What's new on DocMan - 1997
Previous years:
- December 19, 1997
- OpenMath,
an SGML-based standard for communicating mathematical objects between
computer programs.
- December 17, 1997
- December 8, 1997
- Document Object Model,
a ``platform- and language-neutral interface that will allow programs
and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure and
style of documents'' being developed by W3C.
- November 21, 1997
- November 12, 1997
- October 28, 1997
- October 21, 1997
- IMS Metadata.
The Instructional Management Systems Project, an Educom NLII initiative,
is developing a specification and
software for managing online learning
resources. Learning resources can
include people, educational service
companies, content, tools, and activities.
- October 16, 1997
- October 14, 1997
- ACM Digital Libraries '98,
The Third ACM Conference on Digital Libraries,
``Towards the Millennium'',
Pittsburgh, PA, USA, June 23-26, 1998,
Deadline for papers: January 15, 1998.
- October 1, 1997
- Dublin Core,
a 15-element metadata element set intended to facilitate discovery of
electronic resources.
opetusministeriön Suomi tietoyhteiskunnaksi-ohjelmaan sisältyvä laaja
yhteistyöhanke, joka tähtää kotimaisen elektronisen julkaisemisen ja julkaisujen
verkkovälityksen teknisten ja sopimuksellisten edellytysten sekä
palvelujen kehittämiseen.
- September 19, 1997
- September 8, 1997
SplitVision (``allows to
create advanced Interactive Electronic
Technical Manuals ... including SGML-files, HyTime-webs, graphics,
- September 5, 1997
- August 8, 1997
a programming language for manipulating SGML documents, developed in
(Multilingual Text Tools and Corpora) project
- August 7, 1997
an ESPRIT project that produced a
for the electronic publishing, storage, dissemination, and
retrieval of The Computer Journal
- Auctor,
a tool for browsing a network of documents, keywords and concepts,
developed within the Irides project
- May 6, 1997
- March 10, 1997
- February 13, 1997
- February 6, 1997
- February 5, 1997
- February 4, 1997
- Laki-info, Suomen Laki Kauppakaari Oy:n DynaWeb-palveluna
- January 31, 1997
- Updated links to document assembly
- January 16, 1997
DocMan Group.