The Department of Computer Science at the University of Helsinki is the largest
department in its field in Finland. In this report, we will present the
activities at the department in 1998.
In 1998, the teaching faculty consisted of 10 full professors, 4 senior assistants, 12 lecturers, 11 assistants and 7 full-time teachers, 44 employees altogether. In addition, the department employed 41 part-time teachers, mainly graduate and postgraduate students. The major changes in the teaching staff were the appointment of Henry Tirri to professor (Learning and Intelligent Systems) from October 1, 1998 (5 years term) and the retirement of Prof. Martti Tienari. The administrative staff consisted of 15 persons including secretaries and library staff as well as computer maintenance staff. About 40 researchers and research assistants were employed with the help of outside funding and 16 postgraduate students were funded in the graduate schools of the department. Altogether, the number of employees was 116 (31.12.1998).
The department admitted 283 new students in 1998 out of which 59 (21%) were women. Altogether, 1793 students were enrolled in the computer science programme; 370 (21%) of them were women. In addition, 64 students were enrolled as postgraduate students of which 16 (25%) were women. In 1998, 48 students completed their M.Sc. degree, 4 their Ph.Lic. degree and 2 their Ph.D. degree.
The department participated in two graduate schools, the Helsinki Graduate School in Computer Science and Engineering (HeCSE) and the Graduate School in Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, and Biometry (ComBi). ComBi started in the beginning of 1998; the school has been administered by the department and the director is Prof. Esko Ukkonen.
The main research areas at the department are algorithms, intelligent and adaptive systems, software engineering, distributed systems and data communication, and information systems. Co-operation with various industries is significant. In 1998, the department co-operated with 41 different companies within different research projects. In addition, the department works closely with several other departments at the university.
The researchers at the department published 74 refereed journal and conference articles in 1998. In addition, they published 54 other publications (technical reports, articles popularizing science, etc.), some of them in the department's library series.
The library has about 46,000 items of print, most of which have been recorded in the WWW library system. In addition, the library subscribed to 280 journals. About 2000 loans from the library were registered.
The computing facilities included about 300 Linux PCs and 30 wireless PCs. The department is connected to the university backbone network giving access to the computers of the IT Department as well as to the national FUNET wide area network and Internet.
The department participates in several student exchange programmes (NORDPLUS, Erasmus, Socrates) and 26 international undergraduate students and 4 postgraduate students are enrolled at the department as undergraduate students. Teaching in English has also been increased. The department has received 16 visiting researchers for longer or shorter periods, and 8 of the department's own researchers stayed for a longer period abroad in 1998. The researchers of the department also actively attended conferences or visited academic institutions for shorter periods.
The department receives basic funding from the university. The Ministry of Education grants additional funding for education through different strategy programmes and for the graduate schools. Research is funded by three principal organisations, the Academy of Finland, the National Technology Agency (TEKES) and the European Commission.
The degree programme in computer science has undergone a major syllabus reform between academic years 1998-99 and 1999-2000. In this report, we will present the old curriculum. The new curriculum can be found on the web pages of the department.
Prof. Martti Tienari, long-time chairman of the department, retired on the December 1, 1998. Martti Tienari took his Ph.D. degree in mathematics in 1962 and worked for the Finnish Cable Factory (now Nokia) during 1960-67 in different leading positions in the Computer Division. He was appointed as the first professor and chairman of the department in 1967 when the department was founded, and he held the position of chairman until August 1998. His research interests have focused on numerical analysis (1963-73), programming languages and compilers (1973-83) and distributed systems, data communication protocols and their formal specification (1983-). Prof. Tienari has been active in the International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP). He is a member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters and of the Finnish Academy of Technical Sciences.
Position | Funding | Total | Vacant | Total in | ||
Basic | Addit. | Research | position | |||
Professors | 9.5 | 1.5 | 11 | 1 | 10 | |
Lecturers | 13.5 | 13.5 | 1 | 12.5 | ||
Senior Assistants | 6 | 3 | 9 | 5 | 4 | |
Assistants | 14 | 2 | 16 | 5 | 11 | |
Teachers | 7 | 7 | 7 | |||
Faculty | 50 | 6.5 | 56.5 | 12 | 44.5 | |
Administrative | 13 | 2 | 1 | 16 | 1 | 15 |
Researchers | 2 | 18 | 20 | 20 | ||
Research Assts | 2 | 19 | 21 | 21 | ||
Postgraduates | 16 | 16 | 16 | |||
Researchers | 20 | 37 | 57 | 57 | ||
TOTAL | 63 | 26.5 | 38 | 129.5 | 13 | 116.5 |
In addition, the department employed 41 part-time teachers in 1998. Many of the part-time teachers are graduate or postgraduate students.
