreeHandler.java
TransformerIdentityImpl.java TreeWalker2Result.java
java/src/org/apache/xml/utils AttList.java TreeWalker.java
java/src/org/apache/xpath DOM2Helper.java XPathContext.java Committer's log entry: The DOM2Helper#isNodeAfter(Node node1, Node node2) method
has been fixed so that it no longer does the try/catch thing if one
of the nodes doesn't implement DOMOrder, but instead does an
instanceof test. In StreeDOMHelper, it overloads this method and
*does* do the try/catch business, since almost always both nodes
will implement DOMOrder in this case, and this will be faster than
an instanceof test. Also, in various classes, I did some stuff to try
and make sure that a DOM2Helper wasn't being created and used
when a StreeDOMHelper is needed.
This addresses http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=800
and should give a good performance fix for foreign DOM processing.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/12/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/patterns NodeTest.java Committer's log entry: Xerces at some point decided to use "" instead
of null for null namespaces. There has been a
discussion between Gary Peskin in
Joe Kessleman on xalan-dev about this,
but I hadn't been fully keeping up the the
thread that well, and missed it's relation to
this problem. I include some of the discussion
at the end of this note. I made Xalan be able to
compare a "" namespace to null for now, until
we get this resolved.
The gist of the discussion on xalan-dev regarding this is:
>>1. Declare the Xerces-J support of schemas to have a bug and ask that
>>Xerces be corrected to always use a null namespace URI to indicate that
>>there is no default namespace. Even if the Xerces people change this
>>behavior, is this correct?
> Yes. If your description of the problem is accurate (you should probably
> submit a more detailed case so it can be reproduced in the lab), this is a
> parser/DOM-builder bug.
- Committed by costin@apache.org on 03/12/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql ExtensionError.java Committer's log entry: Removed ( commented out ) dump() method and the imports in ExtensionError.
So far the method doesn't seem to be used ( no warning in the compile ).
The problem is that this method is breaking the build with crimson ( since
it uses xerces-specific classes ). It is possible to implement it on top
of the serialization classes that are part of xalan - if someone needs the
method I'll try to port it.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/13/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils TreeWalker.java Committer's log entry: Added back in the TreeWalker(ContentHandler contentHandler)
constructor, because I'm worried I'll break more dependent code.
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 03/13/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java
java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java Committer's log entry: Implement new arguments for the command line interface: URIResolver,
EntityResolver and ContentHandler
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 03/13/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates FuncFormatNumb.java Committer's log entry: Fix error message to say that 2 or 3 arguments are required.
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 03/13/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor ProcessorLRE.java
java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java Committer's log entry: Better error message for missing or incorrect XSLT namespace declaration in a
- Committed by garyp@apache.org on 03/13/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib Redirect.java
java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java Committer's log entry: Remember the Result that was used to trigger the transform. Access that
result from the Redirect extension to make file references in Redirect relative
to the original result URI.
If this is not available, references are relative to the source URI.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/14/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath VariableStack.java Committer's log entry: Added protection for null pointer exception that I discovered when
running some Cocoon tests. Since I've never seen this before,
I assume this is related to the changes that Gary made, but am
unsure as it's 4:00 in the morning and I'm too tired to look into it deeply.
- Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 03/14/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java Committer's log entry: Remove check for missing -IN arg; there are a number of use
cases for calling Process.main without an XML document
- Committed by costin@apache.org on 03/14/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java Committer's log entry: A (last ? ) place where XMLReaderFactory was used without
trying jaxp first. I used the same code that is used in all other
places in xalan.
With this change, the parser defined in XSLTInfo.properties will be used
only if jaxp is not available.
- Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 03/14/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils StringVector.java Committer's log entry: Added missing @serial Javadoc tags.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/15/2001
Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql ConnectionPool.java
DefaultConnectionPool.java ExtensionError.java
SQLExtensionError.java XConnection.java
XConnectionPoolManager.java XStatement.java Committer's log entry: Update from John Gentilin <johnglinux@eyecatching.com> to
fix connection cleanup.
Compatibility source code updates: - Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 02/02/2001
Modified: java/compat_src/org/apache/xalan/xslt XSLTInputSource.java
XSLTResultTarget.java Committer's log entry: Implement some more methods for compatibility
- Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 02/02/2001
Modified: java/compat_src/org/apache/xalan/xslt XSLTInputSource.java Committer's log entry: Fixed javadoc for api that was just added back.
- Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 02/02/2001
Modified: java/compat_src/org/apache/xalan/xslt XSLTResultTarget.java Committer's log entry: Fixed javadoc for api that was just added back.
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 02/02/2001
Modified: java/compat_src/org/apache/xalan/xslt XSLTEngineImpl.java Committer's log entry: Fix problem with calling the processor with a liaison
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 02/02/2001
Modified: java/compat_src/org/apache/xalan/xslt XSLTEngineImpl.java Committer's log entry: Fix problem where source file was being parsed more than once and if using an
input stream, we would get a read error
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 02/12/2001
Modified: java/compat_src/org/apache/xalan/xslt XSLTEngineImpl.java Committer's log entry: Set system id in stylesheet handler
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 02/14/2001
Modified: java/compat_src/org/apache/xalan/xslt XSLTInputSource.java Committer's log entry: Call local setSystemId.
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 02/15/2001
Modified: java/compat_src/org/apache/xalan/xslt XSLTEngineImpl.java Committer's log entry: Fix problem with processing an input source created from a reader with no
Fix problem with reading an input source file twice if it has a PI
- Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 02/22/2001
Modified: java/compat_src/org/apache/xalan/xslt StylesheetRoot.java Committer's log entry: Add getOutputMethod API.
- Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 03/07/2001
Modified: java/compat_src/org/apache/xalan/xpath/xml
XMLParserLiaisonDefault.java Committer's log entry: Put in Apache copyright.
- Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/13/2001
Modified: java/compat_src/org/apache/xalan/xpath/xml TreeWalker.java
java/compat_src/org/apache/xalan/xslt XSLTEngineImpl.java Committer's log entry: Made changes for change to API for XalanJ2 TreeWalker, which
now requires that the DOM helper be created by the caller.
 |  |  |  | Changes for Xalan-Java version 2.0.0 |  |  |  |  |
| |
Release 2.0 includes several bug fixes to the Xalan-Java and TrAX core and to the Xalan-Java 1 compatibility API. We also updated bsf.jar to the Bean Scripting Framework (BSF) release candidate 2.2, which fixes a bug running JPython extensions.
Core bug fixes:
- A threading problem showed up when using multiple processors. We fixed it by using a separate XPathContext object to do whitespace node
matches (xsl:strip-space).
- Fixed a bug running Norm Walsh's DocBook stylesheets by not setting the variable stack position if the FilterExprWalker is not owned by a
top-level NodeIterator.
- Fixed a problem with null namespace being passed from xsl:element. This bug also surfaced while processing DocBook
- In the interest of stability, we now treat "unknown error in XPath" as a fatal error.
- Added support in stylesheet processing instructions for "text/xml" and "application/xml+xslt" mime types.
- Fixed tokenizing of stylesheet processing instructions to allow parameters to be passed to server in href attributes.
- Fixed a bug passing Transformer creation error messages to ErrorListener when an ErrorListener has been set on
- When using an Exception to instantiate a FactoryConfigurationError (extends Error), we now propagate the Exception message to
- Added defensive code to ElemTemplateElement for handling a null URI.
- When using an Exception to instantiate a TransformerException (extends Exception), we now propagate the Exception message to super()
rather than a generic message.
- Fixed a bug (the generation of an unwanted entity reference) performing the identity transformation
(see Serializing output) with an XML document containing a DOCTYPE
- Message manager modified so that the SourceLocator must always be passed in,
which will make a major difference in getting line number information.
- xsl:element's handling of namespace attribute and prefix in
name attribute changed so that it no longer manufactures prefixes...
it always tries its best to match the prefix entered.
- Bug fixed with namespace contexts in the stylesheet processor.
The bug could cause <a xmlns:a="x"><b> to produce <a xmlns:a="x"><b xmlns:a="x">.
- Modified processing of xsl:message to enhance it as a debugging aid. Line numbers are now output with each
message. If the terminate attribute is true (the default is false) the message is sent to the console, and an exception is thrown with the
message "Stylesheet directed termination".
- In TransformerException, check that the cause != null when checking for a contained exception.
- Fixed a problem validating non-namespaced attributes and a problem allowing non-namespaced attributes to be children of the
stylesheet element.
- Fixed checking of number of arguments in document() function.
- Fixed problem with mutation of templates at run time. Templates resolution now takes place during the compose() method.
- Fixed some minor threading issues in org.apache.xalan.stree (Child, Parent, ElementImpl, SourceTreeHandler).
