Uses of Class

Packages that use ZDrawingSurface
edu.umd.cs.jazz Jazz is a general-purpose Java-based engine that supports 2D visualizations. 
edu.umd.cs.jazz.util This package defines several utility classes that are likely to be useful for Jazz applications. 

Uses of ZDrawingSurface in edu.umd.cs.jazz

Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz that return ZDrawingSurface
 ZDrawingSurface ZCamera.getDrawingSurface()
          Get the value of surface.

Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz with parameters of type ZDrawingSurface
 void ZTransformGroup.translate(double dx, double dy, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface)
          Animate the node from its current position by the specified deltaX and deltaY
 void ZTransformGroup.setTranslation(double x, double y, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface)
          Animate the node from its current position to the position specified by x, y
 void ZTransformGroup.scale(double dz, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface)
          Animate the node from its current scale to the scale specified by muliplying the current scale and deltaZ
 void ZTransformGroup.scale(double dz, double x, double y, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface)
          Animate the node around the specified point (x, y) from its current scale to the scale specified by muliplying the current scale and dz
 void ZTransformGroup.setScale(double finalz, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface)
          Animate the node from its current scale to the specified target scale.
 void ZTransformGroup.setScale(double finalz, double x, double y, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface)
          Animate the node around the specified point (x, y) to the specified target scale.
 void ZTransformGroup.setRotation(double theta, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface)
          Set the absolute rotation of this node, animating the change over time.
 void ZTransformGroup.setRotation(double theta, double xctr, double yctr, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface)
          Set the absolute rotation of this node, via animation, theta radians about the specified anchor point.
 void ZTransformGroup.rotate(double theta, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface)
          Rotate the node, via animation, theta radians
 void ZTransformGroup.rotate(double theta, double xctr, double yctr, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface)
          Rotate the node, via animation, theta radians about the specified anchor point
 void ZTransformGroup.position(java.awt.geom.Point2D srcPt, java.awt.geom.Point2D destPt, ZNode refNode, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface)
          This will calculate the necessary transform in order to make this node appear at a particular position relative to the specified node.
 void ZTransformGroup.position(java.awt.geom.Point2D srcPt, java.awt.geom.Point2D destPt, java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D destBounds, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface)
          This will calculate the necessary transform in order to make this node appear at a particular position relative to the specified bounding box.
static void ZTransformGroup.animate(ZTransformable node, java.awt.geom.AffineTransform tx, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface)
          Set the transform of the specified node to the specified transform, and animate the change from its current transformation over the specified number of milliseconds using a slow-in slow-out animation.
static void ZTransformGroup.animate(ZTransformable node, java.awt.geom.AffineTransform at, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface, ZLerp lerpTimeFunction)
          Set the transform of the specified node to the specified transform, and animate the change from its current transformation over the specified number of milliseconds using a slow-in slow-out animation.
static void ZTransformGroup.animate(ZTransformable[] nodes, java.awt.geom.AffineTransform[] txs, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface)
          Set the transforms of the specified array of nodes to the specified array of transforms, and animate the change over the specified number of milliseconds using a slow-in slow-out animation.
static void ZTransformGroup.animate(ZTransformable[] nodes, java.awt.geom.AffineTransform[] txs, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface, ZLerp lerpTimeFunction)
          Set the transforms of the specified array of nodes to the specified array of transforms, and animate the change over the specified number of milliseconds using a slow-in slow-out animation.
 ZRenderContext ZCamera.createRenderContext(java.awt.Graphics2D aG2, ZBounds visibleBounds, ZDrawingSurface aSurface, int qualityRequested)
          This returns a new instance of a ZRenderContext for this node.
 void ZCamera.setDrawingSurface(ZDrawingSurface aSurface)
          Set the value of surface.
 void refBounds, int millis, ZDrawingSurface aSurface)
          Animates the camera view so that the specified bounds (in global coordinates) is centered within the view of the camera.
 void srcBounds, java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D destBounds, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface)
          Animates the camera view so that a given global bounds appear within a specified screen bounds given in camera coordinates.
 void ZCamera.centerWithAspectChange(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D srcBounds, java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D destBounds, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface)
          Animates the given camera view so that a given global bounds appear within a specified screen bounds given in camera coordinates.
 void ZCamera.centerWithAspectChange(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D refBounds, int millis, ZDrawingSurface aSurface)
          Animates the camera view so that the camera view will match the given bounds exactly.
 void ZCamera.translate(double dx, double dy, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface)
          Animate the object from its current position by the specified deltaX and deltaY
 void ZCamera.setTranslation(double x, double y, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface)
          Animate the object from its current position to the position specified by x, y
 void ZCamera.scale(double dz, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface)
          Animate the object from its current scale to the scale specified by muliplying the current scale and deltaZ
 void ZCamera.scale(double dz, double x, double y, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface)
          Animate the object around the specified point (x, y) from its current scale to the scale specified by muliplying the current scale and dz
 void ZCamera.setScale(double finalz, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface)
          Animate the object from its current scale to the specified target scale.
 void ZCamera.setScale(double finalz, double x, double y, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface)
          Animate the object around the specified point (x, y) to the specified target scale.
 void ZCamera.animate(java.awt.geom.AffineTransform at, int millis, ZDrawingSurface surface)
          Set the transform of this camera to the specified transform, and animate the change from its current transformation over the specified number of milliseconds using a slow-in slow-out animation.

Constructors in edu.umd.cs.jazz with parameters of type ZDrawingSurface
ZCamera(ZLayerGroup layer, ZDrawingSurface aSurface)
          Constructs a new ZCamera.

Uses of ZDrawingSurface in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util

Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util that return ZDrawingSurface
 ZDrawingSurface ZCanvas.getDrawingSurface()
          Return the surface.
 ZDrawingSurface ZRenderContext.getDrawingSurface()
          Get the drawing surface being rendered onto.

Methods in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util with parameters of type ZDrawingSurface
 ZRenderContext ZRenderContextFactory.createRenderContext(java.awt.Graphics2D aG2, ZBounds visibleBounds, ZDrawingSurface aSurface, int qualityRequested)
 void ZLoadable.setDrawingSurface(ZDrawingSurface surface)
          Set the drawing surface of the scenegraph.
 void ZCanvas.setDrawingSurface(ZDrawingSurface aSurface)
          Sets the surface.

Constructors in edu.umd.cs.jazz.util with parameters of type ZDrawingSurface
ZRenderContext(java.awt.Graphics2D aG2, ZBounds visibleBounds, ZDrawingSurface aSurface, int qualityRequested)
          Constructs a new ZRenderContext.

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