1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | ||
Person years | 71 | 86 | 100 | 104 | 110 | |
Research active staff | 34 | 36 | 33 | 31 | 29 | |
Research support staff | 18 | 32 | 42 | 42 | 47 | |
Other staff | 45 | 44 | 39 | 47 | 46 | |
Total | 97 | 112 | 114 | 120 | 122 |
Abdulla, Mustafa, ADP Designer
Ahonen, Helena, Ph.D., Assistant, leave of absence
Alaluoma, Merja, Teacher
Alanko, Timo, Ph.D., Professor
Andberg, Sami, Teacher (part-time)
Bergius, Tanja, Teacher (part-time)
Braun, Ülle, Book Binder (part-time)
Elolampi, Pentti, M.Sc., Lecturer
Elomaa, Tapio, Ph.D., Lecturer, leave of absence in Spring 1998
Eloranta, Jaana, Ph.D., Assistant, leave of absence
Eloranta, Satu, M.Sc., Assistant
Erkiö, Hannu, Ph.D., Professor, Docent
Eskola, Jukka, Assistent
Grahne, Gösta, Ph.D., Docent, Lecturer, leave of absence
Granlund, Kaj, Teacher (part-time)
Granö, Kari, M.Sc., Assistant
Gustafsson, Juha, M.Sc., Assistant
Haajanen, Jyrki, Teacher (part-time)
Hakli, Raul, M.Sc.., Assistant
Halme, Allan, Teacher (part-time)
Heinonen, Oskari, M.Sc., Assistant, leave of absence
Helin, Heikki, Teacher (part-time)
Häkkinen, Auvo, M.Sc., Lecturer
Hämäläinen, Wilhelmiina, Teacher
Immonen, Anna, Teacher (part-time)
Jokela, Mikael, ADP Designer
Juslin, Jari, Teacher (part-time)
Kaivola, Roope, Ph.D., Docent, Senior Assistant
Karvi, Timo, Ph.Lic., Senior Assistant
Kasari, Anita, Teacher
Kaskenpalo, Petteri, Application Designer
Kauppinen, Raine, Teacher (part-time)
Kekkonen, Mika, Teacher (part-time)
Kerminen, Antti, Teacher (part-time)
Kerola, Teemu, Ph.D., Lecturer, leave of absence in Spring 1998
Kilpeläinen, Pekka, Ph.D., Professor
Kivinen, Jyrki, Ph.D., Docent, Senior Assistant
Kivioja, Teemu, Research Assistant
Klemettinen, Mika, M.Sc., Assistant, leave of absence
Kojo, Markku, M.Sc., Lecturer, leave of absence in Autumn 1998
Kraft, Janne, Teacher
Kuhlberg, Panu, Teacher (part-time)
Kuittinen, Juhani, M.Sc., Assistant
Kujala, Teija, M.Sc., Amanuensis
Kutvonen, Lea, Ph.D., Lab. Eng., leave of absence in Spring 1998
Kutvonen, Petri, M.Sc., Chief Systems Analyst
Kyrö, Jaakko, Teacher (part-time)
Kähkipuro, Pekka, M.Sc., Teacher (part-time)
Kärkkäinen, Juha, M.Sc., Assistant, leave of absence
Laakso, Karri-Pekka, M.Sc. (Tech), Teacher (part-time)
Laakso, Sari A., M.Sc., Lecturer
Laamanen, Heimo, Ph.Lic., Teacher (part-time)
Laine, Harri, Ph.Lic., Lecturer
Laine, Tei, Assistant
Latva-Koivisto, Antti, Teacher (part-time)
Lehtimäki, Jarno, Research Assistant
Lehto, Jaakko, Teacher (part-time)
Leinonen, Jani, Teacher (part-time)
Lemström, Kjell, M.Sc., Assistant, leave of absence
Liljeberg, Mika, Assistant
Lindén, Greger, Ph.D., Senior Assistant
Lokki, Heikki, Ph.Lic., Senior Assistant
Manner, Jukka, Teacher
Mannila, Heikki, Ph.D., Professor, leave of absence
Marttinen, Liisa, M.Sc., Lecturer
Mettinen, Kari, Amanuensis
Mikkonen, Jarkko, ADP Designer
Moen, Pirjo, Ph.Lic., Assistant, leave of absence
Moilanen, Jani, Teacher (part-time)
Myllymäki, Petri, Ph.D., Senior Assistant, leave of absence
Mäkelä, Matti, Techn.Dr., Professor
Nenonen, Lilli, Teacher (part-time)
Nikander, Sami, Teacher (part-time)
Niklander, Tiina, M.Sc., Amanuensis, leave of absence
Nurmi, Otto, Dr.rer.pol., Lecturer, leave of absence
Nykänen, Matti, Ph.D., Assistant, leave of absence
Orasaari, Marko, Teacher
Paakki, Jukka, Ph.D., Professor, leave of absence in Autumn 1998
Paasonen, Jussi, Teacher (part-time)
Palander, Sirkka, Secretary
Patrikka, Timo, Teacher (part-time)
Pauna, Matti, Teacher (part-time)
Pienimäki, Santeri, Teacher (part-time)
Pohjonen, Kirsti, Librarian
Pollari-Malmi, Kerttu, Techn.Lic., Lect., leave of absence from April 1998
Pulli, Harri, Teacher
Puustjärvi, Juha, Ph.Lic., Lecturer
Raatikainen, Kimmo, Ph.D., Professor
Rinta-Mönty, Janne, Teacher
Salmi, Kari, Library Secretary
Sandgren, Jenny, Teacher (part-time)
Sarkkinen, Jussi, Teacher (part-time)
Saura, Asko, Teacher (part-time)
Sievänen, Juha, System Designer
Sihvo, Satu, Teacher (part-time)
Sippu, Seppo, Ph.D., Professor
Sivèn, Reijo, M.Sc., Amanuensis
Soininen, Jonne, Teacher (part-time)
Sorsa, Juha-Antti, M.Sc., Teacher (part-time)
Suontaa, Kati, Secretary
Sutinen, Erkki, Ph.D., Assistant, leave of absence in Autumn 1998
Taina, Juha, Ph.Lic., Lecturer
