me@tktl 09/06

CS Department's web magazine

Front page

Evimaria Terzi will be our first PhD on 2007

Organising an evaluation task for an evaluation contest


Previous issues



22 November

Ari Rantanen's dissertation

Ari Rantanen defended succesfully his dissertation "Algorithms for 13C metabolic flux analysis". Congratulations to the new PhD! More about Ari in the January issue of me@tktl.

24 November

Guest lecture: Challenges in Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution

PhD Jussi Kangasharju, Technische Universität Darmstadt

Read the abstract

27 November

Arto Wikla awarded by the University of Helsinki Student Union

The University of Helsinki Student Union gives every year the Magister bonus award to a teacher who has shown both skill and enthusiasm in his work. Congratulations to the first Magister Bonus in our faculty!

1 December

Kumpula Campus Christmas Party

This year, the party took place in Exactum and in Physicum with some 400 participants. CS Department organised a dance mat contest - thanks to Sebastian for lending his dance mat!

5 December

Seminar on SOA emergence

The SOAMes project (Service Oriented Architecture in Multichannel e-Services) organised a seminar on SOA emergence. There were speakers from both industry and academic world.

Read more about SOAMeS

8 December

Computer Science Department's Christmas Party

Pictures to come to the intranet!

12 December

Algodan is a National Centre of Excellency on 2008-2013

The Academy of Finland has chosen the Centres of Excellency for period 2008-2013. Algorithmic Data Analysis Research (Algodan) is located mainly in the Department of Computer Science, and partly in the Helsinki University of Technology.

14 December

Robot rally

The Robot rally was part of robotics programming project for Fall 2006 Artificial Intelligence course. The groups used robotic vacuum cleaners with cell phone cameras, and the task was

Robot rally is a spectator sport: there was around 40 sports fans in class CK112 watching the event on big screen, and some 300 more watched the rally in Internet.

More about Robot rally:

15 December

Christmas Coffee

Coffee, cake, company, Christmas carols and awards for the good researchers and teachers. In the picture from left to right:

  • good senior researcher Patrik Hoyer
  • good established teacher Matti Nykänen
  • good junior teacher Sebastian Siikavirta
  • good junior researcher Teemu Roos

18 December

Evimaria Terzi's dissertation

Evimaria Terzi defended her PhD thesis "Problems and Algorithms for Sequence Segmentations".

Read more about Evimaria

19 December

New Dean

Jukka Paakki was chosen the Dean of Faculty of Science. Congratulations!

Sanna Kettunen