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FOP: Other Resources

Resources useful for developing and using FOP


Books, Tutorials, Articles




  • [online book] The XML Bible, by Elliotte Rusty Harold. See hardcopy version below.
  • [book] The XML Bible, by Elliotte Rusty Harold, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0-764-54760-7. See online version above.
  • [online resource] A great number of additional XML-related books and articles can be found at the O'Reilly XML Site.


  • [online resource] A great number of Java-related books and articles can be found at the O'Reilly Java Site.


  • [online resource] Links to the various PDF file format specifications and numerous other documents can be found at Adobe Solutions Network, Acrobat Resources, Acrobat 5.0 SDK Documentation.
  • [online resource] A list of PDF technical resources can be found at Adobe Solutions Network, Acrobat Resources, Acrobat/PDF Technical Notes
  • [online resource] A list of Acrobat and PDF developer resources can be found at Adobe Solutions Network, Acrobat Resources, Resources for Developers.


Mailing Lists

Before posting questions to any list:

  • Review the Jakarta Mailing Lists - Guidelines for general principles about mailing lists.
  • Review "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way".
  • Send only plain text email messages to any mailing lists. Please do not send html or rtf email, as they do not work well with the archive engines. If you are using Microsoft Outlook, this setting can be found at the "Mail Format" tab of the Tools/Options menu.
  • Use a mail client that respects the References and/or In-Reply-To mail header entries. This is important for mail clients that can display threads as trees. Compliant mail clients include Microsoft Outlook, Becky!, KMail, Apple Mail, Ximian Evolution, Mozilla (version 1.2 or greater). Non-compliant mail clients include Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Notes, Internet Mail Service (MUA or MTA), and dtmail.

For help in understanding email acronyms, see the Lingo2Word Acronym List, or the Keno Internet Services Internet Glossary.

Apache FOP Mailing List

XSL-FO Mailing List (at W3C)

XSL-FO Mailing List (at YahooGroups)

XSLT List (Mulberry Tech)

Related/Useful Products

FOP add-ons

PDF post-processors

XSL-FO editors

Other products

  • [software] FOray a renderer for converting XML files to PDF via XSL Formatting Object elements (FOP fork)
  • [software] Folio a renderer for XML files containing Formatting Object elements (aka FOP Alt.Design)
  • [commercial software developer] Antenna House - XSL Formatter, WordMLToFo, XML Editor...
  • [commercial software developer] RenderX XEP, EnMasse, Docbench...
  • [software] html2fo is a converter from HTML to XSL-FO (GPL).
  • [software] wh2fo is a converter from Word HTML to XSL-FO (MPL).
  • [software] RTF2FO is a converter from RTF to XSL-FO by Novosoft (commercial).
  • [software] css2xslfo CSSToXSLFO is a utility which can convert an XML document, together with a CSS2 style sheet, into an XSLFO document, which can then be converted into PDF, PostScript, etc. with an XSLFO-processor. It has special support for the XHTML vocabulary, because that is the most obvious language it would be used for. The tool has a number of page-related extensions. It also comes with an API in the form of an XML filter (OSI-Approved Open Source - Public Domain).
  • [software] The XPath Visualizer. Web site says: "This is a full blown Visual XPath Interpreter for the evaluation of any XPath expression and visual presentation of the resulting nodeset or scalar value." Requires Internet Explorer 5+. (freeware)
  • [software] FOP Bridge is an Eclipse plug-in that allows to convert FO documents using Apache FOP directly inside the Eclipse workbench (LGPL).