apache.org > XML Federation > xmlgraphics.apache.org

Release Notes

FOP 0.92 beta

This is the third release after the big redesign effort. FOP 0.92 beta has now stabilized the API. In addition it contains many bug fixes and new features.

We would like to encourage you to download the code and to play with it. We're still in the process of stabilizing the code. We welcome any feedback you might have and even more, any other form of help to get the project forward.


  • This release is still a beta release. If you intend to use this software in a production environment, please perform careful testing.
  • The API has changed between 0.91beta this release. Please consult the "Upgrading" page for details.
  • You may experience different behaviour compared to version 0.20.5. Please consult the "Upgrading" page for details.

Known Issues:

  • PCL, MIF and SVG output support have not been restored, yet.
  • Java2D/AWT support contains some problems, for example with block-containers.
  • Auto table layout is not implemented, yet.
  • The collapsing border model on tables is not implemented, yet. Please use border-collapse="separate" for now.
  • Footnotes may overlap with text of the region-body in multi-column documents.
  • Space resolution does not work between footnote regions.
  • There's a problem involving nested block-containers and reference-orientation 180/-180 (Bugzilla #36391)
  • block-containers with no height currently don't create a fence for spaces as they should (they behave like a normal block).
  • Preserved linefeeds in fo:character are not handled correctly.
  • An empty block currently produces a fence for stacking constraints which it shouldn't.
  • There are several small problems around white space handling.
  • Images currently don't shrink so they fit on a page when they are too big and shrinking is allowed to happen.
  • Block-level content in fo:inlines may produce unwelcome results.
  • inline-container may not work as expected.
  • letter-spacing and word-spacing properties may not work as expected.
  • leaders with leader-pattern="use-content" may not work as expected.
  • keep-with-previous doesn't work inside tables and lists, yet.
  • White space on direct inline-level children of a marker is not handled correctly.
  • If two consecutive pages don't have the same available width, the content currently isn't properly fit into the available space on the new page.
  • background-images on page-number-citations are not placed correctly.
  • Not all FO elements can be referenced by their "id", most notably: table-body, table-header, table-footer and table-row.
  • The backgrounds of table-body, table-header, table-footer and table-column are not painted, yet.
  • Border and padding conditionality are not supported on table-cells, yet.
  • Copy/Paste from PDF content in Acrobat Reader is not supported for text using embedded TrueType fonts.
  • Column balancing in multi-column documents may not work as expected (Bugzilla #36356)
  • Omitting fo:table-column or having fo:table-column without a column-width and attempting to create columns implicitly from the first table row is not implemented, yet (Bugzilla #35656).
  • Internal basic-links don't point to the exact location on a page, yet, as they did in 0.20.5. Currently you land in the upper left corner of the page.

FOP 0.91 beta

This is the second release after the big redesign effort. FOP 0.91 beta is mostly a bug fix release but also contains some new features.

We would like to encourage you to download the code and to play with it. We're still in the process of adding new major features and stabilizing the code. We welcome any feedback you might have and even more, any other form of help to get the project forward.


  • This release is an beta release. If you intend to use this software in a production environment, please perform careful testing.
  • The API is not to be considered stable, yet. Please be prepared for the API to be changed in a backwards-incompatible way.
  • You may experience different behaviour compared to version 0.20.5. Please consult the "Upgrading" page indicated above for details.

