What's new on DocMan - 1996
- December 10, 1996
- IPIC'96,
International Working Conference on Integration
of Enterprise Information and Processes, "Rethinking Documents",
held in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, on November 14th and 15th, 1996.
- October 18, 1996
- October 16, 1996
- Sept 11, 1996
- July 22, 1996
- July 17, 1996
- July 5, 1996
- June 26, 1996
- The following DocMan report is now available on the ftp server of the department: Helena Ahonen, Barbara Heikkinen, Oskari Heinonen, Jani Jaakkola,
Pekka Kilpeläinen, Greger Lindén, Heikki Mannila. Intelligent Assembly
of Structured Documents. Technical Report C-1996-40, Department of
Computer Science, University of Helsinki, June 1996.
- June 25, 1996
- June 14, 1996
- Companies with text retrieval products
- June 12, 1996
- June 4, 1996
- LT NSL, a UNIX-based development environment for SGML-based corpus and document processing developed at the HCRC Language Technology Group, Univeristy of Edinburgh.
- May 30, 1996
- May 29, 1996
- May 22, 1996
- May 10, 1996
- May 8, 1996
- Softline Int'l Inc. (provider of
several filters, especially FrameMaker filters, and other document management
- April 26, 1996
- April 22, 1996
- April 22, 1996
- tcl yasp, a CoST-like SGML converter.
- Passage Systems, Inc. developer of PassageHub, a text converter which uses SGML as an intermediate form. Input: Word 6, Interleaf 5, Framemaker 4 & 5. Output: DynaText, Panorama (SGML?), SuperBook, HTML, Braille.
- April 15, 1996
- SGMLC is an event-driven implementation of the C programming language ?! For processing SGML docs, etc.
- April 10, 1996
- April 4, 1996
- April 3, 1996
- March 22, 1996
- March 8, 1996
- March 5, 1996
- March 1, 1996
- February 27, 1996
- February 20, 1996
- February 8, 1996
- February 7, 1996
- February 1, 1996
- January 23, 1996
- January 22, 1996
- January 18, 1996
- January 12, 1996
- January 5, 1996
DocMan Group.