- Synchronized TrAX API functions subject to mutation to prevent mutation during a transformation.
- Fixed bug reported by Jano Elovirta: substring() was returning an error if the start index is larger than the string.
- Set StringKey.toString() to return the underlying String (m_str), thus avoiding a potential symmetry problem with the equals() method
reported by Ito Kazumitsu.
- In response to note from Ito Kazumitsu, changed Java encoding name "EUCJIS" in FormatterToXML to "EUC_JP".
- When Xalan creates a FileOutputStream, it now closes the stream before exiting.
- Fixed handling of an exception that can be thrown while building a DOM.
- Fixed a problem reported by Dimitry Voytenko serializing compiled stylesheets.
- For support of applets, modified TransformerFactory System.getProperty() calls to catch SecurityExceptions.
- Fixed a bug reported by Krishna Mohan Meduri setting output properties.
- Fixed error recovery when xsl:element encounters a bad name or unresolvable prefix.
- Added AbstractMethodError handling to existing NoSuchMethodError handling as a fallback to the XMLReaderFactory for XML parsers that do
not implement the JAXP parsers interface for creating an XMLReader
- Fixed bug with cloned iterators reported by Tim Sean.
- Fixed null pointer exception that could occur with getValue("xxx").
- Fixed bug reported by Tim Sean handling the xml:space attribute.
Bug fixes in the Xalan-Java 1 compatibility API:
- Fixed ProblemListener (for processing error messages) to derive from Xalan-Java 2 ErrorHandler.
- Fixed evaluation of stylesheet string parameters to conform to Xalan-Java 1 behavior (expressions for Xalan-Java 1 vs. String objects
for Xalan-Java 2).
- Added XPathSupport and XPathSupportDefault, and fixed the derivation of XObject sub-types (XString, etc.).
- Fixed bug with XSLTProcessor process(xmlIn, null, out) method so that it uses the StylesheetRoot (if one exists) that has been created
with the processStylesheet() method.
For a list of tasks in the Xalan-Java 2 To-Do list that have been completed, see Tasks completed.
 |  |  |  | Changes for Xalan-Java version 2.0.D05 |  |  |  |  |
| |
All of the bugs reported in Xalan-Java 2.0.D01 have been fixed. The remainder of this section discusses two changes that we believe are of particular importance:
The Transformation API for XML (TrAX) that Xalan-Java 2 implements has undergone substantial revisions since the release of Xalan-Java 2.0.D01. TrAX has joined the Java API for XML Parsing (JAXP) as part of the Sun® Java Specification Request 63. Accordingly, the TrAX package names have changed. The conceptual organization has also changed somewhat: The primary transformation interfaces are defined in javax.xml.transform, with concrete classes for managing stream input/output, SAX parsers and ContentHandler, and DOM parsers and DOM trees in javax.xml.transform.stream, javax.xml.transform.sax, and javax.xml.transform.dom. For more information, see TRaX (Transformation API for XML), and review Usage Patterns.
Output properties
The handling of xsl:output properties has changed: org.apache.xalan.serialize.OutputFormat and apache.xalan.templates.OutputFormatExtended were removed and replaced with org.apache.xalan.templates.OutputProperties. The SerializerFactory getSerializer() method now takes Properties rather than a String indicating the output method. You can replace getSerializer("xml") , for example, with getSerializer(OutputProperties.getDefaultMethodProperties("xml")) .
HTML, XML, and text xsl:output properties are specified in property files in org.apache.xalan.templates: output_html.properties, output_xml.properties, and output_text.properties.
You can start using the output properties defined in these files in your stylesheets. For example, you can turn URL escaping off in HTML output with
and you can control indenting with
 | The colon after the "http" protocol must be escaped. |
Character-to-entity mapping is specified in org.apache.xalan.serialize: HTMLEntities.res and XMLEntities.res. You can override entity ref
mapping from a stylesheet. For example:
 |  |  |  | <?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
xmlns:xalan="http://xml.apache.org/xslt" version="1.0">
<xsl:output xalan:entities="myentities.ent"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
</xsl:stylesheet> |  |  |  |  |
=== myentities.ent ===
 |  |  |  | quot 34
amp 38
lt 60
gt 62
lala 125 |  |  |  |  |
The output is:
 |  |  |  | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<out>&lala;</out> |  |  |  |  |
See also Setting output properties in your stylesheets.