
Connect all Accident victims to all Accident causes.

Acc_victim ´ Acc_cause

Acc_victim car driver year
  CEF234 Mike 2000
DFG456 Bill 2000
DFG456 Bill 2001

Acc_cause car driver year
  ABC123 Mary 2001
DFG456 Bill 2001
CEF234 David 2000

We scan the Acc_victim table. Its first row is concatenated to each row of Acc_cause 

Result Acc_victim.driver Acc_victim.year Acc_cause.driver Acc_cause.year
  CEF234 Mike 2000 ABC123 Mary 2001
  CEF234 Mike 2000 DFG456 Bill 2001
  CEF234 Mike 2000 CEF234 David 2000

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