University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science
Database Management (Tietokannan hallinta) (581334-4), Fall 2004
Course contents

The list of pages will become more accurate when the course proceeds. R&G refers to the text book of Ramakrishnan and Gehrke.


  • Introduction and recap of Introduction to Datbases
    • Overwiew
    • Recap of Introduction to Databases (Introduction to Databases course is presumed as preliminary knowledge: the relational model, relational algebra, SQL)
    • Data dictrionary
  • Strorage and files (R&G, Ch 9)
    • Disk storage
    • Buffers
    • Files and records
  • File processing (R&G, Ch 8)
    • Organisation of database files
    • Pile
    • Sequential file
    • Hash file
  • Indexed file organization (R&G Ch 10-11)
    • Indexed sequaential file
    • B+ -trees
    • Hash based indecies
  • Query processing and query optimization (R&G Ch 12-15)
    • Principles of query optimization
    • Implementation of operations of the relational algebra
    • External sorting
  • Transaction management (R&G Ch 16-18)
    • General: The idea of transaction, states of transaction, ACID-properties
    • Database recovery
    • Concurrency control
25.10.2004 Harri Laine