apache.org > XML Federation > xmlgraphics.apache.org

Release Notes for Apache Forrest 0.93

This is the first production grade release of the new FOP codebase.

  • It contains the new API first introduced in release 0.92 beta. The preceding API has been removed.
  • See the compliance page for an overview of the compliance of this release with the XSL 1.0 and 1.1 recommendations.
  • This release again contains many bug fixes and new features. See below for details.
  • See the known issues page for an overview of the known issues with this release.


  • You may experience different behaviour compared to version 0.20.5. Please consult the "Upgrading" page for details.

Major Changes in Version 0.93

This is not a complete list of changes, a full list of changes in this release is available.

Important Changes Code Base

  • add Added support for the use of Open Type fonts (BD)
  • add Support for the rgb-icc() function and for a proprietary cmyk() function (for device CMYK colors only through the PDF renderer so far). (JM) Thanks to Peter Coppens. Fixes 40729.
  • add Added support for PDF/A-1b and PDF/X-3:2003. (Note: this may still be a bit incomplete. Feedback is welcome!) (JM)
  • add Automatic support for all fonts available to the Java2D subsystem for all Java2D-descendant renderers (TIFF, PNG, print, AWT). (JM)
  • update Enabled Copy/Paste from PDF content in Acrobat Reader for text using embedded TrueType fonts. (BD) Thanks to Adam Strzelecki, Victor Mote. Fixes 5535.
  • update The Java2DRenderer (and therefore the print and bitmap renderers) is now offering the same quality as the PDF and PS renderers. Note: There can still be little differences between PDF and Print/PNG/TIFF because the latter uses a different font metrics source. (JM)