Tienari, Martti, Ph.D., Professor (Emer. since 1.12.1998)
Tillonen, Sirkka, Porter
Tirri, Henry, Ph.D., Professor (appointed from 1.10.1998)
Toivonen, Hannu, Ph.D., Senior Assistant, leave of absence
Tuominen, Antti, Teacher (part-time)
Tuovinen, Antti-Pekka, M.Sc., Assistant, leave of absence
Turkia, Miika, ADP Designer
Ukkonen, Esko, Ph.D., Professor, Chairman of the Department
Ullgren, Marko, Teacher (part-time)
Uronen, Pekka, Teacher (part-time)
Valtakari, Kasper, Teacher (part-time)
Vasko, Kari, Teacher (part-time)
Verkamo, Inkeri, Ph.D., Docent, Lecturer, leave of absence
Vihavainen, Juha, Ph.Lic., Lecturer
Vilo, Jaak, M.Sc., Assistant
Wikla, Arto, M.Sc., Lecturer
Yli-Harja, Olli, Techn.Dr., Teacher (part-time)
Ylirisku, Satu, Teacher (part-time)
Campadello, Stefano, M.Sc., Res., DOLMEN, MONTAGE, MONADS
Gurtov, Andrei, Research Assistant, MOWGLI
Haataja, Juha-Pekka, Research Assistant, MONTAGE
Heikkinen, Barbara, M.Sc., Researcher, SID
Heinonen, Oskari, M.Sc., Researcher, SID
Helin, Heikki, Researcher, MONADS
Hellgren, Vesa, Ph.Lic., Research Assistant, MOCO
Huhtala, Ykä, ADP Designer, KESO
Huttunen, Markus, M.Sc., Research Assistant, IHP
Häkkinen, Auvo, M.Sc., Researcher, HPGIN
Isomarkku, Perttu, Research Assistant, SosKart
Jaakkola, Jani, Application Designer, SID
Kangasharju, Jaakko, Research Assistant, MONADS
Kilpeläinen, Pekka, Ph.D., Project Manager, SID
Kojo, Markku, M.Sc., Laboratory Engineer, MOWGLI
Kontkanen, Petri, Research Assistant, HYPE IV, PROMISE
Korpimies, Kai, M.Sc., Researcher, Komb.
Koskimies, Oskari, M.Sc., Researcher, DOLMEN, MONADS
Kuuppelomäki, Päivi, M.Sc., Research Assistant, MOCO
Kähkipuro, Pekka, Ph.Lic., Project Manager, CORBA-FORTE
Kärkkäinen, Juha, M.Sc., Researcher, FDK
Kätsyri, Jari, ADP Designer, CORBA-FORTE
Laakso, Karri-Pekka, M.Sc. (Tech), Research Assistant, FDK
Lahtinen, Jussi, Research Assistant, HYPE IV, PROMISE
Lattu, Matti, Researcher, AAPS
Leinonen, Jani, Research Assistant, MONTAGE
Lindholm, Taina, Project Secretary, PROMISE
Lindström, Jan, Researcher, RODAIN2000
Luukkainen, Matti, M.Sc., Research Assistant (part-time), MOCO
Manner, Jukka, Designer, MOWGLI
Mannila, Heikki, Ph.D., Academy Researcher, Person in charge, KESO
Misikangas, Pauli, M.Sc., Researcher, MONADS
Mononen, Tommi, Research Assistant, ÄLYJO
Mäkelä, Mikko, Research Assistant, MONADS
Niemi, Jyrki, Designer (part-time), SID
Niklander, Tiina, M.Sc., Project Manager, RODAIN2000
Nykänen, Matti, Ph.D., Academy Researcher
Paasiala, Kimmo, Designer, SID
Peltola, Juhani, Research Assistant (part-time), AAPS
Porkka, Pasi, Research Assistant, RODAIN2000
Pulli, Harri, Designer, MOWGLI
Raatikainen, Kimmo, Ph.D., Project Manager, DOLMEN
Rautama, Erkki, Research Assistant, AAPS
Sevanto, Jarkko, M.Sc., ADP Designer, DOLMEN
Sievänen, Juha, Application Designer, HPGIN
Silander, Tomi, M.Sc., Researcher, NONE
Sjöroos, Toni, Research Assistant (part-time), AAPS
Tamm, Hellis, M.Sc., Researcher, Komb.
Tamminen, Aki, Research Assistant (part-time), AAPS
Tapanainen, Jaakko, Research Assistant (part-time), KESO
Teräsvirta, Tommi, Research Assistant, AAPS
Tirri, Henry, Ph.D., Person in charge, HYPE IV, PROMISE
Toivonen, Hannu, Ph.D., Academy Researcher, HeCSE
Tykkälä, Kimmo, Research Assistant, MONADS
Valtonen, Kimmo, Research Assistant, HYPE IV, PROMISE
Vasko, Kari, Research Assistant, FDK
Vaucouleur, Sebastian, Research Assistant, CORBA-FORTE
Verkamo, A. Inkeri, Ph.D., Project Manager, KESO
Viljamaa, Antti, M.Sc., ADP Designer, FRED
Viljamaa, Jukka, M.Sc., ADP Designer, FRED
Funding (thousands of marks) | 1998 | Total |
Basic funding | 11 900 | |
Additional funding for education | ||
- National Information Society Strategy | 1 900 | |
- Graduate Schools | 2 000 | |
- Other | 1 600 | |
Additional funding for education | 5 500 | 5 500 |
Research funding | ||
Academy of Finland | 1 700 | |
National Technology Agency & industry | 5 100 | |
European Commission | 1 400 | |
Others | 300 | |
Research funding | 8 500 | 8 500 |
TOTAL | 25 900 |
The research at the department has evolved over the years in step with the international research trends in computer science. Early work in numerical analysis in the 1960's made room for work in programming languages and compilers in the 1970's. Since then the research has diversified and its volume has increased.
