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Class relaaja.netlayout.VGJ.Edge


public class Edge
extends Object
A class for representing a graph edge.

Here is the source.

Larry Barowski

Variable Index

 o data
A general purpose data field.
 o data_
 o dataTypes
Just change this list to change the data types.
 o dummy_
 o head_
 o label_
 o lineStyle_
 o oldpoints_
 o points_
 o selected
 o styleColors
 o styleLabels
 o styleNames
 o stylePatterns
 o tail_

Constructor Index

 o Edge(Node, Node, DPoint3[], boolean)
 o Edge(Node, Node, Edge)

Method Index

 o arrowPS_(DPoint3, DPoint3)
 o drawArrow_(Graphics, DPoint3, DPoint3)
 o getDataVals()
 o getLabel()
 o getLineStyle()
 o head()
 o isDummy()
 o points()
 o PSnum_(double)
 o psString_(String)
 o saveState()
 o setDataVals(String[])
 o setLabel(String)
 o setLineStyle(int)
 o tail()


 o head_
 protected Node head_
 o tail_
 protected Node tail_
 o points_
 protected DPoint3 points_[]
 o oldpoints_
 private DPoint3 oldpoints_[]
 o dummy_
 private boolean dummy_
 o selected
 public boolean selected
 o label_
 private String label_
 o lineStyle_
 private int lineStyle_
 o styleNames
 public static String styleNames[]
 o styleColors
 public static Color styleColors[]
 o styleLabels
 public static String styleLabels[]
 o stylePatterns
 public static String stylePatterns[]
 o dataTypes
 public static String dataTypes[]
Just change this list to change the data types.

 o data_
 private String data_[]
 o data
 public Object data
A general purpose data field. Algorithms that operate on Edges can store any necessary data here.


 o Edge
 public Edge(Node tail,
             Node head,
             DPoint3 points[],
             boolean dummy)
 o Edge
 public Edge(Node tail,
             Node head,
             Edge from)


 o drawArrow_
 private void drawArrow_(Graphics graphics,
                         DPoint3 p1,
                         DPoint3 p2)
 o psString_
 private StringBuffer psString_(String source)
 o arrowPS_
 private String arrowPS_(DPoint3 p1,
                         DPoint3 p2)
 o PSnum_
 private String PSnum_(double num)
 o points
 public DPoint3[] points()
 o head
 public Node head()
 o tail
 public Node tail()
 o isDummy
 public boolean isDummy()
 o saveState
 public void saveState()
 o getLabel
 public String getLabel()
 o setLabel
 public void setLabel(String label)
 o setLineStyle
 public void setLineStyle(int line_style)
 o getLineStyle
 public int getLineStyle()
 o setDataVals
 public void setDataVals(String data_vals[])
 o getDataVals
 public String[] getDataVals()

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