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Figuring out how many elements are in an array

Figuring out how many elements are in an array

  • Fortunately, Perl provides an easy way to determine how many elements are contained in an array. When used as a scalar, the list array name will be equal to the number of elements it contains. Thus, if the list array @available_colors contains the elements: red, green, blue and brown, then the following line would set $number_of_colors equal to four.

    $number_of_colors = @available_colors; 

Be careful when using this value in your logic. The number of elements in an array is a number counting from one. But when accessing an array, you must access starting from zero. Thus, the last element in the array @available_colors is not $available_colors[@available_colors] but rather $available_colors[@available_colors - 1].

Using List Arrays
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Adding elements to a list array

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