
Connect all Accident victims to all Accident causes.

Acc_victim ´ Acc_cause

Acc_victim car driver year
  CEF234 Mike 2000
DFG456 Bill 2000
DFG456 Bill 2001

Acc_cause car driver year
  ABC123 Mary 2001
DFG456 Bill 2001
CEF234 David 2000

Scan continues. The second row  of Acc_victim is also connected with each row of Acc_cause and the combined rows are appended into the result.

Result Acc_victim.driver Acc_victim.year Acc_cause.driver Acc_cause.year
  CEF234 Mike 2000 ABC123 Mary 2001
  CEF234 Mike 2000 DFG456 Bill 2001
  CEF234 Mike 2000 CEF234 David 2000
  DFG456 Bill 2000 ABC123 Mary 2001
  DFG456 Bill 2000 DFG456 Bill 2001
  DFG456 Bill 2000 CEF234 David 2000

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