Known Issues:

  • PCL, MIF and SVG output support have not been restored, yet.
  • Java2D/AWT support contains some problems, for example with block-containers.
  • Support for kerning has not been restored, yet.
  • Auto table layout is not implemented, yet.
  • The collapsing border model on tables is not implemented, yet. Please use border-collapse="separate" for now.
  • Footnotes may overlap with text of the region-body in multi-column documents.
  • Space resolution does not work between footnote regions.
  • There's a problem involving nested block-containers and reference-orientation 180/-180 (Bugzilla #36391)
  • block-containers with no height currently don't create a fence for spaces as they should (they behave like a normal block).
  • Preserved linefeeds in fo:character are not handled correctly.
  • Zero-width spaces are not handled correctly.
  • An empty block currently produces a fence for stacking constraints which it shouldn't.
  • There are several small problems around white space handling.
  • Images currently don't shrink so they fit on a page when they are too big and shrinking is allowed to happen.
  • Block-level content in fo:inlines may produce unwelcome results.
  • inline-container may not work as expected.
  • letter-spacing and word-spacing properties may not work as expected.
  • leaders with leader-pattern="use-content" may not work as expected.
  • keep-with-previous doesn't work inside tables and lists, yet.
  • White space on direct inline-level children of a marker is not handled correctly.
  • If two consecutive pages don't have the same available width, the content currently isn't properly fit into the available space on the new page.
  • background-images on page-number-citations are not placed correctly.
  • Not all FO elements can be referenced by their "id", most notably: table-body, table-header, table-footer and table-row.
  • The backgrounds of table-body, table-header, table-footer and table-column are not painted, yet.
  • Border and padding conditionality are not supported on table-cells, yet.
  • Copy/Paste from PDF content in Acrobat Reader is not supported for text using embedded TrueType fonts.
  • Column balancing in multi-column documents may not work as expected (Bugzilla #36356)
  • Omitting fo:table-column or having fo:table-column without a column-width and attempting to create columns implicitly from the first table row is not implemented, yet (Bugzilla #35656).
  • Leaders with the "rule" pattern don't work for PostScript output.
  • break-after may in some cases cause subsequent content to be swallowed. Please use break-before, if possible.
  • Internal basic-links don't point to the exact location on a page, yet, as they did in 0.20.5. Currently you land in the upper left corner of the page.

FOP 0.90 alpha 1

This is the first preview release after the big redesign effort.

We would like to encourage you to download the code and to play with it. We're still in the process of adding new major features and stabilizing the code. We welcome any feedback you might have and even more, any other form of help to get the project forward.


  • This release is a (unstable) preview release and not intended for use in a production environment. Use at your own risk!
  • The API is not to be considered stable, yet. Please be prepared for the API to be changed in a backwards-incompatible way.
  • You may experience different behaviour compared to version 0.20.5. Please consult the "Upgrading" page indicated above for details.

Known Issues:

  • PCL, MIF and SVG output support have not been restored, yet.
  • Java2D/AWT support contains some problems, for example with block-containers.
  • Support for kerning has not been restored, yet.
  • Auto table layout is not implemented, yet.
  • The collapsing border model on tables is not implemented, yet. Please use border-collapse="separate" for now.
  • Footnotes may overlap with text of the region-body in multi-column documents.
  • Space resolution does not work between footnote regions.
  • There's a problem involving nested block-containers and reference-orientation 180/-180 (Bugzilla #36391)
  • block-containers with no height currently don't create a fence for spaces as they should (they behave like a normal block).
  • Preserved linefeeds in fo:character are not handled correctly.
  • Zero-width spaces are not handled correctly.
  • An empty block currently produces a fence for stacking constraints which it shouldn't.
  • There are several small problems around white space handling.
  • Images currently don't shrink so they fit on a page when they are too big and shrinking is allowed to happen.
  • Block-level content in fo:inlines may produce unwelcome results.
  • inline-container may not work as expected.
  • letter-spacing and word-spacing properties may not work as expected.
  • leaders with leader-pattern="use-content" may not work as expected.
  • keep-with-previous doesn't work inside tables and lists, yet.
  • White space on direct inline-level children of a marker is not handled correctly.
  • If two consecutive pages don't have the same available width, the content currently isn't properly fit into the available space on the new page.
  • background-images on page-number-citations are not placed correctly.
  • Not all FO elements can be referenced by their "id", most notably: table-body, table-header, table-footer and table-row.
  • The backgrounds of table-body, table-header, table-footer and table-column are not painted, yet.
  • Border and padding conditionality are not supported on table-cells, yet.
  • Copy/Paste from PDF content in Acrobat Reader is not supported for text using embedded TrueType fonts.
  • Column balancing in multi-column documents may not work as expected (Bugzilla #36356)
  • Omitting fo:table-column or having fo:table-column without a column-width and attempting to create columns implicitly from the first table row is not implemented, yet (Bugzilla #35656).
  • Leaders with the "rule" pattern don't work for PostScript output.

