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Class relaaja.netlayout.VGJ.NodeList


public class NodeList
extends Object
implements Cloneable
A NodeList class for use in a Graph.

Here is the source.

Larry Barowski

Variable Index

 o firstAvailable_
 o lastSlot_
 o nodes_
 o numNodes_

Constructor Index

 o NodeList()

Method Index

 o addNode(Node)
 o addNodeAt(Node, int)
 o clone()
 o count()
 o firstNode()
 o firstNodeIndex()
 o getFirstAvailable()
 o highestIndex()
Return the largest node index.
 o nextNode(Node)
 o nextNodeIndex(int)
 o nodeFromIndex(int)
 o removeNode(Node)
 o removeNodeAt(int)
 o updateFirstAvailable(int)


 o nodes_
 private Node nodes_[]
 o lastSlot_
 private int lastSlot_
 o firstAvailable_
 private int firstAvailable_
 o numNodes_
 private int numNodes_


 o NodeList
 public NodeList()


 o count
 public int count()
 o highestIndex
 public int highestIndex()
Return the largest node index.

 o getFirstAvailable
 public int getFirstAvailable()
 o addNodeAt
 public void addNodeAt(Node new_node,
                       int index)
 o addNode
 public void addNode(Node new_node)
 o updateFirstAvailable
 public void updateFirstAvailable(int start)
 o removeNodeAt
 public void removeNodeAt(int index)
 o removeNode
 public void removeNode(Node node)
 o firstNode
 public Node firstNode()
 o nextNode
 public Node nextNode(Node prev_node)
 o firstNodeIndex
 public int firstNodeIndex()
 o nextNodeIndex
 public int nextNodeIndex(int prev_index)
 o nodeFromIndex
 public Node nodeFromIndex(int index)
 o clone
 public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
clone in class Object

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