The main sources of research funding are the Academy of Finland, the National Technology Agency (TEKES), the Ministry of Education and the European Union (EU) research programmes. All projects funded by TEKES also have partial funding by industrial partners.
The Department participates in two graduate schools that fund the research of some Ph.D. students: The Helsinki Graduate School in Computer Science and Engineering (HeCSE), a joint school with the Helsinki University of Technology); and the Graduate School in Computational Biology, Bioinformatics and Biometry (ComBi) a joint school with the Universities of Turku and Tampere. ComBi is co-ordinated by the Department and directed by Prof. Esko Ukkonen.
The department has three subprogrammes and five specialisation areas that are used in the planning of the curricula and in administration. The division is not strict, and several research projects span two sections. The sections cover roughly the following subject areas:
In the following, the research activities of each section of the department are reviewed.
The main research areas in general computer science are algorithms and data structures, machine learning, probabilistic reasoning, computations by complex dynamic systems (cellular automata and genetic algorithms) and computational biology. Algorithms, Data Structures and Complexity (funded by the Academy of Finland, 1983-, Ukkonen) is the area with the longest tradition. The work on string matching algorithms (Ukkonen, Tarhio, Kärkkäinen) has been particularly successful. Theoretical work has often been conducted within the framework of systems research providing practical motivation for the problems studied. Currently, special emphasis is given to the research on algorithmic problems in computational biology and bioinformatics. A project on Algorithmic Methods of Biocomputing and Data Analysis (Academy of Finland, 1999-, Ukkonen) has just started.
The Machine Learning Group (Academy of Finland, 1994-, Mannila, Ukkonen, Elomaa, Kivinen) has studied different machine learning models and the complexity of learning tasks within these models as well as their applications, e.g. in biological sequence analysis and process industry. The aim of Neural and Computational Learning (NeuroCOLT Working Group/EU, 1994-2000, 10 sites, Ukkonen) is to develop a fundamental understanding of learning and of when and how it can be implemented algorithmically. Machine Learning Methods in Hydrological Modelling and Optimisation (Academy of Finland, a joint project with the Finnish Environment Institute, 1994-99, Ukkonen) applies machine learning methods in hydrological modelling.
The Complex Systems Computation Group (CoSCo, Tirri, Myllymäki) studies computational issues related to complex systems focusing on prediction and model selection issues. Current work of the CoSCo group is concentrated on theory and applications of Bayesian (belief) networks, and related probabilistic model families, such as finite mixture models. The Computationally Intelligent Hybrid-Paradigm Environments project (HYPE/TEKES, 1995-98) studied hybrid systems integrating different modules such as neural networks, probabilistic models and genetic algorithms all aiming at solving a single problem. The general objective of the Computational Intelligence Techniques for Non-linear Modelling in Social Sciences (NONE/Academy of Finland, 1998-99) project is to develop theoretically sound computational intelligence techniques for non-linear modelling of data, and methodologies for applying them in the domain of educational data. The main objective of the PROMISE project (TEKES, 1998-99) is to study methods for applying probabilistic modelling techniques (Bayesian networks, finite mixture models) and stochastic optimisation methods (simulated annealing, genetic algorithms) in constructing adaptive and intelligent systems.
The research in software engineering, carried out by the Research group on Object-Oriented Software Architectures (ROOSA, Paakki, Verkamo, Tuovinen, A. Viljamaa), concentrates on software architectures from different perspectives. The group runs currently three externally funded research projects: The Framework Editor project (FRED/TEKES, 1997-1999) develops techniques and tools for designing object-oriented application frameworks based on design patterns. The Software Architecture Analysis, Recovery and Assessment project (SAARA/Academy of Finland, 1999-2001) studies methods for automatically recovering architectural knowledge from source code. The Metrics for Analysis and Improvement of Software Architectures project (MAISA/TEKES, 1999-2001) develops methods and tools for the measurement of software quality at design level. The group and its research projects have close contacts to the Nokia Research Center where Prof. Paakki is a manager in the large European EUREKA/ITEA project ESAPS on software architectures and system families.
The group has also been running a number of projects that no longer get external funding but that still partly exist in the form of graduate studies. The Channel into Object-Oriented Protocol Design project (Kannel/TEKES, Academy of Finland, 1993-1996) developed an integrated language for the design and implementation of communication protocols. The Computer-Aided Software Maintenance project (HyperSoft/TEKES, 1994-1996) developed a hypertextual tool supporting typical software maintenance and program comprehension activities.
Mobile Computing (MOWGLI/TEKES, 1993-99, Tienari, Raatikainen, Alanko, Kojo) studies, designs and tests new data communication architectures for GSM-based mobile data services. The Service Machine Development for an Open Long-term Mobile and Fixed Network Environment project (DOLMEN/EU, 1995-98, 12 partners, Raatikainen) demonstrates, assesses and promotes a Service Architecture (called Open Service Architecture for a Mixed fixed and mobile environment or OSAM) that meets the requirements of open provision of communication services over both fixed and mobile heterogeneous and multi-provider telecommunications networks. The Adaption Agents for Nomadic Users project (MONADS/TEKES, 1998-, Raatikainen, Koskimies) examines adaptive agents for nomadic users. Mobile Intelligent Agents in Accounting, Charging and Personal Mobility Support (MONTAGE/EU, 1998-, 5 partners, Raatikainen) aims to research, evaluate and assess the impact of agent technology to the telecommunications world. A new project, Promoting Interoperability for Multimedia services in Europe (Prime/EU, 1998-2000, 8 partners, Raatikainen) has just started.
