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Perl Libraries

Using Libraries

  • The next step in your evolution as a CGI programmer is to learn how to customize scripts for your own needs. Thus, the first task is to understand how CGI programs are structured.

  • Many CGI programs use a common toolbox of routines-called libraries. Thus, it is helpful to understand how libraries work

  • Web applications are not ferocious. After a bit of delving into the lines of code, you'll often find that a well-written program can be tame.

  • It's a good idea to view programs as a group of associated algorithms (or routines), all of which have small, well-defined functions. Algorithms are like ants in an ant colony, each doing one small job well.

  • To decipher a program, you need only focus on understanding how these simple packets of code, called subroutines, interact. With practice, they will call out to you: "I add numbers," "I gather form input," "I parse that input," "I say hello world when asked." If you understand the program one routine at a time, the application's design will emerge and you will be more comfortable modifying and adding to the original program.

  • There are three types of algorithms that you will be faced with in most Perl CGI applications: individual algorithms, application-specific subroutines, and interapplication libraries. Let's look at each of these types.

Additional Resources:

Getting Information About a File With stat
Table of Contents
Perl Algorithms

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