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Class relaaja.netlayout.VGJ.Graph


public class Graph
extends Object
implements Cloneable
A class for representing a graph abstractly.

Here is the source.

Larry Barowski

Variable Index

 o directed_
 o edges_
 o idHash_
 o lastTopId_
 o nodeList_
nodeList_ holds the graph

Constructor Index

 o Graph()
construct empty graph
 o Graph(boolean)
construct empty graph with direction

Method Index

 o adjustGroupChildren_(Node, double, double, double, double, double, double)
 o children(int)
 o clone()
makes a copy of the current graph
 o copy(Graph)
Copy the properties of another graph.
 o dummysToEdgePaths()
Convert dummy nodes to edge paths.
 o fillBackEdges_()
 o firstAvailable()
 o firstNode()
 o firstNodeIndex()
 o getEdge(int, int)
 o getEdgePathPoints(int, int)
Get the path points for an edge.
 o getEdges()
 o getIndexFromNode(Node)
 o getNodeFromId(int)
 o getNodeFromIndex(int)
 o highestIndex()
 o insertEdge(Edge)
Insert an edge.
 o insertEdge(int, int)
insert an edge between two nodes
 o insertEdge(int, int, DPoint3[])
Insert an edge with path points.
 o insertEdge(int, int, DPoint3[], String)
Insert an edge with path points and a label.
 o insertNode()
insert new node into graph; no initial connections
 o insertNode(boolean)
Insert new node or dummy node into the graph.
 o insertNodeAt(int)
insert new node into graph; into the nodelist at the index
 o isDirected()
function to determine the graph type (directed or undirected)
 o killGroup(Node)
 o markGroupChildren_(Node, boolean)
 o nextNode(Node)
 o nextNodeIndex(int)
 o nodeFromIndex(int)
 o numberOfNodes()
 o pack()
Re-index so the indexes go from 0 to number of nodes - 1.
 o parents(int)
 o removeEdge(Edge)
 o removeEdge(int, int)
remove the connection from n1 to n2 but leave the nodes in place
 o removeEdgePaths()
Eliminate edge paths.
 o removeFalseEdges_()
 o removeGroups()
 o removeNode(int)
remove the node from the graph(also removes the edges connected to it)
 o removeNode(Node)
remove the node from the graph
 o setDirected(boolean)
 o setNodeGroup(Node, Node)
 o validateIds()


 o nodeList_
 private NodeList nodeList_
nodeList_ holds the graph

 o idHash_
 private Hashtable idHash_
 o directed_
 private boolean directed_
 o lastTopId_
 private int lastTopId_
 o edges_
 private Hashtable edges_


 o Graph
 public Graph()
construct empty graph

 o Graph
 public Graph(boolean yesorno)
construct empty graph with direction


 o validateIds
 private void validateIds()
 o isDirected
 public boolean isDirected()
function to determine the graph type (directed or undirected)

boolean value
 o clone
 public Object clone()
makes a copy of the current graph

copy of current graph
clone in class Object
 o copy
 public void copy(Graph newgraph)
Copy the properties of another graph. This assumes the other graph will be subsequently deleted - otherwise use copy(clone(graph_to_copy)).

 o insertNode
 public int insertNode()
insert new node into graph; no initial connections

index of the new node
 o insertNode
 public int insertNode(boolean dummy)
Insert new node or dummy node into the graph.

index of the new node
 o getNodeFromIndex
 public Node getNodeFromIndex(int index)
s the node at the 'index'
 o getNodeFromId
 public Node getNodeFromId(int id)
 o insertNodeAt
 public void insertNodeAt(int index) throws IOException
insert new node into graph; into the nodelist at the index

integer - index to place node
nodeList_ with the new node
 o removeNode
 public void removeNode(int n)
remove the node from the graph(also removes the edges connected to it)

 o removeNode
 public void removeNode(Node nin)
remove the node from the graph

 o insertEdge
 public void insertEdge(int n1,
                        int n2)
insert an edge between two nodes

two - integers node indexes
 o insertEdge
 public void insertEdge(int n1,
                        int n2,
                        DPoint3 points[])
Insert an edge with path points.

 o insertEdge
 public void insertEdge(int n1,
                        int n2,
                        DPoint3 points[],
                        String label)
Insert an edge with path points and a label.

 o insertEdge
 public void insertEdge(Edge edge)
Insert an edge.

 o getEdgePathPoints
 public DPoint3[] getEdgePathPoints(int n1,
                                    int n2)
Get the path points for an edge.

 o getEdge
 public Edge getEdge(int n1,
                     int n2)
 o removeEdge
 public void removeEdge(int n1,
                        int n2)
remove the connection from n1 to n2 but leave the nodes in place

integer - index of each node on the edge
 o removeEdge
 public void removeEdge(Edge edge)
 o parents
 public Set parents(int n)
node - to get parents of
s a set of all the nodes leading to n
 o children
 public Set children(int n)
s a set of all the nodes n leads to
 o numberOfNodes
 public int numberOfNodes()
s the number of nodes in the graph
 o firstNode
 public Node firstNode()
s the first node of the graph
 o nextNode
 public Node nextNode(Node node)
s the next node after node
 o getIndexFromNode
 public int getIndexFromNode(Node node)
s the integer value of the index for the node
 o firstNodeIndex
 public int firstNodeIndex()
s the index of the first node in graph.nodeList
 o nextNodeIndex
 public int nextNodeIndex(int index)
s the index of the next node after the current index
 o firstAvailable
 public int firstAvailable()
 o highestIndex
 public int highestIndex()
 o setDirected
 public void setDirected(boolean directed)
 o fillBackEdges_
 private void fillBackEdges_()
 o removeFalseEdges_
 private void removeFalseEdges_()
 o pack
 public void pack()
Re-index so the indexes go from 0 to number of nodes - 1.

 o removeEdgePaths
 public void removeEdgePaths()
Eliminate edge paths.

 o dummysToEdgePaths
 public void dummysToEdgePaths()
Convert dummy nodes to edge paths.

 o getEdges
 public Enumeration getEdges()
 o nodeFromIndex
 public Node nodeFromIndex(int index)
 o adjustGroupChildren_
 private void adjustGroupChildren_(Node node,
                                   double dx,
                                   double dy,
                                   double dz,
                                   double rw,
                                   double rh,
                                   double rd)
 o markGroupChildren_
 private void markGroupChildren_(Node node,
                                 boolean state)
 o killGroup
 public void killGroup(Node node)
 o setNodeGroup
 public void setNodeGroup(Node node,
                          Node groupnode)
 o removeGroups
 public void removeGroups()

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