FOP 0.20.5

This is the last planned release in the 0.20.x series (aka maintenance branch).

Important changes since the last release (0.20.4):

  • Some hyphenation patterns (cs, da, de, de_DR, el, en, en_US, fr, nl, no, sk, tr) have been removed due to licensing reasons (en_GB hyphenation has been renamed to en). We're still working on this issue (see Wiki for details).
  • Documentation is now built with Forrest (version 0.4). You need to install Forrest if you want build the docs yourself. (See Using Forrest)
  • The following JARs have been updated: Xerces to version 2.2.1, Xalan to version 2.4.1 and Batik to version 1.5beta4.
  • FOP has been compiled with Jimi support, but Jimi is not included in the FOP distribution. To use it, first download Jimi, then extract the archive, then copy JimiProClasses.zip to FOP's lib dir and rename it to jimi-1.0.jar.
  • FOP has been compiled with JAI support, but JAI is not included in the FOP distribution. To use it, simply install JAI.
  • Links in PDF won't generate multiple link rectangles anymore. If this causes a problem you can set the system property "links.merge" to "no".
  • FOP has been compiled with cryptography support. See PDF encryption for details about installation and usage.
  • The behaviour of leader has changed. See bug #19341, bug #19465 and leader.fo (examples).
  • For a more detailed list of changes, see the CHANGES file in the root of the FOP distribution.

FOP 0.20.4

Important changes since 0.20.3:

  • FOP should now work with any JAXP1.1 compliant parser/transformer. It has been successfully tested with Xerces/Xalan, Saxon and JDK1.4 (which includes Crimson and Xalan).
  • The following JARs have been updated: Xerces to version 2.0.1, Xalan to version 2.3.1 and Batik to version 1.5beta2.
  • FOP has been compiled with Jimi support this time but you still have to download Jimi and copy it to lib/ to get PNG support (no need to build FOP yourself though).
  • Building FOP with JDK1.2 does not work. Running is ok except support for additional truetype fonts in AWT Viewer.
  • Logging has been changed from LogKit to Avalon's Logger Interface. (see Embedding for details).
  • Building under JDK 1.4: You need to add a method in src/org/apache/fop/svg/PDFGraphics2D.java (search for jdk1.4 and remove the comments)
  • To decrease the size of the distributions, ant, xml-docs, design-docs and the hyphenation sources have been removed from the binary distribution. Javadocs have been removed from the source distribution (use build javadocs to generate them).
  • Documentaion generation is broken in the maintenance branch at the moment (Stylebook needs xerces1). The docs for this release are generated from the trunk.
  • For a more detailed list of changes, see the CHANGES file in the root of the FOP distribution.

FOP 0.20.3

Important Information:

  • This version supports the XSL-FO Version 1.0 W3C Recommendation syntax. So don't forget to update your Stylesheets:
    Just rename the master-name property to master-reference on fo:page-sequence, fo:single-page-master-reference, fo:repeatable-page-master-reference and fo:conditional-page-master-reference.
  • JDK 1.2 (or later) is required
  • Jimi has been removed for licensing reasons
    If you need PNG support you have to download Jimi, copy it to lib/ and build FOP yourself
  • Building under JDK 1.4:
    You need to add a method in src/org/apache/fop/svg/PDFGraphics2D.java (search for jdk1.4 and remove the comments)
  • For a more detailed list of changes, see the CHANGES file in the root of the FOP distribution.