University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science
Introduction to Databases (581328), Spring 2010
   This 4 credit unit course is part of the basic studies of Computer Science. It is mandatory for the major students and optional for the minor students of Computer Science. In this course you get acquainted to different forms and models of data as well as fetching information from large data collections. The focus of the course is on the relational databases. Both their theory and practice in the form of SQL is studied. The basics of database design will also be learnt.


  • Data and data formats
  • Data modelling
    • Abstraction in data modelling
    • Data models
    • Logical level data models
      • Relational model
      • XML
  • Relational databases
    • Relational algebra
    • Data definition in SQL
    • Basics of SQL queries
    • SQL queries
    • Database updates in SQL
    • Views and security
  • Introduction to database design
    • Conceptual modelling
    • Fuctional dependencies
    • Introduction to dependency based database design

Course material

  • Harri Laine: Introduction to Databases e-learning material
  • Ramakrishnan R, and Gehrke J.: Database Management System, 3dr ed (McGraw-Hill), 2002.
    • Ch 1: Overview of database systems, pp 1-22
    • Ch 2: Introduction to database design, pp 25-51
    • Ch 3: The relational model, pp 57-94
    • Ch 4: Relational algebra and calculus, pp 100-115
    • Ch 5 SQL:Queries,constraints, triggers, pp 130-165
    • Ch 19.1-19.2, 19.4: Functional dependencies, pp605-610, 614-618
    • Ch 27.6 XML: pp 945-949
19.2.2010 Harri Laine