The Modelling of Concurrency (MOCO/Academy of Finland, 1990-, Tienari, Kaivola) studies formal specification and verification of distributed systems, developing and using theories and software tools based on process algebras and temporal logic. The Open Distributed Computing Environments (ODCE, 1992-, Tienari, Raatikainen, L. Kutvonen) group concentrates on open architecture models and platforms. First, the DRYAD project (TEKES, 1992-1996, Tienari, L. Kutvonen) studied middleware support for federation of sovereign systems. Conceptual results were contributed to the Open Distributed Processing reference model standardized by ISO/ITU; experimental results included a prototype trader. A newer ODCE project, the CORBA-Based Framework for Telecommunications project (CORBA-FORTE/TEKES, 1998-1999, Tienari, Raatikainen) focuses on the performance and usability of the CORBA architecture in telecommunications systems. The research project Database Architecture for Intelligent Networks (Darfin/TEKES, 1993-95, Raatikainen) examined database architectures that can fulfill the requirements of Intelligent Networks (IN) and Telecommunication Management Networks (TMN). The research project Real-Time Object-Based Database Architecture for Intelligent Networks (RODAIN/TEKES, 1996-99, Raatikainen) continues the work done in the Darfin project. In the project the research group has designed and specified a real-time object-oriented database architecture for Intelligent Networks and implemented a simple prototype.
The worldwide development of the LINUX operating system was initiated and co-ordinated at our department by Linus Torvalds 1991-97. The work with Linux still continues here. The objective of the department in the High Performance Gigabit I2O Networking Software project (HPGIN/EU, 1998-2000, 3 partners, Raatikainen, Tienari) is to implement I2O extensions to the Linux standard network operating system and to add support for I2O compliant gigabit networking adapters.
In information systems the largest research project has concentrated on data mining (Mannila, Toivonen, Verkamo, Klemettinen), also known as knowledge discovery in databases. The research is done with the machine learning group, with statisticians, and with the appliers. The research started in the late 1980's in the context of developing tools for inferring integrity constraints from databases. Recent research results include efficient data mining methods for database re-engineering, methods for finding recurrent episodes within event sequences and development of automatic tools for the simulation of complex statistical models. The Data mining in telecommunications project (TASA/TEKES, 1994-97, Mannila, Klemettinen) has developed several new methods for extracting interesting information from large data sets. The From Data to Knowledge project (FDK/Academy of Finland, 1996-99, Mannila, Toivonen, Ukkonen, Verkamo,) is a large umbrella project developing methods for knowledge discovery from large masses of data. The project combines and develops methods in computer science and statistics, and the methods are applied to epidemiology, biotechnology, environmental research and archaeology. Knowledge Extraction for Statistical Offices (KESO/EU, 1995-98, 8 partners, Mannila, Verkamo) developed tools for knowledge discovery from large statistical data sets.
The Document Management (DocMan, Mannila, Kilpeläinen, Ahonen, Lindén) research group studies the theory and application of structured documents. Former research projects include the sgrep project (1995) which designed and implemented a search tool for structured documents. Structured and Intelligent Documents (SID/TEKES 1995-98, Kilpeläinen) was a project within the DocMan group that studied and developed methods and tools for the realisation of ''intelligent documents'' that would easily adapt to the needs of different users. A central goal application was document assembly, by which we mean computer-supported compilation of new documents from existing text sources. The Intelligent Management Information Systems (ÄLYJO/TEKES 1997-99, Mannila) project studies information retrieval, computer-supported co-operative work and interactive communication in management information systems.
The Transaction Management Support for Co-operative Applications (TRANSCOOP/EU, 1994-96, 3 partners, Tirri) project studied design of co-operative systems including the description and formal specification of co-operative activities.
Applied Computer Science is pursued in several of the other research divisions, e.g. within the algorithms, machine learning, biocomputing, and data mining groups.
The Animation Aided Problem Solving (AAPS/Ministry of Education 1996-98, Tarhio, Sutinen) has studied program visualisation, teaching algorithms by means of animation, and computer-supported concept mapping. The group has developed a Web-based system for fast generation of algorithm animations. The Survey of Information Technology in Human Services in Finland (SosKart/STAKES, 1998-99, Mäkelä) analyses and evaluates the state of the art and the prospects of the information technology applications currently used in human services in Finland.
The researchers at the department published 74 refereed journal and conference articles in 1998. In addition, they published 54 other publications (technical reports, articles popularizing science, etc.), some of them in the department's library series.
Year | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 |
Monographs | 1 | 1 | 3 | 0 |
Journal articles | 11 | 19 | 16 | 10 |
Central conference articles | 28 | 39 | 51 | 46 |
Other conference articles | 13 | 8 | 19 | 18 |
Other publications | 34 | 76 | 60 | 54 |
Total | 87 | 143 | 149 | 128 |
In 1998, there were 1793 undergraduate students majoring in computer science and 64 post-graduate students. In the same year, 276 new students were enlisted at the department. The department has about 800 students who take computer science as a minor subject.
In 1998, 48 students completed their M.Sc. degree in computer science. In addition, 4 students completed their advanced studies in computer science (minor studies). Four postgraduate students completed their Ph.Lic. degree and two their Ph.D. degree. The number of M.Sc. degrees have been fairly constant during recent years. The B.Sc. degree has been recently reintroduced, and students now tend to complete this degree before completing their M.Sc. degree.
