University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science
Database application project (582203), fall 2009

Project work and its assessment

To pass the course you must do a project work that consists of two parts:

  • design and
  • implementation.

Assessment of the project work is based on

  • the functionality and usability of the implemented application, and
  • the quality of the implementation and documentation.

Factors that lead to a low grade are, among other things,

  • incomplete or incorrect functionalities (e.g., error checking is missing),
  • shortcomings in usability,
  • shortcomings in the database solution,
  • shortcomings and inconsistencies in documentation,
  • problems in the implementation, and
  • low quality of the program code.
Continuing of an interrupted project work that you have started on some previous course is also a factor that leads to a lower grade.

During the first part of the course you will write a requirement and design document. It is a part of the whole documention of the project. You will get feedback about it, but it will not be graded separately, but together with the final document. Therefore, you have a possibility to make corrections to it based on the comments of your instructor and resubmit it together with the final documentation that also includes the technical document of the system.

Students that have interrupted the course before must register on the waiting list/ interrupters' queue when they want to retake the course. Note also that those who have registered for the course but have not cancelled their registration before the starting lecture will later be considered to have interrupted the course.

The project includes presenting your work to the other members of your group, and attending the presentations of the other group members.

2.9.2009 Harri Laine