in English suomeksi Study Circle Project

Computer Organization I, Autumn 2005, Study Circle Project PR 3

Report contents are defined in the Study Circle description and the report deadline 11.12.2005 at 23:55.

  1. Design and implement one (1) practice problem.

    The topic for the practice problem is selected in the following manner:
    1. Take the day part of each participants birt date (E.g., number 5, if you were born 5.3.1988)
    2. Add up all day parts. (E.g., 5+13+8+25 = 51)
    3. Divide by three, take remainder and add nine. (E.g., . "51 mod 3 " +9 = 0+9 = 9)
    4. use the result to select the lecture number for your topic. (E.g., Lecture 9)

  2. Produce about 4-5 page lecture notes on one lecture topic. The intent is to produce material that would be suitable to (e.g.) preparing for the course exam. Form is free as long as you can put in the web easily. Try to make the lecture notes such that
    1. They contain all relevant parts of that lecture
    2. They do not have substantial errors
    3. They are easy to read and suitable for course exam preparation

    The topic selected in the following manner:
    1. Take the day part of each participants birt date (E.g., number 5, if you were born 5.3.1988)
    2. Add up all day parts. (E.g., 5+13+8+25 = 51)
    3. Divide by seven, take remainder and add four. (E.g., . "51 mod 7" +4 = 2+4 = 6)
    4. Use the result to select the lecture number for your topic. (E.g., Lecture 6)

    Good lecture notes can be taken into educational use in this and later courses, assuming that you give permission for that in your project report. The author names may be removed from published material, if that is requested.

If you want to give your material to be used already for this course, then (a) place your material in www and (b) publish the material web-address in the Common discussion forum for this course in CSMoodle.

">Teemu Kerola