Degree/Year | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 |
Ph.D | 1 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
Ph.L. | 2 | 3 | 3 | 4 |
M.Sc. | 44 | 51 | 62 | 48 |
B.Sc. | 7 | 20 | 15 | 52 |
Students start by completing their Approbatur studies (basic level, 15 cu). They then go on to their Cum Laude Approbatur studies (intermediate level, 55 cu) and Laudatur studies (advanced level, 95 cu). The Master's thesis is included in the Laudatur studies. In 1998, students completed studies according to the following table (minor students included).
Study Module/Year | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 |
Approbatur | 166 | 115 | 141 | 208 |
Cum Laude Approbatur | 133 | 101 | 117 | 94 |
Laudatur | 43 | 62 | 65 | 42 |
Master's Theses | 49 | 63 | 67 | 53 |
Ph.Lic. degrees | 2 | 3 | 2 | 4 |
Ph.D. Degrees | 1 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
The admittance of new students has been very high during recent years and the number of achieved credits have increased constantly during many years. The table below shows achieved credits during recent years (minor students included).
Year | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 |
Achieved credit units | 15 037 | 17 178 | 17 494 | 17 863 |
The students normally start their university studies at the age of 19. Their goal is to receive a B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science) or M.Sc. (Master of Science) degree in computer science requiring three to four or five years of study. Beyond the M.Sc. degree there are two graduate degrees: the Ph.Lic. degree (Licentiate of Philosophy) and the Ph.D. degree (Doctor of Philosophy).
The academic year has two terms: the autumn term lasts from 1 September to 20 December (classes from 11 September to 10 December) while the spring term lasts from 1 January to 31 May (classes from 16 january to 10 May, excluding one week of Easter vacation). It is also possible to study in the summer. Intensive courses of 4-5 weeks covering introductory topics are offered in June and August. Graduate courses are also organised in co-operation with other Finnish universities during the summer. These courses typically last for one week and are intended for Ph.Lic. and Ph.D. students. These courses are often given in English by foreign visitors.
In order to obtain a B.Sc. degree a student must earn 120 units of academic credit. For a M.Sc. degree 160 units of credit including a thesis is required. One credit corresponds to roughly one week (40 hours) of study. Our students typically register for 12 credits ("study weeks") in the autumn term and 15 credits in the spring term. During the summer session a student can earn an additional 8-10 credits. Most students, however, work in industrial establishments during the summer to gain practical experience in dataprocessing. Thus, a normal student should earn 27 credits a year, an exceptionally diligent full-year student 40 credits. Nevertheless, there is considerable variation in study efficiency among students.
In the following we will describe the curriculum of 1998. The reader should note that there has been a major change in the curriculum for the academic year 1999-2000. A description of the new curriculum can be found on the WWW pages of the department and in the Faculty of Science Programme Book of 1999-2000. The old curriculum is still valid for students who started their studies in 1998 or earlier.
A typical course consists of 50 to 60 lectures (a lecture lasts 45 minutes) and of 20 to 30 hours of problem solving, discussion and repetition sessions in small groups of about 10 to 20 students. Each course is examined individually with grades: 3/3 = excellent, 2/3 = good, 1/3 = satisfactory. A typical course is worth 4 or 5 credits. The computer laboratory is supervised in small groups of 6 to 12 students. Students also attend seminars with 5 to 15 students and researchers. In the seminars, students read current literature, write surveys and give oral presentations. A seminar group normally meets 2 hours per week yielding 2 credits per term.
In order to receive a M.Sc. degree in computer science, students are required to earn their credits as follows:
Computer science | ![]() |
Mathematics | ![]() |
Physics | ![]() |
General studies | ![]() |
Total | ![]() |
In mathematics, the compulsory courses are Differential and Integral Calculus I (11 cu), Algebra I (5 cu), Logic I (5 cu), and Probability Theory I (5 cu). Physics can be replaced with almost any other subject, such as economics, administration, statistics, or psychology. For a B.Sc. degree, 55 credit units of computer science is sufficient.
The computer science studies for a M.Sc. degree can be subdivided as follows:
Compulsory courses and laboratories | 35 cu |
Elective courses | ![]() |
Seminars | ![]() |
Project work | 10 cu |
M.Sc. thesis, Scientific writing | 20 cu |
total | ![]() |
The compulsory computer science courses and laboratory work cover the following areas:
Introductory programming (Java) | 8 cu |
Data structures | 6 cu |
Operating systems and hardware architecture | 7 cu |
Information systems and databases | 10 cu |
Theory of computation | 4 cu |
Total | 35 cu |
In principle, students are fairly free to choose any elective courses. They normally follow the recommendation of the department by building up a specialized background knowledge for a successful thesis in one of our research groups. Thus, a student might specialize according to his/her study goals, interests and talents, e.g. in theoretical computer science, information systems, telecommunications software, distributed systems, operating systems, artificial intelligence, or software engineering.
The postgraduate degrees are the Licentiate of Philosophy (Ph.L.) and the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). Students may apply for one of the graduate schools, but postgraduate studies can also be pursued outside the schools. Postgraduate students must have shown good academic standing in their M.Sc. studies. When they start their studies, they are assigned a personal supervisor and set up a study program. The study program outlines the field of specialisation of the studies, the topic of the thesis, and the content and the schedule of the coursework.
