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Using List Arrays

Using a list array

  • The benefit of ordering the elements in a list array is that we can easily grab one value out of the list on demand. To do this, we use Perl's subscripting operator using the format:


  • When pulling an element out of a list array, we create a scalar variable with the same name as the array, prefixed with the usual dollar sign that denotes scalar variables.

  • For example, the first element of the array @available_colors is accessed as $available_colors[0].

  • Notice that the first element is accessed with a zero. This is important. List arrays begin counting at zero, not one. Thus, $available_colors[0] is a variable placeholder for the word "red". Likewise, $available_colors[1] equals "green" and $available_colors[2] equals "blue".

Additional Resources:

Perl List Arrays
Table of Contents
Figuring out how many elements are in an array

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