The requirements for the Ph.Lic. degree can be summarized as follows:
Elective courses and seminars | |
in computer science | 20 cu |
in mathematics | 20 cu |
Ph.Lic. thesis | 50 cu |
Total | 90 cu |
The elective courses in mathematics can be replaced with coursework in other subjects such as physics, economy, psychology, etc., or additional courses in computer science. The Ph.Lic. thesis is normally written in English. The allocation of credits for thesis research indicates that after the required coursework it should take 1-2 years to prepare a Ph.Lic. thesis.
It is important that the student takes the courses and seminars early enough to obtain sufficient background for writing the thesis. The department recommends students to spend one or two terms at a foreign university and to participate in international courses for researchers. In this way, students may make useful contacts with researchers and research on an international level. Study abroad also helps students to improve their knowledge in English. This knowledge is essential in research work. International courses by visiting researchers are also regularly given at the department.
The Ph.D. theses are written in English. A thesis should include a scientific contribution that is significant enough to be publishable internationally. A Ph.D. thesis (as well as a Ph.Lic. thesis) can also be assembled from a number of published articles or congress papers, possibly written jointly with other authors. A dissertation of this type consists of an introductory survey written by the candidate alone, with the individual articles as appendices.
Preparing the thesis is clearly the most demanding part of the Ph.D. and Ph.Lic. studies. To succeed with the thesis it is recommendable that the student works in a research group at the department. The support and the critique give by the group is often essential for making progress in the work.
The courses given in 1998 are listed below. Course descriptions can be found on the WWW pages of the department.
Adaptive Information Systems
Artificial Life
Computer Graphics
Computer Uses in Education
Data Security of Distributed Systems
Document Management
Hypertext Systems
Implementation of the LINUX Operating System
Management of a Software Engineering Project
Object Architectures
Research in User Interfaces
Research Seminar on Agent Technology
Research Seminar on Computational Biology
Research Seminar on Formal Specification of Concurrent Systems
Semi-Structured Data
Telecommunications Technology
Verification of logical circuits
The Z Specification Language
Tutoring (1 cu)
Librarian: Kirsti Pohjonen, library secretary: Kari Salmi, and part-time (20h per week) bookbinder, starting October 1 1998: Ülle Braun. In charge of the upkeep and development of the computer system: Harri Laine.
Chairman of the library committee: Matti Mäkelä. Other members: Satu Eloranta, Juhani Kuittinen, Päivi Kuuppelomäki, Seppo Sippu, Juha Vihavainen, Jaak Vilo. The library committee's main responsibility has been the classification of library material.
Monographs (books, reports etc.). There were around 800 new acquisitions in 1998 (approximately 1,100 in 1997). In particular, the amount of reports acquired through exchange has decreased considerably, because most technical reports in the field are available in electronic form, and thus the need to acquire paper copies is slight. The amount of items in print (books, reports, theses etc) in the library collections by December 31 1998 was roughly 46,000 volumes.
Periodicals. The amount of periodicals (magazines, serial publications) the library subscribed to by the end of 1998 was 280 titles, of which 215 were bought and 65 distributed free. There were 234 foreign and 46 domestic publications. Of the periodicals subject to charges, the IT Department paid for 69 magazines and the Department of Computer Science paid for 146.
The IT Department's library appropriation in 1998 was FIM 60,000.
At the beginning of 1997, a new system was installed in the library, working from the IT Department's server kontti, with WWW-based search and browse functions ( Most of the library's collections have been recorded in the system, 39,856 out of 41,974. Most of the library's titles have also been recorded in the HELKA database, and simultaneously in the national LINDA database.
During terms, the library has been kept open on Monday-Thursday 8.00.-19.00. and on Fridays 8.00.-16.00. Outside terms the library has been kept open according to general office hours. In July the library has been closed. There have been no changes in opening hours during the year 1998.
As before, there have been many loans and the library has been actively used in other ways as well. There were 2000 registered loans during 1998 (the figure does not include renewals of loans). On December 31 1998, there were approximately 2000 titles on loan. No statistics are available on self-service copying or use of the reference library, but it has been substantial.
Distanced loans and the amount of outside users is still increasing notably, apparently because the principal parts of the collection can be found in the national HELKA/LINDA databases.
The library's other activities include the department's publications, exchange of publications, recording the university's publication register (JULKI) and selling lecture notes to students.
A total of 129 of the department staff's publications were recorded in the university's publication register during the year 1998. For more information on publications belonging to the department's own series, see Section 7.1 (as well as Sections 5.4 and 6.5.1). Some paper copies of the Series A reports have been sent to long-term exchange partners, but a complete or partial transition to electronic exchange has been planned, in accordance with international praxis. Buying lecture notes has been possible for an hour each day, between 12.00. and 13.00. in room B435. Kari Salmi has been in charge of this service.
Overview of Computing Facilities
The department offers a wide range of services to support the computing activities of the academic staff and students. The policy is to provide access to advanced hardware and software systems.
The computing facilities include a farm of servers (general purpose computers, file servers, and dedicated servers for mail, WWW, FTP etc.) and a network of workstations and PC microcomputers. The departmental general purpose computers include a Sun UltraSPARC Enterprise 450 server and an Alpha based Citum Power System (a repackaged Aspen server). The main file servers are Intel Pentium based systems running Linux and utilizing RAID technology. The total disk space is currently well over 200 Gbytes. The Alpha and Intel Pentium based machines use Linux, but the SPARC computers run SunOS/Solaris. Together these systems support a wide variety of services, languages and software tools including electronic mail and news, graphics and visualization tools, several typesetting systems, and relational database systems. Special attention has been paid to security and reliability.
The workstation network consists of about about 310 PCs (mostly Pentium (MMX/II/III) with high resolution monitors) running Linux. Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows NT can be used as an alternative for Linux. About 40 of the Linux workstations are mobile laptops which can join and leave the network dynamically. Networking is based almost entirely on switched 100 Mbit/s Ethernet with an optical backbone. The mobile laptops can also utilize a departmental 2 Mbit/s radio network which currently has 9 base stations. On the UNIX side (Linux, SunOS/Solaris) NFS is used to share common resources. On the Windows side Samba (a UNIX hosted Lan Manager Server) is used. The workstations are used as tools for software development, in research and all levels of teaching.
The network of the department is connected through a firewall to the university backbone network, giving access to computers at the University IT Department as well as to the FUNET wide area network that links Finnish universities and research establishments. The computers operated by the IT Department include SPARC (Sun, Axil), Compaq Alpha and HP machines running under UNIX. Services provided by the IT Department include Oracle and Ingres database management systems, SAS statistical analysis package, NAG numerical library, and Pascal, Ada, and Prolog programming environments.
In addition, the department has access to Cray C94, Cray T3E, SGI Origin 2000, Compaq AlphaServer SG140, and other supercomputers at the Center for Scientific Computing.
The national FUNET network is further connected to the Nordic University Network, Nordunet, with a 155 Mbit/s connection. The Nordunet has a 310 Mbit/s connection capacity to the United States as well as many 155 Mbit/s connections to the European network infrastructure. This means that the department is very well connected to the Internet.
The department participates in the EC Erasmus and Socrates exchange student programmes as well as the Nordic NORDplus programme. Seven foreign exchange students studied at the department, while eight students from the department studied abroad in 1998. In the same year, there were 26 foreign students majoring in computer science at the university and 57 foreign students taking classes in computer science (both majors and minors).
Lectures, seminars, laboratories, exercise sessions |
Spring 1998 |
Introduction to Computing |
Programming Project |
Principles of Concurrent Programming II |
Seminar on Biological Databases |
Seminar on Computers in Special Needs Education |
Master's thesis in Computer Science |
Autumn 1998 |
Performance Evaluation |
Simulation Methods |
Scientific Writing |
Three concepts: Information |
Research Seminar on Agent Technology |
Research Seminar on Computational Biology, cont. 1999 |
Seminar on Telecommunications Technology |
Only exercise sessions |
Spring 1998 |
Information Systems |
Concurrent Systems |
Programming in C |
Autumn 1998 |
Semantics of Programs |
Lectures and/or exercises | ||
Autumn 1998 | ||
Introduction to Computing | ||
Scientific Writing | ||
In addition, about 40 researchers of the department have participated in
international conferences and visited foreign research institutions in 1998.
Baum, Dieter, Prof., Universität Trier, Germany, 25.8-26.8.1998
Boulicaut, Jean-François, Dr., INSA Lyon, France, 1.11.1997-31.5.1998
Brazma, Alvis, Dr., University of Latvia, 20-28.1.1998
Campadello, Stefano, Researcher, Italy, 1.1-31.12.1998
Das, Gautam, Prof., University of Memphis, USA, 9.6-4.7.1998
Dybdahl, Arne, Research Assistant, Norway, 1.1-20.4.1998
Hegedüs, Tibor, M.Sc., Postgraduate Student, Hungary, 1.1.-31.12.1998
Jonassen, Inge, University of Bergen, Norway, 20-28.1.1998
Krumm, Heiko, Prof., University of Dortmund, Germany 14-16.9.1998
Milutinovic, Veljko, Prof., University of Belgrade, 4.9.1998
Mordechai, Ben-Ari, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel,
Morishita, Shinichi, University of Tokyo, Japan 7-8.5.1998
Tamm, Hellis, M.Sc., Postgraduate Student, Estonia, 28.8.1997-31.7.1998
Ullman, Jeffrrey D., Prof., Stanford University, USA, 9-10.6.1998
Vaucouleur, Sebastian, Research Assistant, France, 15.5.-15.10.1998
Xu, Lei, Prof., University of Hong Kong, 27.3.1998
(1.1.1998-31.7.1998, substituting members in parenthesis): Prof. Martti Tienari, chairman, (Prof. Timo Alanko), Prof. Heikki Mannila (Prof. Seppo Sippu), Prof. Esko Ukkonen (Prof. Jukka Paakki), Prof. Pekka Kilpeläinen (Senior Assistant Greger Lindén), Lecturer Harri Laine (Prof. Kimmo Raatikainen), Amanuensis Tiina Niklander (Lecturer Auvo Häkkinen), Assistant Tei Laine (Student Sami Mäkinen), Student Juha Sievänen (Tommi Björklund), Student Jarno Varjola (Student Ilkka Tuohela), Amanuensis Reijo Sivèn, secretary
(1.8.1998-31.12.1998, substituting members in parenthesis): Prof. Esko Ukkonen, chairman, (Prof. Matti Mäkelä), Prof. Hannu Erkiö (Prof. Seppo Sippu), Prof. Kimmo Raatikainen (Prof. Jukka Paakki), Laboratory Engineer Lea Kutvonen (Amanuensis Tiina Niklander), Lecturer Harri Laine (Assistant Juha Gustafsson), Senior Assistant Greger Lindén (Research Assistant Mikko Mäkelä), Student Aleksi Niemelä (Student Jani Leinonen), Student Anni Rytkönen (Student Kasper Valtakari), Student Asko Saura (Student Jonne Soininen), Amanuensis Teija Kujala secretary
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